搜索到 1000 条关于 마르니 스니커즈 VVs2.Top 버버리 향수 홍콩명품 페레가모 벨트 NEW 셀린느 신발 신상 ozq 的文章
2015.12.25 妊娠合并静脉血栓 8 点指南建议需谨记(综述)
Greer 教授总结了妊娠期静脉血栓栓塞症的诊断和治疗方法,文章发表在 The new England journal of medicine 上。在发达国家...、子痫前期且胎儿宫内生长受限,血栓形成倾向和产后感染。临床要点妊娠期静脉血栓形成1. 在发达国家中,静脉血栓栓塞症是导致母体死亡的主要原因。2. 妊娠期
BCME 2014is a forum for presentation of new research results and demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of Biology
2009.07.15 诺奖得主谈限制/修饰的基因组学
限制/修饰的基因组学The genomics of restriction and modificationRichard J. Roberts, New England Biolabs
2018.02.24 CSH Asia: Genome Editing: All Things Considered
Major Topics:1. New developments in genome editing: methods and tools2. Mechanistic studies related to genome editing3. High-throughput screening & target
2012.02.17 骨质正常的简单骨折应用锁定钢板固定或是一种过度治疗
标题:锁定与非锁定中和钢板固定骨折时拉力螺钉承载的负荷类似作者:Richelle C. Takemoto, MD, New York, New York, United States;Michelle T. Sugi, MD, Santa Monica, California
2012.05.17 TOP2A和TUBB2表达状况可预测乳腺癌化疗结果
化学疗法是针对乳腺癌的一种主要的一线疗法。然而,病人对治疗的反应往往是多变和不可预测的。一项发表在BioMed Central的研究表明,TOP2...马斯特大学,与Juravinski医院和癌症中心协会的研究人员分析了TOP2A(DNA拓扑异构酶)和β-微管蛋白这两种酶的表达。这两种酶是针对数百种
2016.09.20 短暂性脑缺血发作或轻型卒中后一年内卒中风险因素一览
改变,包括专门单元的紧急治疗、即时观察、快速抗血栓药物及其他卒中预防策略。目前指南建议在 ABCD2 评分(年龄、血压、临床特点、症状持续时间、是否患糖尿病)评估卒中风险的基础上,对患者进行分层。ABCD2 得分介于 0~7 分之间,得分越高提示卒中风险较高。对于 ABCD2 评分 4 分以上的 TIA 患者建议症状出现
2012.09.19 第53届美国治疗放射和肿瘤协会(ASTRO)年会
会议介绍:Join us in Miami Beach October 2-6, 2011, for the largest radiation oncology event in the world. See new technology unveiled, hear
2013.08.07 Prevalence of Diabetes among Men and Women in China
2016.02.18 短暂性意识丧失:多种病因如何辨?
3 位 VVS 患者作为对照。校正多种因素之后,比较两组患者间临床特征的差异。在 1164 例进行了倾斜试验的患者中,23 例患者(2 %)证实...和比较。VVS 和 PPS 同时发生率比预计出现的机率要高(2% :0.6%)。在所有 VVS/PPS 患者以及单纯的 VVS 患者中均会出现典型的 VVS 前驱期
2013.01.20 2012年ACCF、AHA不稳定性心绞痛与非ST段抬高心肌梗死指南
Keeping pace with the stream of new data and evolving evidence on which... of clinical practice guidelines. In an effort to respond promptly to new evidence
2012.10.09 2012年欧洲泌尿协会睾丸癌指南
% of urological tumours in general, with 3-10 new cases occurring per 100,000... increased risk among Caucasian men in the USA only for seminoma.Only 1-2
2012.09.24 乳癌内分泌治疗新思路和临床实践
of the Incidence of New Contralateral Breast Primaries-36Arimidex Anastrozole... incidence of new contralateral breast primaries in ITT population-39
2010.12.07 RNA测序经典案例
♦ 案例一The New England Journal of Medicine, 2009, 360(26):2719-2729.Impact factor (2009)=47.05Mutation of FOXL2 in granulosa-cell tumors of the ovary
2013.08.20 2012年ACCF/AHA/HRS心律失常治疗指南
Keeping pace with the stream of new data and evolving evidence on which... of clinical practice guidelines. In an effort to respond promptly to new evidence
2013.02.08 2012年ACCF/AHA非ST段抬高心肌梗死患者管理指南更新
Keeping pace with the stream of new data and evolving evidence on which... of clinical practice guidelines. In an effort to respond promptly to new evidence
2012.09.19 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting
in the IOF Regionals - 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting being held... and New Zealand region and JSBMR serves the entire Japanese community with annual
2014.07.25 从病例投票分析他汀新指南支持率
认可及使用情况,New England journal of Medicine杂志于2014年4月通过病例分析的形式进行了一次调查。于7月份汇总结果,并进...三种方案中,哪一种降风险率效果最优:1.不启动他汀治疗;2.启动他汀治疗,并监测患者LDL-C水平;3.启动他汀治疗,不监测患者LDL-C水平。如果按照新指南
2013.01.29 乳腺癌内分泌治疗的新思路和临床实践
Randomized Trial of Zoladex + TAM-56Analysis of the Incidence of New... design BOOG1 (2)-78Survival Data-14Tamoxifen Adjuvant
2012.11.07 2012年美国OARAC成人和青少年HIV抗逆转录病毒治疗治疗更新指南
therapy in 1996. New drugs have been approved that offer new mechanisms... reviews new evidence and updates recommendations when needed. The primary areas