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2016.07.25 病例挑战:孤立性单侧面神经麻痹
为局部皮肤单侧面神经麻痹,这是世界上有报道的第二例个案,也是在临床缓解期中发生表现的第一例个案报道。男性,79 岁,被其耳鼻喉科医生因左侧面部轻度麻痹转诊至皮肤科... 1a、b)。不规则的淋巴细胞浸润镜下为多形的大淋巴细胞,染色质疏松,核仁明显,有丝分裂活跃。免疫组化结果:CD20,CD79a 阳性(图 1c);PAX5
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展示和分享陆道培医学团队最新科研成果。研究一:使用 cCD79a 设门的多色流式可以有效监测 CD19-CAR-T 治疗 B-ALL 后 MRD,并且预测桥接移植的预后第一作者流式细胞室陈曼医师的文章「Multicolor Flow Cytometry Panel with cCD79A Gating
2012.09.19 药物非临床安全评价关键技术研讨会
当前,我国政府从监管和科技层面都对临床前药物安全性评价研究给予了高度的重视和支持,在国家高技术发展计划(“863” 计划)和“国家重大新药创制”科技重大专项中,都将临床前药物安全性评价研究列为重要内容;而重视药物安全性评价是新药研发的国际大趋势,提高药物安全水平也是保障人民健康的必然要求。为适应我国创新药物研究与开发的需要,紧密结合我国新药临床前安全评价的GLP要求,进一步增强创新性药物非临床研究中安全性、有效性的研发思路、评价与实践的交流,以应对我国药物安全性评价研究特别是临床前药物毒理学研究面临机遇和挑战。经研究,全国医药技术市场协会于2012年9月3日-6日在上海市举办“药物非临床安全评价关键技术研讨会”。请各有关单位积极派员参加,现将有关事项通知如下:
8. 药物毒理学研究新思路、新技术与毒性评价新方法
1. 邀请知名专家理论讲解,实例分析,专题讲授,互动答疑。
2. 可采用现场演讲、实物展示、图片展览、多媒体展播、会刊等多种方式对推介相关技术(产品)进行介绍。
电话:010-51795206 13811915260
传真:010-80115555 转775080
报名邮箱:pharm@263.net 联系人:王旭东二零一二年七月
主讲人:廖明阳 军事医学科学院
主讲人:袁伯俊 第二军医大学药物安全性评价中心
每天除专家报告外,还安排了约1小时的代表发言和提问时间 附件二:
电 话
参 会 人 员 名 单
姓 名
□双人标准间 □单人间
拟住日期:2012 年 月 日— 月 日
是否提交论文: 其它要求: 企业展示
□发言 □发资料 □展位 □会刊彩页 □易拉宝 □其它 电话:010-51795206 13811915260 报名邮箱:pharm@263.net传真:010-80115555 转775080 联系人:王旭东
2012.09.19 The 9th International Bioinformatics Workshop (IBW2011)
The 9th International Bioinformatics Workshop (IBW2011)
July 11-13, 2011. Xi’an, China
Announcement for Papers
(Submission deadline: April 15, 2011)
Sponsored by:
Committee of Tumor Marker, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association
Medical & Health Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Organized by:
The Cell Engineering Research Center, Fourth Military Medical University
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Fourth Military Medical University
Co-organized by:
Medical & Health Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Sponsored by:
National Science Foundation of China
FourthMilitary Medical University
Ministry of Education, China.
Workshop Website:
Welcome Message
The International Bioinformatics workshop (IBW) series aims to promote scientific communication for Chinese researchers on the cutting-edge progress in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology, genomics, and proteomics. As a major annual event in the Chinese bioinformatics community, the workshop series have attracted over 2,000 students and postdoctoral fellows in 8 previous successful meetings, which took place at Fudan University (2003), Tsinghua University (2004), Jilin University (2005), Central South University (2006), Shandong University (2007) and Yunnan University (2008), Soochow University (2009), and Wuhan University (2010), respectively.
IBW2011, organized by the Cell Engineering Research Center and the School of Biomedical Engineering, Fourth Military Medical University, co-organized by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, will be held from July 11th to 13th, 2011, in Xi'an, China. The workshop is sponsored by NSFC, FMMU, and by the Ministry of Education, China. About 20 speakers from both domestic and overseas have agreed to present at the workshop.
