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Targestar SA

2014.10.08 Targestar SA

,微泡在体内的滞留时间为5-15分钟。用户可根据具体实验方案调整最佳注射剂量。Targestar SA已成功应用于MADCAM, VEGFR2, P-选择素...使用说明:Targestar SA是一种表面偶联链霉亲和素的靶向超声微泡,可将生物素标记的配体(多肽、抗体、糖复合物、核酸等)通过生物素-链霉亲和素的
Targesphere SA

2014.10.09 Targesphere SA

使用说明:Targesphere SA是一种表面同时偶联链霉亲和素和带有阳离子的靶向超声微泡,可将生物素标记的配体(多肽、抗体、糖复合物、核酸等)通过...质粒的微泡;图2、正常小鼠,使用同时链接质粒和VCAM-1抗体的微泡;图3、炎性肠病小鼠,使用同时链接质粒和VCAM-1抗体的微泡相关文献


NEW INSIGHTS INTO TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS B-1Disclosures-2geographic distribution-3 
50 Years of HBV: What’s New?

2011.12.28 50 Years of HBV: What’s New

50 Years of HBV:What is New-1Learning Objectives-2... 1–2 x ULN-26ALT The New Normal-27 
Targestar SA

2014.10.11 Targestar SA

Xpert™ SA Nasal Complete

2019.04.19 Xpert™ SA Nasal Complete

甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。【需求】金黄色葡萄球菌(SA)感染金黄色葡萄球菌(SA)是一种大量文件记载的条件病原菌,是引起一系列疾病的主要院内病原菌。此外,金黄色...。与 MRSA 感染相关的治疗费用也渐增。【解决方案】Xpert SA Nasal Complete 可快速检测金黄色葡萄球菌 SA 和耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA
APASL 2017: 胡鹏教授谈 New Switch 研究内容及设计思路

2017.02.20 APASL 2017: 胡鹏教授谈 New Switch 研究内容及设计思路

在第二十六届亚太肝病学会年会上,重庆医科大学附属第二医院感染科主任胡鹏教授对 New Switch 研究内容及设计思路作了介绍。ccvideoNew Switch 研究内容及设计思路New Switch 是一个新的治疗策略。把现有的两类药物(核苷酸类似物和长效干扰素)非常有机的、有效的结合起来,让一部分患者获得临床的
Paul O'Byrne:The New Gina Guideline for Asthma

2007.09.07 Paul O'Byrne:The New Gina Guideline for Asthma

Paul O,Byrne:The New Gina Guideline for AsthmaPaul O,Byrne:The New Gina Guideline for Asthma Paul O,Byrne:The New Gina Guideline for Asthma Paul O
50 years of HBV:what's new?

2011.09.27 50 years of HBV:what's new?

50 years of HBV:what's new?
Congenital Pseudarthrosis of Tibia:What's new?

2011.09.23 Congenital Pseudarthrosis of Tibia:What's new?

Congenital Pseudarthrosis of Tibia:What's new?

2013.11.11 New loci associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Han Chinese

来自南京医科大学、江苏省疾病预防控制中心、上海交通大学等多家机构的研究人员,通过全基因组关联研究(GWAS)鉴别出了我国汉族人群慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染相关的两个全新易感基因。相关论文于近日刊登在国际顶级专业期刊《自然—遗传学》杂志上。\r\n \r\n乙型病毒性肝炎是一种由HBV感染机体后所引起的疾病。我国是乙肝大国,HBsAg携带率达8%—15%,并且慢性HBV感染也是引起肝硬化和肝细胞癌的最主要原因。由于宿主的天然免疫在机体抵抗HBV感染的过程中非常关键,因而除病毒和环境因素外,机体遗传因素即宿主对HBV的遗传易感性在乙型肝炎发病和预后等方面起着尤为重要的作用。\r\n \r\n在这项最新研究中,为了鉴别汉族人群中与慢性HBV感染相关的遗传位点,研究人员设计了一种三阶段全基因组关联研究。在发现阶段,他们对951名HBV携带者和937名已自然清除HBV感染的对照个体进行了分析。随后,在第二和第三重复阶段对来自一般人群的一组2248名HBV携带者和3051名对照个体,以及另一组1982名HBV携带者和2622名对照者进行了关联验证。\r\n \r\n他们鉴别出与慢性HBV感染相关的两个新位点:分别是靠近HLA-C以及在UBE2L3中。这些新研究结果表明HLA-C和UBE2L3也在HBV感染清除中发挥着重要的作用。新研究为乙肝的遗传病因提供了新的见解,对于乙肝的预防和治疗有可能具有重要的意义。\r\n
打呼噜 慢性肾病患者需警惕呼吸暂停

