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2013.08.12 A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of CCX282-B, an Orally-Administered Blocker of Chemokine Receptor CCR9, for Patients with Crohn\\\'s

女婴新生12天保温箱内死亡 温度过高还是4S综合征?

2013.07.19 女婴新生12天保温箱内死亡 温度过高还是4S综合征?


2013.03.28 美国肠外与肠道营养学会(A.S.P.E.N.):2013临床营养周(CNW 2013)

官方网站: www.nutritioncare.org/ClinicalNutritionWeek/index.aspx?id=508会议时间:2013/2/9-2013/2/12  地点:美国亚利桑那州凤凰城 

2012.09.19 第四届国际生物医学和环境科学技术大会4Th International Conference on Biomedical and Environmental S

4Th International Conference on Biomedical and Environmental Sciences & Technology (icBEST-2012)
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
April 16th-19th, 2012
 On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Genomic Stability and Human Diseases (icBEST-2012) to be held on April 16th-19th, 2012 in Guangzhou, China.icBEST is previously known as the “International Conference on Frontiers in Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences”, which has ever been held in Chongqing (2004), Wuhan (2006) , Hangzhou (2008) and Beijing (2010). The two areas of emphasis of the icBEST-2012 are Genomic stability and Cancer Development. The topics of this year encompass mechanisms of DNA damage signaling and DNA damage repair, telomere biology, aging, environmental genetic toxicology, in the context of cancer biology and cancer intervention. The conference will highlight recent progresses in these selected fields through participation of many international leaders of these fields. Our aim is to provide an interactive forum to showcase the excellent science being undertaken in the above fields. The scientific sessions are highly topical with an excellent program including keynote lectures, symposia and poster presentations.We look forward to seeing you in Guangzhou.
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
The Chinese Biological Investigators Society

2014.08.19 BioAssist系列色谱柱对单克隆抗体的分离分析

AbstractTSKgel BioAssist S columns are eminently suitable for analysis of monoclonal antibodies at pH 6.0 where their stability is least affected. Similar high

2021.08.27 阿尔茨海默病究竟是怎么回事?

老年期痴呆分为很多种,最常见的就是阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease),简称 AD。阿尔茨海默病多发生于老年和老年前期。表现...。阿尔茨海默病的预后怎么样呢?阿尔茨海默病的病程约 5-10 年,少数患者可存活 10 年或更长的时间,患者多死于肺部感染、泌尿系感染、压疮

2021.04.29 宝宝感冒、湿疹,真的不能接种疫苗了吗?

华更是成为了杭州市首批预防接种门诊 6S 现场管理试点单位,受到官方认证并表扬!由杭州贝瑞斯美华妇儿医院(原 杭州美华妇儿医院)的单红阁主任,来给大家讲讲...。接种推荐方案:15 月龄 接种第 1 剂3 周岁 接种第 2 剂加强轮状病毒疫苗每年的 10 月到来年 3 月
GST 融合蛋白纯化常见问题指南

2017.08.30 GST 融合蛋白纯化常见问题指南

谷胱甘肽 S 转移酶(GST)是一个含有 211 个氨基酸的蛋白,通常将该蛋白加入到重组蛋白的末端以便对该重组蛋白进行纯化或检测。具有组氨酸的非融合蛋白会产生...中 GSH 的浓度:常规方案中建议 10 mM GSH 对于大多数应用来说足够了,但是也存在例外。尝试使用 50 mM Tris-HCl,20-40 mM

2018.05.22 2018 年世界领先心脏病介入学会(EURO PCR)

大会信息:会议日期:2018 年 5 月 22 日-25 日 会议城市:法国-巴黎 会展场馆:Palais des Congrès注册费:暂无 论文提交截止...公司官网:www.hdimcs.com贴心服务供您选:1、提供以下服务:会议注册,申请邀请函,预订酒店、预订机票、代办签证、接送机安排

2019.05.10 阿兹海默病的评估及诊断

由于阿兹海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease, AD)是一种神经系统退行性疾病,这种疾病会影响患者的记忆力、理解力、认知能力等。在国内发病率逐年增高...计。当感应端的磁讯号产生变化时,可以透过 SQUID 侦测到。敏感度可达 10-12 T 磁场。让 IMR 的侦测极限血液浓度含量提到高 femto-gram

2015.10.21 2015 北京手术技艺高峰论坛暨手术技艺高级培训班

时值金秋 10 月,由北京医师协会手术技艺研究会、中关村华医移动医疗技术创新研究院共同主办的「2015 北京手术技艺高峰论坛暨手术技艺高级培训班」将于 10 月 31 日在北京召开。北京医师协会手术技艺研究会自 2013 年成立以来,集合来自北京各大医院不同外科领域专家力量,以组织和申报国家级学术
高福:Influenza virus entry and release

2013.04.19 高福:Influenza virus entry and release

structures of HA and human receptor avian receptor-17George’s... common HAs-22N10 has no Neuraminidase activity-26

2014.08.12 运动控制与帕金森病国际研讨会

on Motor Controland Parkinson’s Disease)将于北京国家会议中心举行。本次会议将邀请首都医科大学客座教授...8月14日前将参会回执发至会务组邮箱: zzheng25@hotmail.com参会通知及回执请点击下载或复制链接http
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