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2011.12.07 Cell:获得性遗传的逆袭?!

silence the viral genome. We show here that the viRNA-mediated viral silencing... show that the viral silencing agents, viRNAs, are transgenerationally transmitted

2006.01.24 MicroRNA可能调控着记忆

is involved in building dendritic spines. Limk1 knockout mice show abnormalities... spines, Miska told The Scientist. "They show localization, but there's

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

in NPDR (Non-Proliferation Diabetic Retinopathy) monkey model was show... model study show that NTX-101 possesses a good direct neuroprotective effect

2006.07.12 罕见病例一例--Whipple病

of Whipple disease (Figure 2). Analysis of the CSF did not show any cell...), often consist of T1 hypointensity and T2 hyperintensity, show no mass effect

2012.09.27 2011年第四届华西微创胸外科手术论坛

specialists in these fields to give us a talk or a show. We would like to do our


界领先。第15届Healthcare show继续取得了巨大的成功。众展商在赞赏展会时,纷纷表示展会高质量的观众使得他们将继续参加下一届展会。Healthcare show 2012有4000名来自购买力强、客源足等重要组织的决策层的贸易参观者,这些观众按参观的目的划分,56%的参观者有购买决定权,32%有采购推荐权,12

2020.01.19 第七届中国生物制药峰会

为代表生物药商业化进程(案例分享 待定)From biotech to biopharma, taking PD-1 as example to show
2019 河南郑州大学第二附属医院招聘 150 名公告

2019.01.15 2019 河南郑州大学第二附属医院招聘 150 名公告

://www.zzusah.com/index.php?m = content&c = index&a = show&catid = 16&id
2019 河南郑州大学第二附属医院招聘 150 名优秀毕业生公告

2019.01.14 2019 河南郑州大学第二附属医院招聘 150 名优秀毕业生公告

://www.zzusah.com/index.php?m = content&c = index&a = show&catid = 16&id

2017.08.24 抑郁大鼠扔水里拒绝游泳?

signaling. We previously demonstrated that WKY rats show a unique behavioral profile

2016.01.15 2016年第29届印尼国际医疗器械、医院用品实验室设备及医药展览会


2014.07.02 撰写英语论文中的一些常见问题

六位投资界巨头担任评委 创新中国项目征集倒计时

2013.08.05 六位投资界巨头担任评委 创新中国项目征集倒计时

,2013年,创业邦还组织了创新中国校友会台湾行,拜访了台湾本土的优秀企业,并观摩了台湾最大的创业展示平台——Ideas show。10月初

2012.10.29 2012年NICE青少年和成年患者头痛诊断和管理指南

to secondary care and those treated in primary care show that they do not differ

2012.02.27 一种紫杉醇偶联腺病毒载体用于肿瘤治疗的靶向施药

fluorescence imaging. The result show that PTX-conjugated Ad vector could

2012.02.27 紫草醌,一种产于中国的植物萘醌能通过活性氧诱导肝癌细胞凋亡:一种潜在的治疗肝癌新方法

in mice were consistent with in vitro studies. Taken together, our data show

2012.02.27 血红素加氧酶1:肝癌细胞迁移的分子制动器

growth. In conclusion, in vitro and in vivo data show HO-1 inhibits the human HCC
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