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2013.04.19 Suppression of P-gp induced multiple drug resistance in a drug resistant gastric cancer cell line by overexpression of Fas

2011.12.09 精神分裂症有关的Dysbindin-1蛋白质通过促进p53的转录活性而有利于突起生长

the transcriptional activity of p53.Ma X , Fei E , Fu C , Ren H , Wang G... the repressive effects of necdin on p53 transcriptional activity. Knockdown of dysbindin-1

2011.11.28 一个与精神分裂症有关的的蛋白质Dysbindin-1能够促进p53的转录活性从而促进突起生长

the transcriptional activity of p53.Ma X , Fei E , Fu C , Ren H , Wang G... the repressive effects of necdin on p53 transcriptional activity. Knockdown

2012.02.07 microRNA-423靶向p21Cip1/Waf1促进肝癌细胞生长和调节G1/S转换

cell growth and regulates G1/S transition by targeting p... transition in HCC cells. In particular, we found that miR-423-3p contributes

2013.07.17 主办单位介绍


2012.09.19 血管外科疾病腔内治疗新进展


2012.09.19 血液系统疾病诊断和治疗国际新进展

会议时间:2010-12-16 - 2010-12-20会议地点:杭州市专业:血液病会议类型:专题会议

2012.09.27 方唯一


2013.06.09 Vivacon 500离心浓缩管

125,000 MWCO65012 min.85

2011.12.30 缺铁症通过p38 MAPK-NF-κB信号通路能够在巨噬细胞和泡沫细胞激活促炎症反应

activates pro-inflammatory signaling in macrophages and foamcells via the p... protein levels, nuclear factor (NF)-κB-p65 protein levels, peroxisome

2012.09.19 第三届国际泛亚妇科泌尿与盆底重建外科进展和诊治规范化研讨会

12.压力性尿失禁不同术式的比较和应用策略(童晓文)13.盆底器官脱垂手术后复发的防治(华克勤)14.盆底重建...E-mail: zlele@126.com libaoheng@sina.com乘车路线1、福州火车站乘的士

2011.12.12 小檗碱降低通过阻止P38通路活化在PMA诱导的巨噬细胞中下调MMP- 9和EMMPRIN的表达

both MMP-9 and EMMPRIN expression through prevention of p38 pathway activation... reduced MMP-9 activity. Furthermore, berberine also suppressed p38 signaling

2012.11.23 ://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ix

After decades of focusing almost exclusively on treating HIV, public health experts are now considering a new approach, moving to establish more effective prevention strategies to curb spread of the disease. Recent tests show that anti-HIV drugs that can hamper the growth of the virus responsible for AIDS may also prevent progression of the disease if given to infected individuals soon after their exposure to HIV. The same drugs can also prevent infections from taking hold among healthy people who are exposed to the virus; both approaches would be critical ways of controlling spread of the virus and keeping new cases of HIV to a minimum.\r\n\r\nRead more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ixzz2CripWt9p

2012.09.19 12期《临床科研方法与实施》专题培训

12期《临床科研方法与实施》专题培训通知主办:中华医学会中华医学信息导报临床医学的发展离不开高质量的临床科研作为基础,而我国的...将于2011年3月举办第12期《临床科研方法与实施》专题培训。培训时间:2011年3月25-27日地 点:北 京培训费用:1200元

2012.09.19 2010上海第一届分子医学大会

由中国医药生物技术协会和国家外国专家局国外人才信息研究中心主办,大连百奥泰生物技术公司承办的2010第一届分子医学大会将于2010年11月10-12日...://www.bitlifesciences.com/mdpm2010/cn/2010第一届分子医学大会会务组联系人:刘佳瑞电话:0411-84799609-828/ 84796897

2011.04.21 会议日程

-12:00 刘伦旭 对完全胸腔镜手术新认识(胸腔镜手术可以达到开放手术的高度吗?)午餐(12:15)强生卫星会(12:15-13:15)第一分会场:微创肺外科(地点:华西医院新教学大楼一楼多功能厅)点评

2012.09.19 2010年10月29日马拉松团体沙盘

10月29日 星期五 上午:10点-12点 下午1点-5点 (中午安排一个小时午休)费 用:120元/人,在校学生凭学生证交费报名可以96元...:010-82965058 13683003876网 址: www.beijingxinli.com(北京心理咨询与心理文学网)电子邮件
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