
2011-08-15 00:00 来源:互联网 作者:
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Rarely, there may be a U-shaped sacral fracture. Highly unstable, this involves longitudinal fractures through the foramina bilaterally and a transverse fracture with subsequent spino-pelvic dissociation. As a result, there is a high rate of associated neurological injury.


In the presence of low impact injury, there should be high suspicion for an insuf?ciency fracture. Modern multi-detector CT will identify most sacral fractures.However, some are more easily identi?ed on MRI where one may see the classic ‘Honda sign’ (Fig. 8).

对于低能撞击伤,应高度怀疑存在不全骨折的可能。现代多排CT将能够鉴别几乎全部的骶骨骨折。然而,一些骨折可能会在MRI影像上显示经典的“Honda征”(图. 8),而更易鉴别。


15. Conclusion

15. 结论

Pelvic fractures result from high energy trauma and are often associated with multiple injuries. The key to management lies in early detection of life-threatening and acute injuries. A common mistake in polytrauma is to diagnose and manage an unstable pelvic fracture before imaging the whole body. Multislice CT provides a reliable and rapid diagnosis even in the haemodynamically unstable patient and should not be delayed for management of the fracture. CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis. Knowledge of pelvic fracture patterns is valuable for surgical planning and reminding radiologists to reassess for potential complications.


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编辑: 唐方

