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大盘点 | 你想知道的 ESC2017 重要事件都在这了

2017.09.01 大盘点 | 你想知道的 ESC2017 重要事件都在这了

全部拿走。数量有限。现在购买还免费赠送 VIP 群咨询服务(具体入群方法详见课程页面—课程目录 「如何加入 VIP 答疑群」),课程相关专业问题,吴教授亲自

2017.04.27 快速上手指南:15分钟轻松掌握机械通气

无创呼吸机病例分析超值福利• 原价 498 元,现价 298 元。一次付费,无限观看• VIP 群:购买课程后即可加入「呼吸机应用 VIP 讨论群
呼吸科必备:30 分钟轻松解读肺功能报告

2017.04.25 呼吸科必备:30 分钟轻松解读肺功能报告

丁香公开课「肺功能」系列课程,火热上线!轻松解读肺功能报告:呼吸科必备,系统学习,一朝学会,终身受用现在购买还可获得 200 元优惠!点击此处查看课程 >>购买课程即可获得:加入丁香园 VIP 讨论群+专家为你答疑解惑+每周一次课程系统学习VIP 群里已经讨论的热火朝天了,您还在等什么呢?每周半个小时

2016.08.15 南方医科大学深圳医院招聘岗位


2020.10.20 世界骨质疏松日,手把手教你预防「骨脆脆」

,远离骨折」。上午九点半,由西安高新医院 VIP(老年病)科、内分泌科、骨二科联合举办的 2020 年世界骨质疏松日义诊活动在医院门诊广场上正式开启。富有...。在上午的义诊现场,VIP(老年病)科、内分泌科、骨二科专家免费为大家提供咨询,并为患者讲解骨质疏松症的相关知识,为大家诊断疾病,并为疾病的治疗提供科学有效地

2020.11.13 2020 原料药注册申报流程、CTD 撰写要点与关联审评实操 (杭州 12 月 18-20 日)

:gyxh1990@vip.163.com中国化工企业管理协会医药化工专委会 北京华夏凯晟医药技术中心 二零二零年十一月  

2020.11.10 河北燕达陆道培医院简介

大医疗组。每年完成的异基因造血干细胞移植数量占到全国总移植量的近十分之一,陆道培医疗团队 2023 年共完成造血干细胞移植 1473 例,其中 743 例在河北

2020.01.03 行医笔记·:脂溢性皮炎的已知与未知

, 2019. 181(4): p. 743-748.2. Andersen, Y.M.F. and A. Egeberg, Seborrhoeic

2017.04.12 双抗血小板治疗:指南与实践相距多远?

743 名患者(7.03%)由于参加了其他临床试验或者自愿退出 EOICOR 试验。在 10069 名患者中,绝大部分患者(8593,85.3%)出院时进行了双抗

2016.07.27 减少全膝置换出血:静脉联合局部应用氨甲环酸更有效

小时失血量分别为 466±313 mL 和 743±358 mL,两者大约相差 277 mL(103~451 mL);而第二天出血量分别为 644±382 mL

2015.11.04 英国警示质子泵抑制剂的亚急性皮肤型红斑狼疮风险

and literature review. Arch Med Sci 2012; 8: 743–47.5.McCourt C and others. Anti-Ro

2015.07.27 慕尼黑大学 LMU München

international students totalled 6,743 or almost 15% of the student population.

2014.01.10 腰椎间盘突出症手术治疗远期疗效更佳

队列 501 例,观察队列 743 例,患者平均年龄 41.7 岁,无统计学差异。治疗方案包括标准椎间盘切除术(IDH)或者常规的保守治疗,最终治疗方案由患者及医生

2012.09.29 使用曲妥珠单抗进行乳腺癌辅助化疗的心功能不全风险较低

(4.0%)患者出现了不良心脏事件,而在对照组中的743例患者中,则有10例 (1.3%)患者出现不良心脏事件。两个协议治疗组中各出现1例心脏相关死亡病例。研究人员

