
2011-08-15 00:00 来源:互联网 作者:
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Three sources of bleeding are recognised in pelvic fractures,arterial, venous and bleeding from cancellous bone. Management of these different sources varies greatly. It is generally accepted that venous and cancellous bleeding is managed by initial stabilization of the fracture to facilitate tamponade. In such cases, close monitoring is advised as young patients in particular can appear stable or metastable despite ongoing arterial haemorrhage.


Arterial bleeds are commonly from the superior gluteal and the internal pudendal arteries. The greater sciatic foramen is a common exit pathway form any pelvic vessels and any fracture involving this area incurs a higher risk of bleeding. The superior gluteal artery is at risk of laceration from the sharp fascia of the piriformis muscle as it enters the greater sciatic foramen. The internal pudendal artery also exits the pelvis here but re-enters through the lesser sciatic foramen. It is injured in anterior–posterior compression fractures where there are inferior pubic rami fractures or fractures involving the lesser sciatic foramen. Therefore the fracture location can be used to predict which artery has been injured.


Debate has raged over the management of arterial haemorrhage for many years. Some advocate external ?xation and pelvic packing for arterial and venous haemorrhage and reserve angiography only for more stable patients where ongoing bleeding is suspected [8].Others propose external ?xation followed by angiography if the patient remains unstable [9]. Some argue that external ?xation provides no additional advantage over pelvic wrapping [10]. Equally,angiography has been said to be time-consuming and inhibits concurrent treatment of associated injuries [11], unlike pelvic packing in theatre [8]. One group expressed concerns over complications associated with angiography, in particular sepsis when subsequently proceeding to operative ?xation of the fracture [12].


However, angiography has been utilised to good effect, with a reported success rate of 85–100% in bleeding cessation [13–16].Despite this, several of these studies have shown a high mortality rate associated with angiography. This is partly due to the group of patients treated. Those recruited for embolisation have arterial bleeding and are also likely to have signi?cant concurrent injuries.The success of angiographic embolisation is also highly dependant on early intervention and patients who undergo prompt embolisation have improved mortality rates [4,15]. Where there are no other life-threatening injuries there is a strong case to argue that angiography should be the intervention of choice [10,16,17].


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