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2012.09.19 中美肿瘤预防与筛查高峰论坛

Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&U.S. National Cancer... The workshop will review the status of research in these areas in the U.S. and China

2012.09.19 国际制药工程协会2011年会

, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the world's largest... by the world's top pharmaceutical manufacturing professionals. We provide

2009.07.14 EphA2 mediates ligand-dependent inhibition and ligand-independent promotion of cell migration and invasion via a reciprocal regulatory loop with Akt

required phosphorylation of EphA2 on serine 897 by Akt, and S897A mutation... on S897. In human astrocytoma, S897 phosphorylation was correlated with tumor

2012.07.17 黄疸的诊断和治疗进展


2012.04.24 从ACCORD研究看糖尿病血脂管理之他汀主旋律


2019.09.20 世界阿尔茨海默病日|越早诊断,越能从容面对

9 月 21 日是世界阿尔茨海默病日,今年的主题是「从容面对,不再回避(Let’s talk about dementia: end...). Nia-aa research framework: toward a biological definition of alzheimer's

2014.03.10 韩国拟评估三星心率监测手机是否为医疗设备

韩国食品药品安全部(MFDS)上周宣布,将对三星最新款手机Galaxy S5加以评估,以确定这款内置了心率传感器的产品,是否应当作为医疗设备...或预防疾病的设备。”一位MFDS官员称,三星仍有可能按照原计划于今年4月中旬Galaxy S5正式投放市场,原因是就韩国而言,监管部门对于医疗设备的安全性

2019.01.22 2019 美国药典「一次性使用系统」研讨会

时间:2019 年 2 月 27-28 日(1 天半) 中国北京主办方:美国药典委员会 (U.S. Pharmacopeial...)Email: : zongmin.wang@echinachem.com会议地点 : 北京兴基铂尔曼酒店地址:中国北京亦庄经济技术开发区荣华南路 12 号电话

2012.09.19 国际泌尿外科学会(SIU)第三十届大会

Congress Venue
Shanghai International Convention Center
No. 2727 Riverside Avenue, Pudong
Shanghai, China
200120 The 30th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center (SICC) from Sunday, November 1 to Thursday, November 5, 2009. The SICC is located in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Center Zone, has hosted many major international conferences, and is renowned for the abundance of options and high-tech resources it offers guests. Visa Letter of InvitationOfficial Visa Letter of invitation can be sent to you by the Chinese Medical Association, upon request. Pre-registration for the 30th SIU Congress is required in order to receive such a letter. If you are planning to visit China with your family, the letter can be issued for up to five family members. These letters do not commit the Congress to any financial obligations, nor do they obligate the Congress to intercede in any way on the participant抯 behalf. The SIU is not able to contact embassies or consulates on behalf of any individual wishing to enter China to attend the SIU 30th Congress in Shanghai. VisaVisas are required for almost all visitors to mainland China. Foreign delegates should apply for visas from their nearest Chinese embassy or consulate as soon as possible to ensure that they receive their visa in due time. Certain conditions apply to visitors whose country of residence is not the same as their country of citizenship. TransportationFor transfers to your hotel, please contact SIUIndividualBooking@pacificworldcn.com The rates are as follows:
From Pudong International Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $118
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $152
From Hong Qiao Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $88
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $106 Delegates from ItalyPlease contact the agency listed below to assist you in making travel arrangements for the 30th Congress of the SIU.

2012.09.19 第43届国际儿科肿瘤学会会议

, and London is from Milan. It's twice the distance from London to Edinburgh. &nbsp...://www.siop2011.com/

2012.09.19 第43届西方神经放射学学会年会

desert golf designed by Ted Robinson, the desert's largest tennis center...://www.rancholaspalmas.com/Please mark your calendars now for an amazing
麒麟制药 Poteligeo 获 FDA 批准治疗两种罕见非霍奇金淋巴瘤

2018.08.22 麒麟制药 Poteligeo 获 FDA 批准治疗两种罕见非霍奇金淋巴瘤

近日,美国食品和药物管理局批准了协和发酵麒麟公司的静脉注射剂 Poteligeo(mogamulizumab-kpkc)用于治疗复发性或难治性蕈样真菌病(MF)或 Sézary 综合征(SS)且至少经过一次全身治疗的成年患者。「蕈样真菌病和 Sézary 综合征是罕见并且难治的非霍奇金淋巴瘤类型,这次批准填补

2015.08.26 这些年我们追过的医疗美剧

实习医生格蕾 Grey's Anatomy (2005-Present)能追美剧,大概也是八零后才开始享受的一项福利吧,至少我是从 2005 年开始...、医患关系?不会光看到滚床单了吧。Grey's Anatomy 其实还是一本很经典的解剖书的名字,以此命名此剧大概一来是指示剧中格雷是主人公,二来符合外科

2014.06.18 以脑桥微出血为特征的CADASIL一例


2011.11.01 世界卫生组织发布肺结核指南第四版

The World Health Organization’s Stop&nbsp...; technology and the country’s progress in 

2011.11.07 Nat. Com:新方法实现神经元轴突精确连接

据美国物理学家组织网10月26日报道,美国麻省理工学院最近开发出一种新方法,能在实验皿上诱导神经元在精确的位置形成轴突连接。研究人员指出,通过这种方法,在可控制的条件下,能迅速、大规模地筛选新药,帮助提高老年痴呆患者的认知能力。相关论文发表在10月25日的《自然—通讯》杂志网站上。大脑约有1000亿个神经元,每个神经元通过突触和其它上千个神经元相连,它们释放神经传导素把信号 ...

2012.10.15 脑卒中溶栓预测器改进后可以更加准确


2012.09.19 第116届美国骨科协会骨科医学大会暨博览会(CME)

American Osteopathic Association's 116th Annual Osteopathic Medical...介绍:The American Osteopathic Association's 116th Annual Osteopathic Medical
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