2012.09.19 首届全国方剂组成原理高峰论坛

。⑵本次会议征集的学术论文须附中英文摘要,统一为Word文档(A4纸),论文发送至fjltzwh@vip.126.com 信 箱。论文首页请注明“首届

2012.09.19 仿制药研发申报、标准提高与质量一致性评价研讨会

; 邮 箱:longfei720@vip...; 箱:longfei720@vip.126.com电 话/传真:010-51713248

2012.09.19 2012上海国际生物芯片技术及设备展览会


2012.09.19 首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知

首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知


上海·2012521-23尊敬的老师,您好!生理药代动力学模型(PBPK)在药物研发与监管中得到广泛应用意味着新时代的来临!它改变了动物试验和人体实验传统研究模式流程,指导制药企业项目决策及效率提高;FDA和EMA的使用及推荐,促使国外制药企业及学术单位相关研究者都在学习及掌握PBPK的应用。为促进我国在该领域的发展,力争与全球同步,凡默谷特邀美国Simulations Plus顶尖专家来华授课,让您了解及掌握PBPK知识、获悉国外最新应用、亲授多年使用经验,授课过程将以理论与实践相结合的形式进行。GastroPlus是由美国Simulations Plus公司研发的基于机制性生理模型的药代动力学、药效动力学(PBPK/PD)模拟软件,目前在FDA和几乎所有的全球顶尖制药公司中得到广泛应用,被誉为同类软件中的“黄金标准”。为确保培训效果,限额50人/班,第一轮通知发出后,已得到广大中国用户的积极响应和踊跃报名。报名从速!为何本次GastroPlus Workshop值得您参加?1)药物研发及监管中争相应用PBPK模型的时代已经来临!2)PBPK辅助药物研究可方便指导项目决策、节约成本、缩短时间;3)FDA已广泛采用PBPK模拟来制定法规和对新药及仿制药进行审批;4)FDA及各大制药企业对全球最权威的PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus倍加青睐;5)零距离接触Simulations Plus首席科学家,并参与学习的最新应用案例;6)您可免费获得一个月的GastroPlus软件试用。本次GastroPlus Workshop将让您受益良多:1)制药企业或CRO:有利于您理解您的客户或其他Sites实验方案设计思路、下一阶段决策及实验开展、合理设计实验方案;2)学术研究:启示您开辟新的药代、药剂等研究方向,剖析药物作用机制等;3)临床药理研究:合理设计临床试验方案,不同人群PK/PD研究等;4)法规部门:协助制定新药及仿制药政策和标准。报名方法:请您填写报名回执,并通过Email的方式反馈给我们。Email: training@pharmogo.com报名截止:2012年4月20日(北京培训班)/2012年4月30日(上海培训班)联系人:周伟,电话:021-61638583-8001报名确认:1)报名确认以凡默谷收到款项或报名者提供汇款凭证为准,凡默谷可先提供发票以供报销;2)会务组在接到报名后,将email或电话通知学员培训班相关事项。温馨提醒:学员必须自带已安装好Gastroplus程序的电脑参加培训,现场不提供电脑。

GastroPlus Workshop Course Instructors List

Michael B. Bolger

Chief Scientist

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Bolger is Chief Scientist at Simulations Plus, he oversees a team of scientist / programmers at Simulations Plus, Inc. (Lancaster, CA) in the development of software programs (ADMET Predictor/Modeler, MedChem Studio/Designer, GastroPlus, DDDPlus, and MembranePlus) for estimation of biopharmaceutical properties, simulations of absorption and bioavailability, automated generation QSP/AR model building, in vitro dissolution, and cell culture permeability simulation.

As a faculty member at USC School of Pharmacy, his research was supported by several NIH basic science research grants and he published over 50 peer-reviewed publications. From 1989-1991 he served as a FDA National Science Advisor. He has served as a reviewer for numerous scientific publications. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USC.

Haiying Zhou, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist II

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Zhou is Senior Scientist II at Simulations Plus, she focused on the development of modeling and simulation software for quantitative understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug candidates (GastroPlus), in vitro dissolution of active pharmaceutical ingredients and formulation excipients under various experimental conditions (DDDPlus).

She received her M.S. degree in automation from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in 2002 and her Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2009. Her research interests in CWRU include multi-scale mathematical modeling of gas transport and cellular metabolism with emphasis on the metabolic regulation during different conditions, e.g. hypoxia and exercise.

John DiBella

Vice President of Marketing Simulations Plus Inc.

John DiBella is the Director – Marketing & Sales at Simulations Plus, He joined Simulations Plus in 2003 and has spent time working on the development of GastroPlus? and DDDPlus? software and consulting projects. Now, he leads the marketing & sales activities for the company while continuing to travel the world hosting training seminars.John obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees (with honors) in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2003. His graduate research was focused on computational modeling of physiological systems.