Xi’anis one of the most attractive historical cities. Strolling in street of city, one will get the feeling of walking through a big historical museum, in which one can witness the Eighth Wonder in the world- “terra-cotta warriors and horses” of Qin dynasty, the Big and Small Wild Goose Pagodas of Tang dynasty and the city wall of Ming dynasty. We believe that our kind receptions will make this trip a colorful and unforgettable one for you.
Looking forward to meeting you in Xi’an on July 11th -13th, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
Chairman: Zhinan Chen, Ph.D.
Ying Xu, Ph.D
Conference organization
Program committee:Honorary Chair: Prof. Daiming Fan President, Fourth Military Medical University
Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)Chair: Prof. Zhinan Chen Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
The Fourth Military Medical University, ChinaProf. Ying Xu GeorgiaUniversity, IBW steering committee member
Steering Committee:Chair: Qian Wang FourthMilitary Medical University Co-chair: Yingming Feng FourthMilitary Medical University Secretary: Jinliang Xing FourthMilitary Medical University Member: Luonan Chen Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, CAS Runsheng Chen Instituteof Biophysics, CAS Yuan Gao Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Jingdong Han CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology Bailin Hao FudanUniversityand Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS Tao Jiang Universityof California at Riverside, USA Hoong-Chien Lee National Center University, Taiwan Ming Li University of Waterloo, Canada Juan Liu WuhanUniversity Youyong Lv Beijing University/School of Medicine Zhengsu She BeijingUniversity Yu Shyr Vanderbilt University, USA Zhirong Sun TsinghuaUniversity Haixu Tang Indiana University, USA Wen Wang Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS Stephen Wong Methodist Hospital Research Institute, USA Weixiong Zhang Washington University, USA Xuegong Zhang TsinghuaUniversity
Organizing committee:Chair: Ying Xu Universityof Georgia Co-chair: Liping Wei BeijingUniversity Yixue Li Shanghai Center for Bioinformatics Technology Xiaole Shirley Liu HarvardUniversity Chair: Wenbin Li FourthMilitary Medical University Co-chair: Yong Ji FourthMilitary Medical University Secretary: Hongbing Lu FourthMilitary Medical University Member: Dongguang Wang FourthMilitary Medical University Ruian Wang FourthMilitary Medical University Huijie Bian FourthMilitary Medical University Jianli Jiang FourthMilitary Medical University Chun Jiao FourthMilitary Medical University - Workshop Scope:
1. Computational genomics
2. Bio-sequence analysis
3. Comparative genome analysis
4. Biological networks
5. Computational proteomics
6. Computational structural biology
7. Computational systems biology
8. Biological data mining
9. Computational evolutionary biology
10. Algorithmic and combinatorial methods in bioinformatics.
11. Disease genomics and proteomics
II. Call for summaries and speakers
We are now open to accept contributed talks for all areas in bioinformatics including but not limited to the conference topics. Please e-mail us your intention and a summary of paper to be spoken at the conference and submit your self-introduction for review and evaluation. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field independently based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Authors should format their papers (less than 4-pages) and submit requested files to the workshop mailboxapctbm2009@163.com. Mailing papers are not welcome.
Important deadlines:
Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance deadline: May 30, 2011
III. Rules for Papers (All papers should be organized as following rules):
(1). All Papers (abstract or full text) must be submitted as an unpublished presentation. They must be written in English with Word format to fit into the A4 layout.
(2). Styles of English text are as the followings:
﹡Text format: Times New Roman of 11 pt, single spaced.
﹡Title: Simple and clear, all in capital letter and not bold.
﹡Author has no title name, the first letter capitalized, aligned on the left ( the first name before surname, example: Li Xiangyang is Xiangyang Li ).
﹡Organization, city and country are aligned on the left.
﹡Paper is composed of the followings: Objectives, methods, results, conclusions.
﹡Please be sure to carefully check your paper for content errors, spelling, names, etc, before submitting. We are not able to proofread for or correct spelling, typographical, grammatical, or scientific errors.
