
2011-08-15 00:00 来源:互联网 作者:
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4. Acute imaging

4. 急诊影像学检查

The most recent ATLS protocol (2009) advises a series of trauma radiographs (chest and pelvis) for polytrauma patients as adjuncts to the primary survey, though there is mounting opinion that they add little in the stable patient where CT will be performed anyway[2,3]. The rationale for the pelvic radiograph is because of the high risk of bleeding from pelvic fractures.


Pelvic radiographs increase radiation exposure, can cause delays and have been shown to lack sensitivity in detection of fractures with ?gures quoted to be around 67–68% [2,3]. The role of the pelvic radiograph is certainly diminishing and, provided there is access to prompt CT, there is an argument to omit them from the initial management plan completely.


Integrating a trauma CT (head, spine, chest, abdomen and pelvis)into the resuscitation algorithm enables a fast, early diagnosis and facilitates further management (Fig. 1a–c). This allows full evaluation of the patient, in addition to giving detailed images of the bony pelvis and any associated complications.

将创伤CT检查(头、脊柱、胸部、腹部和骨盆)整合到复苏法则中能够快速、早期作出诊断并有助于实施进一步诊疗(图. 1a–c)。除了提供骨性骨盆和任何相关并发症的详细影像外,尚能够对患者做出全面评估。

图1:(a–c) 遭受高速公路交通事故的男性患者,到达急诊室时已出现血流动力学不稳,平片显示耻骨支、骶骨和右股骨多发骨折(a)。由此推测可发生继发性出血,CT显示左硬膜外出血、颅骨骨折合并气颅(b, 箭头所示)。尚有一处未曾预料到的复杂肝损伤,造影剂外溢(c, 箭头所示)。无活动性骨盆出血。

Many patients with pelvic injuries are haemodynamically unstable. Current ATLS advice that CT is contraindicated in these patients can be challenged. At present ATLS recommends FAST scanning (focussed assessment sonography in trauma) or DPL (diagnostic peritoneal lavage) and a pelvic radiograph for such patients [1]. Neither ultrasound or DPL will demonstrate the source of the bleeding, nor can they assess the retroperitoneum or pelvic musculature and the radiograph will demonstrate only the bony anatomy. CT, by contrast, assesses all of these areas very well and very quickly.


分页: [ 1 ]   [ 2 ]   [ 3 ]  

编辑: 唐方

