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陈 亮、朱全:胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术

2013.02.18 陈 亮、朱全:胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术

Misaki NJTCS,2010-14Eguchi TEJCTS,2012(S8+S9)-8...背 景-2肺段的划分-3手术要点-9适应症-4适应症


to CRO company's business scope limited.Top 5 reasons to attendYou...; risks?* Pre-classification issueBase on the H.S. code, some

2012.09.19 第81届美国甲状腺协会年会

of the American Thyroid Association, ATA attendees will experience top-notch educational...;s finest oasis.

2015.07.09 警惕:脐部结节不容小觑

Sister Mary Joseph's Nodule,又称玛莉约瑟夫结节,位于脐部。那么它到底是什么样的,是什么病的表现呢?本文将通过三个病例来带你... Mary Joseph's Nodule 比较大,实际上,多数都很小,更容易与皮肤疾病相混淆。丁香园 xubh1010 战友就遇到了这一一例更易误诊的病例

2019.09.20 世界阿尔茨海默病日|越早诊断,越能从容面对

), 535.5.5-2.Youn, Y. C. , Kang, S. , Suh, J. , Park, Y. H. , Kang, M. J. , &amp...9 月 21 日是世界阿尔茨海默病日,今年的主题是「从容面对,不再回避(Let’s talk about dementia: end

2015.10.29 第四届中国国际继续医学教育大会暨第十六届解放军总医院消化内镜年度学术会议

Techniques(DEFTT))、第二届消化内镜创新节 (2nd Festive of Digestive Endoscopic Innovation),将于... of ERCP from 1960s to Now小越和荣(日本)09:55-10:10隧道技术的发展令狐恩强
常德市第四人民医院的 6S

2020.02.13 常德市第四人民医院的 6S

不是所有的 PCT 都是 B∙R∙A∙H∙M∙S PCT

2019.07.29 不是所有的 PCT 都是 B∙R∙A∙H∙M∙S PCT

2018.05.16 BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2018

eurotalk 2018 is a science and education event which brings together neuroscientists neurologists and neurosurgeons from around the globe gather to exchange ideas and debut cutting-edge research and therapy-oriented technologies in the key areas of clinical neurology provides ...

2018.05.16 BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2018

eurotalk 2018 is a science and education event which brings together neuroscientists neurologists and neurosurgeons from around the globe gather to exchange ideas and debut cutting-edge research and therapy-oriented technologies in the key areas of clinical neurology provides ...
Effect of Lactobacillus GG on tolerance acquisition in infants with cow’s milk allergy: A randomized trial

2018.01.09 Effect of Lactobacillus GG on tolerance acquisition in infants with cow’s milk allergy: A randomized trial


2014.10.18 90s-CTA检测斑点征:有助于发现血肿扩大

来自哈佛医学院的Javier M教授科研团队展开了相关研究,探索90秒-CTA的使用能否提高检测颅内出血患者斑点征的灵敏度。该研究成果于近日发表在Stroke杂志上。

2013.12.05 Jugular Venous Reflux and White Matter Abnormalities in Alzheimer\\\'s Disease: A Pilot Study.

【J Alzheimers Dis:颈静脉回流与阿尔茨海默氏病患者大脑白质变化有关】现在,一个国际研究小组研究发现,在阿尔茨海默氏症和轻度认知功能损害情况下,脑外血管会出现畸形。该发现对更好地理解阿尔茨海默氏症和与衰老相关的其他神经性疾病有潜在的影响。

2013.11.12 Integrated multidisciplinary care in Parkinson \\\'s disease: a non-randomised, controlled trial

【 Lancet Neurol:整合多学科治疗帕金森病:一项更好的方法?】近期发表于《柳叶刀·神经病学》杂志一项研究表明,整合多学科治疗对帕金森病患者益处有限,并且对基线疾病严重度进行校正后上述获益消失。如果对这些接受此种方法治疗的患者进行更为长期的随访将是十分有意义的
U.S. News公布2014年度最佳大学排行榜

2013.09.13 U.S. News公布2014年度最佳大学排行榜

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