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2018.06.19 2018 年欧洲血管外科协会年会(ESVS)

9 月 26 日 07:30-18:00贴心服务供您选:1、提供以下服务:会议注册,申请邀请函,预订酒店、预订机票、代办签证、接送机安排。2、随团

2016.11.24 河南大学神经疾病论坛——脑血管病专题

会议背景 :河南大学神经疾病论坛自 2010 年起举办,已走过 6 个年头。为进一步提高我国脑血管病诊疗水平,积极推动我国脑血管病疾病规范化防治,2016 年第四期脑血管病专题拟于 11 月 26 日在河南大学第一附属医院隆重召开,期盼各位从事脑血管病研究的学者踊跃参与。会议日程 :07:50-08:00 开幕式

2013.10.12 施海明:多支病变PCI时机与策略


2013.09.27 钱朝南:肿瘤血管靶向治疗的新见解


2014.11.21 胰腺癌诊治指南(2014)


2014.05.22 左侧椎动脉血管造影图谱


2013.02.18 2012国家优秀自费留学生奖学金结果揭晓


2014.07.22 颈椎矢状面T2加权MRI影像解剖小问答


2014.07.07 西尼罗河病毒脊髓炎1例

T1 FS增强扫描(C)显示脊髓圆锥T2高信号,神经根信号未见明显增强。予地塞米松静脉滴注治疗,5天后复查MRI(D—F)可见脊髓圆锥T2异常信号明显改善(D),腹侧神经根增厚与之前形成鲜明对比(E、F)。西尼罗河病毒脊髓炎(血清IgM+)背景:西尼罗河病毒属黄病毒,可通过蚊虫叮咬传播,于北美地区高发。临床相关数据:感染

2015.06.16 第三届哈尔滨NOTES及内镜治疗技术国际高峰论坛


2013.10.12 杨艳敏:房颤急诊处理流程


2013.10.11 沈卫峰:从D2B到FMC-DT


2012.06.04 ASCO2012:转移性NSCLC的早期姑息治疗可降低医疗费用

背景:对转移性非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 患者确诊后马上采用姑息性治疗可使患者生活质量、情绪、临终护理和可能生存期得到改善。我们试图研究早期姑息性治疗是否与医疗保健费用的节省有关。方法:根据2006年06月至2009年07月三级癌症中心门诊部就诊的151名新近确诊转移性NSCLC患者的随机控制试验

2017.03.08 APASL2017:GP73在非酒精性脂肪性肝纤维化和肝硬化中的诊断价值

活检组织进行 GP73 的免疫组织化学染色。结果显示,对 NAFLD 进行组织学评分分级后检测血清 GP73 的水平:F0: 27.54 ± 2.82, F1: 41.14 ± 2.62, F2: 59.51 ± 5.18, F3: 82.38±12.01, and F4: 139.07±14.93。对于显著肝纤维化

2007.09.21 林岩松教授:PET在肿瘤诊断治疗中的应用进展

依据。目前,PET 用于肿瘤显像的示踪剂仍主要为反映葡萄糖代谢的18F标记的脱氧葡萄糖(FDG),但越来越多的反应肿瘤氨基酸代谢、核酸代谢、脂肪酸代谢、肿瘤乏氧、细胞凋亡、基因及反义显像的示踪剂正在不断地被开发、研制(表1)。  (一) 18F-FDG(2-氟-18-氟-2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖)是葡萄糖的类似物



2012.09.19 16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

3 – 6 November, 2011, Shanghai

www.apsr2011.orgWelcome message from the Honorary Congress PresidentOn behalf of the Local Congress Committee, it is my honor to cordially invite you all to the 16th APSR. In its 16th year, the APSR Congress has been welcomed for the third time to China and we consider it a great honor to host this event, for the first time in Shanghai. The Congress venue will be the Shanghai International Convention Center. The APSR, Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases and Shanghai Medical Association have joined forces as co-organizers of the Congress to bring together physicians, academics, healthcare professionals and decision makers in the field of respiratory medicine from around the world to discuss emerging issues and exchange ideas on current research and clinical topics in respirology.The Congress has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in respirology, primarily in conditions commonly found in the Asia Pacific region. The meeting will invite many distinguished international speakers who are expected to participate and provide insights and expert opinion on a wide range of topics in pulmonary and respiratory medicine.I hope that you will enjoy the Congress and that your interaction with your colleagues from different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and will be personally rewarding. I also trust that you will enjoy your visit to the beautiful and exciting city of Shanghai, in November 2011.

Prof. Zhong Nanshan

Honorary Congress President, APSR 2011

Welcome message from the Congress PresidentIt is my great pleasure and honor as Congress President, to welcome you to the 16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR). The APSR is renowned as a dynamic organization showcasing the breadth and depth of respiratory medicine across the Asia Pacific region. Following the success of the two previous meetings held in China, this year’s congress hosted by Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases (CSRD) and Shanghai Medical Association, will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center, in the vibrant and international metropolis of Shanghai. Since its inception and first meeting held in Tokyo in 1988, the congress has gone from strength to strength and we are expecting this year’s meeting to be no exception and continue this momentum to be an outstanding success.Scheduled for the 3 – 6 November 2011, this four-day congress will feature a comprehensive scientific program, including post-graduate courses, lectures and symposia conducted by key note speakers, who are experts in the field of respirology. In addition, oral and poster presentations will provide exposure for researchers, as a platform for academic exchange on exciting new topics currently under investigation. The organizing committee has organized a range of social events and tours to encourage participants to experience the diverse local culture and traditions of the host city.I hope this Congress will be an exciting and productive gathering of respirologists from the Asia Pacific Region and provide an opportunity to share their knowledge, experience and views on current respiratory disease topics, and provide a platform for networking and collaboration between academics and physicians across the region.I would like to thank the APSR 2011 Local Congress Committee for their dedication and support in making this Congress a success and I would also like to thank all participants for their continued interest and involvement in these meetings and look forward to meeting you in November in Shanghai.We invite you to visit the website (www.apsr2011.org) regularly for the latest updates and news about the organization of the Congress.See you in Shanghai in 2011

Prof. Bai Chunxue

Congress President, APSR 2011

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