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2013.04.24 2012年美国感染学会急性细菌性鼻窦炎临床指南

to excessive and inappropriate antimicrobial therapy; (2) gaps in knowledge... in the new guideline for ABRS in children and adults. The panel followed a

2013.03.13 2013年高通量化学与化学生物学戈登会议

and will be held at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH. All conferees are encouraged...) for our conference will be held the weekend prior to the GRC on June 1-2

2012.12.24 2013年核受体和朋友们:能量平衡和代谢功能障碍中的作用研讨会

energy balance, e.g. hepatic steatosis, T2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease...., and thereby stimulate new ideas on how transcriptional networks could be targeted

2012.06.27 2012亚太肝病学会慢性HBV感染处理指南

recommendation-12issues on nuc therpy-9expert members-2liver cirrhosis-36new findings in natural history-7

2011.09.21 MicroRNA expression profiles classify human cancers

critical functions across various biological processes(1,2). Here we use a new

2008.11.18 Basic Scientific Considerations in Dynamic SpinalStabilization

motion is preserved, thispromising new technology offers increasing clinical... arthrodesis.2. The selection of implant surface should encourage,or at least

2012.07.06 曾庆平:药力无边的“万能药”——阿司匹林

://the-scientist.com/2012/04/20/new-target-for-aspirin/)2 《科学日报》:Aspirin: New Evidence Is helping Explain Additional...,再后来被用于预防因血栓形成引起的中风以及胰岛素受体功能缺陷所致2型糖尿病(胰岛素抗性),最近发现它还可以预防癌症!它真不愧为一种药力无边的“万能药

2012.09.19 2012年冷泉港亚洲系列学术会议:离子通道:生物物理学,疾病和治疗

University, SWEDENAbstract title: Human type 2-diabetes and possible roles of impaired Ca2+-channel activity and exocytosis in pancreatic beta-cellsEitan

2007.08.30 黄家星教授的大会特邀报告:脑小血管病变

B6、B2及叶酸防治脑白质的研究。(图1 香港中文大学内科及药物治疗学系黄家星教授的大会特邀报告)(图2 黄家星教授发言主题)(图3 黄家星教授发言... of Medicine,Bachelor or Surgery (New Soth Wales) 1996 Master of Health Administration

2013.10.31 如何调整SCI论文格式

系列8-New关于选择哪个杂志进行投稿的几点思考- LetPub SCI论文写作系列7-New如何正确使用基因/蛋白质的名称格式(大写与斜体的使用) - LetPub SCI论文写作系列6-New如何制作科技论文中的Figures

2014.01.02 大鼠Group 2 (13 plex)

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