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最新  2018-2019 美国最佳医院排行榜出炉,值得收藏!

2018.09.26 最新 2018-2019 美国最佳医院排行榜出炉,值得收藏!

最新报道当地时间 8 月 14 日,《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)发布了 2018-2019 年度美国最佳医院综合排名 TOP20,及 16 个专科排名。《美国新闻和世界报道》从 1984 开始对美国境内医院进行评估,并于每年 8 月推出本年度医院评估的结果,其对于

2014.11.07 探问美利坚——天涯若比邻

美国日(U.S.A. Day) 时间:2014年11月27日 地点:广州琶洲展馆15.3展厅 随着医药领域的与时俱进,国际化的趋势实在不行,为了促进中国医药行业发展

2011.11.09 疑似低血糖昏迷病例一例

用药问答:糖尿病患者 5% 葡萄糖静滴时可加胰岛素吗?

2018.05.09 用药问答:糖尿病患者 5% 葡萄糖静滴时可加胰岛素吗?

在临床上经常会遇到这样的案例:一糖尿病患者,临床治疗中用 5% 葡萄糖注射液 250 ml 作为治疗药物的稀释液(输液溶媒)时,同时加入 4 U 胰岛素...会采取加用胰岛素兑冲输液使用的葡萄糖。一般葡萄糖和胰岛素的比例 5:1 左右,常规用法是一瓶 500 ml 的 5% 葡萄糖注射液中兑入胰岛素 5 U

2012.09.19 中科院北京生命科学2011年度研究生论坛

张翼鷟 :PI3Kδ抑制剂 CAL-101 对骨髓瘤细胞的作用及其他新型药物的协同效果初探

2016.04.10 张翼鷟 :PI3Kδ抑制剂 CAL-101 对骨髓瘤细胞的作用及其他新型药物的协同效果初探

【摘要】:正目的探讨 PI3Kδ抑制剂 CAL-101 对多发性骨髓瘤 IgE 型细胞系 U266、IgG 型细胞系 RPMI8226 和骨髓瘤患者原代细胞的作用和机制, 为这类疾病的治疗提供新的思路。方法用不同浓度的 CAL-101 处理多发性骨髓瘤细胞系 U266、RPMI8226, 以 MTT 法检测

2012.09.19 小儿神经系统疾病诊疗暨肉毒毒素治疗进展学习班

)84874100,手机:13426074245,传真:(010) 84855358邓亚仙医师 xiaoy1314@yahoo.com...官网:http://www.jinjianginns.com.首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院小儿神经系统疾病诊疗暨肉毒毒素治疗进展学习班