2016.06.09 打呼噜 慢性肾病患者需警惕呼吸暂停

包括 BMI、颈围、蛋白尿和 ESS 评分与 SA 之间的相关性。本研究人群的平均年龄是 51.44 岁,平均 BMI 是 26.05 kg/m2,平均颈围...睡眠呼吸暂停(sleep apnea,SA),俗称「鼾症」或「打呼噜」,已成为一项主要的健康问题,其特点是间歇性的夜间低氧血症(NH)和随后的睡眠障碍。患者

2012.11.23 Rethinking HIV: After Five Years of Debate, a New Push for Prevention Read more: http

After decades of focusing almost exclusively on treating HIV, public health experts are now considering a new approach, moving to establish more effective prevention strategies to curb spread of the disease. Recent tests show that anti-HIV drugs that can hamper the growth of the virus responsible for AIDS may also prevent progression of the disease if given to infected individuals soon after their exposure to HIV. The same drugs can also prevent infections from taking hold among healthy people who are exposed to the virus; both approaches would be critical ways of controlling spread of the virus and keeping new cases of HIV to a minimum.\r\n\r\nRead more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ixzz2CripWt9p
Progenesis QI New Experiment

2017.06.02 Progenesis QI New Experiment

New Biohit Picus

2012.12.04 New Biohit Picus

电子时代:6 分钟步行试验或可在家进行

2015.10.28 电子时代:6 分钟步行试验或可在家进行

3.2±1 次 SA-6 MWTapp 试验,时间超过 2 周。患者在家期间,通过 SA-6 MWTapp 评估的步行距离具有高度的可重复性,且与临床所检测的...一部分,研究人员想要开发和验证一款可实现自我管理的 6 MWT 手机应用软件(SA-6 MWT app),患者在家即可自主使用。该研究纳入了 103 名参与者,展开
Kazuaki Miyake:KCNQ1基因中糖尿病遗传易感性相关SNPs研究

2008.12.04 Kazuaki Miyake:KCNQ1基因中糖尿病遗传易感性相关SNPs研究

A multistage genome-wide SNP association study identifies SNPs in KCNQ1 associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus(KCNQ1基因中糖尿病遗传易感性相关SNPs研究)

2015.01.29 17届世界胃肠癌大会(WCGC)


2013.04.19 Beyond Mammography: New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening remains a subject of intense and, at times, passionate debate. Mammography has long been the mainstay of breast cancer detection and is the only screening test proven to reduce mortality. Although it remains the gold standard of breast cancer screening, there is increasing awareness of subpopulations of women for whom mammography has reduced sensitivity. Mammography also has undergone increased scrutiny for false positives and excessive biopsies, which increase radiation dose, cost, and patient anxiety. In response to these challenges, new technologies for breast cancer screening have been developed, including low-dose mammography, contrast-enhanced mammography, tomosynthesis, automated whole breast ultrasound, molecular imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging. Here we examine some of the current controversies and promising new technologies that may improve detection of breast cancer both in the general population and in high-risk groups, such as women with dense breasts. We propose that optimal breast cancer screening will ultimately require a personalized approach based on metrics of cancer risk with selective application of specific screening technologies best suited to the individual\\\'s age, risk, and breast density
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