IV. Conference ProgramDragonStar Course July 4th Registration & Picking up course handouts July 5th Morning Opening Ceremony Course Session Afternoon Course Session July 6th-10th All day Course Session with Projects IBW2011 Workshop July 10 All day Registration July 11th Morning Opening Ceremony Afternoon Plenary Session Evening Welcome Banquet July 12th All day Plenary Session July 13th Morning Plenary Session and Closing Ceremony
V. Invited Speakers:
1、Luonan Chen, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences
2、Runsheng Chen, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
(陈润生院士,中科院生物物理研究所, 中国科学院院士)
3、Yuan Gao, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
4、Jingdong Han, CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology
(韩敬东研究员, 中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所)
5、Bailin Hao, Fudan University and Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS
6、Tao Jiang, University of California at Riverside,USA
7、Hoong-Chien Lee, National Center University, Taiwan
8、Ming Li, University of Waterloo, Canada
9、Yixue Li, Shanghai Bioinformatics Center,CAS
10、Xiaole Liu, Harvard University and Tongji University
(Xiaole Liu教授,哈佛大学,同济大学)
11、Youyong Lv, Peking University School of Medicine
12、Zhensu She, Peking University
13、Yu Shyr, Vanderbilt University, USA
14、Zhirong Sun, Tsinghua University
(孙之荣教授, 清华大学生物科学与技术系 )
15、Haixu Tang, Indiana University, USA
16、Wen Wang, Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS
(王文研究员,中科院昆明动物研究所,973首席科学家 )
17、Liping Wei, Peking University
(魏丽萍教授,北京大学生命科学院 )
18、Stephen Wong, Methodist Hospital Research Institute, USA
19、Jinliang Xing, The Four Military Medical University
20、Ying Xu, University of Georgia and Jilin University
21、Weixiong Zhang, Washington University
(Weixiong Zhang教授, 华盛顿大学)
22、Xuegong Zhang, Tsinghua University
(张学工教授, 清华大学生物信息学主任 )
VI. Registration
Registration for the workshop is free and open to the public. To register for the workshop, please complete the registration form available online at website:http://ibw2011.fmmu.edu.cn, and send the registration form to mailbox ibw2011@fmmu.edu.cn. All registrations will be confirmed by email.
Important dates:
Registration deadline for DragonStar course: May 15, 2011
Registration deadline for the workshop: June 10, 2011
VII. Conference Accommodation Information:
To facilitate the accommodation and make the participation more convenient, we provide the following optional services including lodging and meals that will be charged. Please identify which service you need when you fill the registration form. The reimbursable receipt could be issued for all related payments.
Hotel service: Regular participants need to pay for the hotel fee. The reservation fee of 200RMB is required for each reservation. The conference has arranged two hotels below to choose:A.Xi’an Jianguo Hotel (★★★★)Location: No.2, Huzhu Street, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Website: http://www.hotelxianjianguo.com
Conference room rate:
All room rates include 15% service charge.Jianguo Hotel
(★★★★)Standard Room Deluxe Room Executive Suite Single/double Single/double ¥430/night ¥530/night US$ 180/night
B. The Fourth Military Medical University Hotel
Location: No.169, Changlexi Street, Xi’an City, Shaanxi 710032, China
Conference room rate:The Fourth Military Medical University Hotel Standard Room Deluxe Room Single/double single/double ¥170/night ¥380/night
2. Conference Documents (optional):
150 RMB per copy for 5-day DragonStar course;
200 RMB per copy for 3-day workshop.
Each copy contains the teaching materials required by the course, materials of all invited and contributed talks, the abstracts of all potential accepted papers, a conference programme, a workshop badge, and so on.
3. Meal Tickets (optional):
450 RMB per set for DragonStar course (consists of tickets for five-day meals from Jul.6-10)
600 RMB per set (consists of tickets for four buffet meals and one banquet from July 11 to 13).
Please note that the meal set is nonseparable.
VII. Conference Language: English/Chinese
IX. Contact information:
Questions or comments on the conference:
Contact Person: Professor Lu
Tel: 86-29-84774837, 13572116125
Questions or comments on paper submission:
Contact Person:Miss Cheng
Tel: 86-29-84772286
Questions or comments on registration:
Contact Person: Teacher Wang
Tel: 029-84774840-802,
Fax: 86-29-84774837
Address: The Cell Engineering Research Center/School of Biomedical Engineering
FourthMilitary Medical University,
169 Changlexi Rd, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China.
Website: http://ibw2011.fmmu.edu.cn