2012.09.19 【免注册费】上海分子流行病学与GWAS会议国际研讨会

分子流行病学再揭示人类复杂疾病遗传因素及其与环境因素相互作用发挥重要作用,为人类疾病的风险评估、预防和个性化治疗提供依据。全基因组关联分析(GWAS)为全面系统研究复杂疾病的遗传因素掀开了新的一页,为我们了解人类复杂疾病的发病机制提供了更多的线索。科学家已经在肥胖、糖尿病、冠心病、阿尔茨海默、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌、胃癌等一系列复杂疾病中进行了全基因组关联研究并找到疾病相关的易感基因,我国科学家也在银屑病、精神病和冠心病等方面开展了GWAS研究并取得成效。国家科技部最新公布了“常见重大疾病全基因组关联分析和药物基因组学研究”的863重点项目,吹响了我国大规模开展GWAS研究的号角。为了让更多的相关研究人员,特别是广大研究生了解GWAS的研究原理和方法,学会设计GWAS的研究和分析实验结果,同时在癌症领域分享海内外研究专家们的成功经验,并期待在GWAS方面进行交流合作,复旦大学和美国Van Andel 研究所将于2009年7月12-14日在上海联合举办上海分子流行病学与GWAS国际 研讨会, 期待各位同道免费参加,请有意者及时将回执返回联系邮箱。免注册费(食宿餐饮费用自理)。名额有限,报名从速!时间: 2009年7月12-14日
报到地点: 复旦大学卿云楼宾馆 上海市邯郸路220号,200433
会议地点: 复旦大学逸夫楼报告厅
联 系 人: 赵雪莹 高歌 联系电话: 021-55664495
回执邮箱: GWAS2009@gmail.com
BackgroundRecent success of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in the U.S. and Europe has lead to the identification of a large number of genetic variants that are associated with disease risk and progression, including those for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The discovery of these genetic markers not only improves our understanding of disease etiology, but also contributes significantly to risk prediction, early detection, and targeted treatment of diseases.Although GWAS have been used in Chinese populations to identify Chinese-specific risk-associated genetic variants for several common diseases such as breast cancer and psoriasis, many more GWAS are needed for various diseases. A better understanding of the importance of GWAS and a better knowledge of study design and data analysis of GWAS will further promote broad application of GWAS in China. This symposium which will cover genetic epidemiology and GWAS in China is organized to serve this purpose. We have invited a group of experts in this area from the U.S. and China to share their experience in GWAS, and we hope to foster an environment which will encourage an open discussion among all participants.
Objectives• To better understand the potential applications of GWAS
• To address practical issues in study design, implementation, and data analysis of GWAS
• To promote interaction and collaboration among researchers who are interested in GWAS
• To explore other important studies after GWAS: gene-environment interaction, risk prediction, and functional analyses
• To consider issues and implications related to genomic and personalize medicine
Organizing committeeThe organizing committee consists of four members:
Dr. Jianfeng Xu (Co-Chair)
Dr. Daru Lu (Co-Chair)
Dr. Li Jin (Co-Chair ,Advisor)
Dr. Qingyi Wei (Co-Chair, Advisor)
PresentationsSession I: Genetic epidemiology and GWAS of cancer
• Breast cancer in Chinese populations Xiao-ou Shu
• Genetic association studies of skin cancer Jiali Han
• Genetic variants in the MC1R gene and risk of cutaneous melanoma Qingyi Wei
• Genetic association studies of lung cancer in Chinese populations Daru Lu
• Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma Gangqiao Zhou
• Molecular epidemiology of stomach cancer Weimin YeSession II: Genetic epidemiology and GWAS of other diseases
• Genetic association studies of hypertension in Chinese populations Jiang He
• GWAS of Autoimmune Diseases (Psoriasis, etc.) in Chinese populations Wei Huang
• Molecular epidemiology of diabetes in Chinese populations Weiping Jia
• Molecular genetics study of hypertension in Chinese populations Dingliang Zhu
• Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma Gangqiao ZhouSession III: Post-GWAS studies
• Genetic structure of Chinese population Li Jin
• High-throughput genotyping for GWAS and fine mapping studies Siqun Lilly Zheng
• Molecular genetics study of neural tube defect Hongyan Wang
• Risk prediction using genetic variants in prostate cancer Jianfeng Xu
• Gene-environmental interaction in smoking related cancer Zuo-Feng Zhang
• Cancer Somatic Genomics Bin TehSession IV: Short presentations by participants and discussion
Registration时  间: 2009年7月12-14日
报到地点: 复旦大学卿云楼宾馆大厅 上海市邯郸路220号 (200433)
会议地点: 复旦大学逸夫楼报告厅
联 系 人: 赵雪莹,高歌 (Shanghai, China);Tamara Adams (U.S.)
联系电话: 21-55664495 (Shanghai, China);336-713-7532 (U.S.)
回执邮箱: GWAS2009@gmail.com (Shanghai, China);tsadams@wfubmc.edu (U.S.)
Invited speakers (alphabetic)• Jiali Han, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His major research areas are:
• Genetic epidemiology of skin cancer and breast cancer
• Genome-wide association studies
• Gene-environment interaction• Jiang He, M.D. Ph.D., is a Professor and Chair of Epidemiology, Tulane University School of Public Health., U.S.A. His major research areas are:
• Genetic epidemiology of hypertension
• Gene-nutrition interaction of cardiovascular disease• Wei Huang, Ph.D., is a Professor and Executive Deputy Director of Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, China. Her major research areas are:
• Genetic susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
• Genome-wide association studies
• Genetic variants and association study• Weiping Jia M.D., is a professor of endocrinology at Shanghai Institute of Diabetes, Shanghai No.6 People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Her major research area is:
• Molecular endocrinology and diabetes• Li Jin, Ph.D, is a Professor of Genetics and vice President of Fudan University, China. His major research areas are:
• Genetic and molecular epidemiology of lung cancer and glioma
• Genetics of metabolism diseases
• Genetic markers for population genetics• Daru Lu, Ph.D, is a Professor of Genetics and Vice Dean of School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, China. His major research areas are:
• Genetic and molecular epidemiology of lung cancer and glioma
• Genetics of metabolic disease• Xiao-ou Shu, M.D, Ph,D, is a Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, U.S.A. Her major research areas are:
• Genetic and lifestyle predictors of cancer and other chronic diseases
• Cohort study methodology
• Incorporating biomarkers in risk prediction• Bin Teh, M.D, is a Distinguished Scientific Investigator at Van Andel Institute, U.S.A. His major research areas are:
• Translational cancer research
• Gene expression profiling
• Cancer genome high-throughput sequencing• Hongyan Wang, Ph.D, is a professor of genetics at School of Life sciences, Fudan University, China. Her major research area is:
• Molecular genetics and epidemiology of birth defects (deformity of neural tube, congenital heart disease, etc.)• Qingyi Wei, M.D, Ph.D, is a Professor of Epidemiology at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, U.S.A. His major research areas are:
• Molecular epidemiology of DNA repair, apoptosis, and skin cancer and head and neck cancer
• Genetic susceptibility to cancer
• DNA repair and apoptosis phenotype markers• Jianfeng Xu, M.D, Dr.PH, is a Professor of Epidemiology and Cancer Biology and Director of the Center for Cancer Genomics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, U.S.A. His major research areas are:
• Genetic epidemiology of prostate cancer
• Genome-wide association and fine mapping analysis
• Risk prediction using genetic markers and other clinicopathologic variables• Zuo-Feng Zhang, M.D., Ph.D, is a Professor of Epidemiology at UCLA School of Public Health, U.S.A. His major research areas are:
• Molecular epidemiology of smoking-related cancers
• Confirmation studies of SNPs identified in genome-wide association studies in smoking-related cancers
• Gene-environmental interaction between genetic markers and environmental factors• S. Lilly Zheng, M.D, is a Professor of Medicine and Director of the Genotyping Laboratory at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. U.S.A. Her major research areas are:
• High-throughput genotyping and sequencing
• Genetic epidemiology of prostate cancer• Gangqiao Zhou, Ph.D, is a Professor of Medical Genetics and Genomics in National Academy of Military Medical Science. His major research area is:
• molecular and genetics of complex diseases• Dingliang Zhu, M.D, is a professor of cardiology at Shanghai Institute of Hypertension, Shanghai, China. His major research area is:
• Molecular and genetics of cardiovascular diseases• Weimin Ye, Ph.D, is a Professor of Medical Epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. His major research areas are: Etiology of upper gastrointestinal diseases
• Topic of presentation: Molecular epidemiology of stomach cancer