培训班详情:请下载附件参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus北京培训班第二轮通知/BeiJing GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus上海培训班第二轮通知/ShangHai GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice

2012.09.19 首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知

首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知


上海·2012521-23尊敬的老师,您好!生理药代动力学模型(PBPK)在药物研发与监管中得到广泛应用意味着新时代的来临!它改变了动物试验和人体实验传统研究模式流程,指导制药企业项目决策及效率提高;FDA和EMA的使用及推荐,促使国外制药企业及学术单位相关研究者都在学习及掌握PBPK的应用。为促进我国在该领域的发展,力争与全球同步,凡默谷特邀美国Simulations Plus顶尖专家来华授课,让您了解及掌握PBPK知识、获悉国外最新应用、亲授多年使用经验,授课过程将以理论与实践相结合的形式进行。GastroPlus是由美国Simulations Plus公司研发的基于机制性生理模型的药代动力学、药效动力学(PBPK/PD)模拟软件,目前在FDA和几乎所有的全球顶尖制药公司中得到广泛应用,被誉为同类软件中的“黄金标准”。为确保培训效果,限额50人/班,第一轮通知发出后,已得到广大中国用户的积极响应和踊跃报名。报名从速!为何本次GastroPlus Workshop值得您参加?1)药物研发及监管中争相应用PBPK模型的时代已经来临!2)PBPK辅助药物研究可方便指导项目决策、节约成本、缩短时间;3)FDA已广泛采用PBPK模拟来制定法规和对新药及仿制药进行审批;4)FDA及各大制药企业对全球最权威的PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus倍加青睐;5)零距离接触Simulations Plus首席科学家,并参与学习的最新应用案例;6)您可免费获得一个月的GastroPlus软件试用。本次GastroPlus Workshop将让您受益良多:1)制药企业或CRO:有利于您理解您的客户或其他Sites实验方案设计思路、下一阶段决策及实验开展、合理设计实验方案;2)学术研究:启示您开辟新的药代、药剂等研究方向,剖析药物作用机制等;3)临床药理研究:合理设计临床试验方案,不同人群PK/PD研究等;4)法规部门:协助制定新药及仿制药政策和标准。报名方法:请您填写报名回执,并通过Email的方式反馈给我们。Email: training@pharmogo.com报名截止:2012年4月20日(北京培训班)/2012年4月30日(上海培训班)联系人:周伟,电话:021-61638583-8001报名确认:1)报名确认以凡默谷收到款项或报名者提供汇款凭证为准,凡默谷可先提供发票以供报销;2)会务组在接到报名后,将email或电话通知学员培训班相关事项。温馨提醒:学员必须自带已安装好Gastroplus程序的电脑参加培训,现场不提供电脑。

GastroPlus Workshop Course Instructors List

Michael B. Bolger

Chief Scientist

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Bolger is Chief Scientist at Simulations Plus, he oversees a team of scientist / programmers at Simulations Plus, Inc. (Lancaster, CA) in the development of software programs (ADMET Predictor/Modeler, MedChem Studio/Designer, GastroPlus, DDDPlus, and MembranePlus) for estimation of biopharmaceutical properties, simulations of absorption and bioavailability, automated generation QSP/AR model building, in vitro dissolution, and cell culture permeability simulation.

As a faculty member at USC School of Pharmacy, his research was supported by several NIH basic science research grants and he published over 50 peer-reviewed publications. From 1989-1991 he served as a FDA National Science Advisor. He has served as a reviewer for numerous scientific publications. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USC.

Haiying Zhou, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist II

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Zhou is Senior Scientist II at Simulations Plus, she focused on the development of modeling and simulation software for quantitative understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug candidates (GastroPlus), in vitro dissolution of active pharmaceutical ingredients and formulation excipients under various experimental conditions (DDDPlus).

She received her M.S. degree in automation from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in 2002 and her Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2009. Her research interests in CWRU include multi-scale mathematical modeling of gas transport and cellular metabolism with emphasis on the metabolic regulation during different conditions, e.g. hypoxia and exercise.

John DiBella

Vice President of Marketing Simulations Plus Inc.

John DiBella is the Director – Marketing & Sales at Simulations Plus, He joined Simulations Plus in 2003 and has spent time working on the development of GastroPlus? and DDDPlus? software and consulting projects. Now, he leads the marketing & sales activities for the company while continuing to travel the world hosting training seminars.John obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees (with honors) in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2003. His graduate research was focused on computational modeling of physiological systems.

培训班详情:请下载附件参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus北京培训班第二轮通知/BeiJing GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus上海培训班第二轮通知/ShangHai GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice

2012.09.19 2011广东康复科学学术大会暨广东省康复医学会第四届科主任论坛征文通知

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