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TG 在免疫方向的研究

2015.12.22 TG 在免疫方向的研究

mice show enhanced DENV infection and macrophage infiltration at the skin

2015.08.25 Western blot实验指南和疑难分析

and immunostaining protocols to show that our polyclonal and monoclonal

2013.09.26 2013年美国ACG急性胰腺炎的治疗指南

relief. Antibiotics are generally not indicated.If ultrasonograms show

2012.02.20 IL-17RE是IL-17C的功能受体并调节肠道致病菌感染的黏膜免疫功能

receptor of the IL-17 receptor family. Here we show that IL-17RE is a receptor

2012.02.14 先天性心脏病患者IRX4基因的两个新的突变

to the ventricles at all stages of heart development. Irx4-deficient mice show

2011.12.14 STING活化STAT6是抗病毒天然免疫的关键

now show that STAT6 is required for innate immune signaling in response to virus

2011.12.05 MiR-148a靶向Bcl-2促进结直肠癌的凋亡

Here we show that ectopical expression of miR-148a can induce apoptosis

2011.12.05 GRK5的促进F-actin绑定和靶向束膜结构来调控神经元的形态发生

extensive membrane remodeling and cytoskeleton dynamics. In this paper, we show

2011.12.05 通过STING促使STAT6的活化是抗病毒天然免疫的关键

cytokines. We now show that STAT6 is required for innate immune signaling

2011.09.21 RAS is regulated by the let-7 MicroRNA family

elegans. Here we show that the let-7 family negatively regulates let-60/RAS. Loss

2009.12.09 从RCT到临床实践:观察性研究的相关性

with NovoMix® 30 show comparable results versus those conducted as RCT.Robert

2008.11.06 糖尿病血管并发症和潜在新药物的分子靶向学研究

, that work scavenging already formed toxic oxidation products, have failed to show





“2014 Nature杂志中国论坛”—以基因组学和干细胞为基础的治疗:打造未来个性化医疗


2012.09.19 2012年医学物理学及生物医学工程国际会议

applications. It will be a window to show participants the up-to-date picture

2019.08.09 肠道微生物和抑郁症

influence stress-related behaviors. New studies show that bacteria, including commensal... the microbiota-gut-brain axis. We show here that the absence of gut microbiota

2012.09.19 2012美国医疗展/美洲医疗器械展


2014.08.09 ICI - 国际心脑血管系统应用及高科技生命科学技术创新大会

学院 -http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzM2OTE0NDM2.htmlICI 2013 会议内容 -http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzM2ODk5ODQ0.htmlhttp
法国昂热大学附属医院胃肠肝胆科主任Paul Cales教授专访

2012.06.05 法国昂热大学附属医院胃肠肝胆科主任Paul Cales教授专访

performed several studies that clearly show that when you consider a... significant fibrosis but we have developed a method that can show the patient
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