2012.09.19 北京大学口腔医院四手操作培训班


2018.05.26 怎样的封管液能减少血透静脉导管失功?

/尿激酶 (Taurolock/Hep) 和牛磺罗定/肝素 (Taurolock/U) 作为封管液对静脉导管失功的影响,结果发表在最近一期的... U25.000是一种新型的封管剂,含有尿激酶、牛磺罗定和枸橼酸。为了进一步评估 TauroLock Hep500 和 TauroLock U

2012.09.19 新医改下县级医院的战略突破研讨班

糖尿病药物 Xultophy 较甘精胰岛素有更好的患者满意度

2015.09.22 糖尿病药物 Xultophy 较甘精胰岛素有更好的患者满意度

3b 期 DUAL V 临床试验最新结果表明,与甘精胰岛素 U100 治疗患者相比,诺和诺德 Xultophy 治疗患者在治疗相关满意度及患者报告的生理健康方面有更好的改善。DUAL V 试验在使用甘精胰岛素 U100 后疾病无法控制的 2 型糖尿病成人患者中,将 Xultophy(IDegLira)与甘精胰岛素

2011.11.07 Nat. Com:新方法实现神经元轴突精确连接

据美国物理学家组织网10月26日报道,美国麻省理工学院最近开发出一种新方法,能在实验皿上诱导神经元在精确的位置形成轴突连接。研究人员指出,通过这种方法,在可控制的条件下,能迅速、大规模地筛选新药,帮助提高老年痴呆患者的认知能力。相关论文发表在10月25日的《自然—通讯》杂志网站上。大脑约有1000亿个神经元,每个神经元通过突触和其它上千个神经元相连,它们释放神经传导素把信号 ...

2012.09.19 临床科研设计与统计分析的sas实现学习班


2021.11.30 输血时突发胸闷气急,这个原因你不一定能想到!

简要病史先简单说一个病例 [1]:患者为 74 岁老年男性,因贫血进行性加重 3 个月入院。无输血史与过敏史。入院后给予 2U 的袋装红细胞悬液(MAP)。输第 2 袋 MAP 时患者出现气促、畏寒、背痛与心动过速,否认皮肤瘙痒。查体:呼吸急促,体温与血压正常,面罩吸氧 10 L/分血氧饱和度才可保持
更加强效的丙酚替诺福韦治疗 HBeAg 阳性慢乙肝一例

2020.03.17 更加强效的丙酚替诺福韦治疗 HBeAg 阳性慢乙肝一例

75 U/L,HBV DNA 2.3×10^8 IU/ml(国产,检测下限<100IU/ml),给予短效干扰素 600 万 U 隔日一次联合拉米夫定 100 mg qd 抗病毒治疗,治疗 3 个月复查,ALT 33 U/L,HBV DNA 1.96×10^4 IU/ml,治疗 10 个月时 HBV

2020.02.17 丙酚替诺福韦治疗恩替卡韦抗病毒应答不佳一例

异常,ALT 130U/L,AST 92U/L,TBIL 17.5μmol/L,HBV DNA 定量 6.12×108IU/mL(安普利,19 年以前检测下限... 仍异常(具体见图 1)。2018 年 2 月 12 日我院查肝功能示 ALT 261U/L,AST 113U/L,TBIL 17.4μmol/L,遂来我科门诊
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