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2007.09.20 姜文奇教授:霍奇金淋巴瘤的诊治进展

中山大学附属肿瘤医院姜文奇  霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin's Lymphoma, HL)是起源于淋巴造血组织的恶性肿瘤,多见于欧美等西方发达国家...化疗不仅可提高治疗效果,而且可减少放疗范围和剂量,将扩大野减为受累野(IF-RT)放疗。因此目前普遍接受的标准治疗方案是 2-4 周期 ABVD+30Gy

2013.01.27 2012年美国胸科学会临床实践指南:支气管肺泡灌洗液细胞分析在间质性肺病中的临床应用

in the 1960s and applied to the study of the human lung in the late 1960s and 1970s. A seminal article reporting the application of BAL to the study

2011.10.08 一小RNA具抑癌促癌双面功能


2015.02.09 第17届中国南方国际心血管病学术会议

绽放「磁力」价值,推动 AD 早筛早诊早治梦想照进现实

2019.05.10 绽放「磁力」价值,推动 AD 早筛早诊早治梦想照进现实

阿尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer's disease,简称 AD) 是一种神经退行性疾病,其病因与遗传及环境等多因素相关,具体尚不明确,已日益成为中老年人群中最常见的疾病之一。近年来,随着人们对 AD 发病机制的深入了解,逐步发现 AD 患者的相关生物学标志物的水平早在临床症状出现之前 10~20 年就

2012.09.30 变异EPO可以作为缺血性脑卒中药物干预的新选择

S104I-EPO治疗显著改善预后促红细胞生成素 (EPO) 对缺血性损伤有神经保护作用。但是,EPO治疗卒中时需要大剂量并多次给药...和神经功能方面的预后。研究人员发现:将104号位点上的异亮氨酸替换为丝氨酸 (S104I-EPO)后产生的变异EPO 完全失去了EPO的促红细胞生成的活性

2012.09.19 北京大学医学部-艾默里医疗集团医院管理高级研修班

:easytown360@126.com 网&nbsp... Healthcare’s Quality Measurement and Reporting-UHC Quality
Donald F Steiner - Professor

2008.11.27 Donald F Steiner - Professor

Hughes Medical Inst.; A.N. Pritzker Prof.Education:B.S., Chemistry and Zoology, University of Cincinnati, 1952; M.S., Biochemistry, University of Chicago, 1956
抗击 2 型糖尿病:减重与降糖双管齐下

2015.11.12 抗击 2 型糖尿病:减重与降糖双管齐下

(BMI)为标准,BMI 超过 25 为超重,超过 27.5 即为肥胖。2 型糖尿病常与肥胖并存。在糖尿病患者中,调查显示 65% 的人超重或者肥胖,在中国约合 7...「甜蜜」的负担。减重与降糖并重,远离糖尿病并发症糖尿病传统的治疗方法是「五驾马车」并行,包括糖尿病教育、饮食方式、运动锻炼、药物治疗和自我检测。2
Cell Cycle Control: G2/M DNA Damage Checkpoint

2019.03.28 Cell Cycle Control: G2/M DNA Damage Checkpoint

点击下载 PDF>>通路描述:G2/M DNA 损伤检查点可防止带有基因组 DNA 损伤的细胞进入有丝分裂(M 期)。特别指出的是,Cyclin B-cdc2 (CDK1) 复合体对调节 G2 转变非常重要,此时 cdc2 由酪氨酸激酶 Wee1 和 Myt1 维持在灭活状态。人们认为,当细胞进入 M 期

2012.09.19 第三届亚太地区男科学论坛(3APFA)暨《亚洲男科学杂志》创刊十周年庆

We are very pleased to inform you that the “Third Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology, in conjunction with the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of Asian Journal of Andrology” will be held in Nanjing, China on October 10-13, 2009. The theme of this conference is Environment, Life Style & Genetic/Epigenetic Factors and Men's Health, endeavoring to explore the profundity and diversity of the contributive factors to current Men's health. On that occasion, we would celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the foundation of Asian Journal of Andrology since 1999. The Forum is jointly organized by the Asian Society of Andrology & Asian Journal of Andrology, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Nanjing Medical University and sponsored by several institutions and international organizations/societies. As you know that the first and second “Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology” were held in 2002 and 2006, respectively, in Shanghai, China. They were successful academic congresses in Asia-Pacific Region with nearly 400-500 participants each time coming from more than 30 countries (regions) of the world and every corner of China. In view of the resounding success, we will organize the congress regularly every 3-4 years in order to provide a senior academic platform for scholastic exchanges and international friendship. 学术议题 1.男性健康,全球与地区展望 2.精子生物学和生育 3.男性不育和辅助生殖技术 4.男性性功能障碍 5.老年男性,雄激素缺乏及其治疗 6.前列腺疾病与前列腺癌的预防、诊断与治疗 7.环境对男性健康的危害 8.预防性传播疾病/艾滋病感染威胁生命 9.预防人口过多和男性避孕 10.替代疗法/传统医学和男科

2013.06.30 第七届艾滋病发病机理、治疗和预防国际研讨会

The world’s largest open scientific conference on HIV/AIDS &ndash... It is a unique opportunity for the world’s leading scientists, clinicians

2012.12.24 美国律师协会卫生法规部:卫生法规新问题年会

:2013/2/20-2013/2/23 地点:美国迈阿密The ABA Health Law Section’s Conference... Group CLE programs, and an ethics session. This year's conference

2014.08.26 2A型腓骨肌萎缩症(综述)

膜性肾病的治疗迈入 PLA2R 时代

2018.06.28 膜性肾病的治疗迈入 PLA2R 时代

Andrew S. Bomback 博士结合三个具体的病例就 MN 患者中使用 PLA2R 检测的三种用途:(1)对 MN 进行无创性的诊断;(2)区分原发性...M 型磷脂酶 A2 受体(PLA2R)是原发性膜性肾病(MN)的主要靶抗原,约占 75%~80%。仅小部分原发性 MN 由其他抗原(如血小板反应蛋白 1 型

2013.06.01 联合专业睡眠学会(APSS)年会

Convention Center, located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. The headquarter hotel

The 4th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2014)

BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2014) will be held in Dalian, China during April 25-28, 2014, with the theme
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