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中国创业创新大赛生物医药领域 30 强

2019.07.26 中国创业创新大赛生物医药领域 30


2015.04.07 落基山斑疹热1例

落基山斑疹热是因蜱叮咬传播的一类疾病。近日,AJNR杂志刊登了如下一则病例报道。患者男性,30岁,既往体健。出现发热、寒颤1周,伴精神状态改变、瘀点样皮疹及臀部紫癜样皮疹。图1-2. 水平位DWI(图1)和ADC(图2)示胼胝体体部可见大量点状高信号;图3. 水平位FLAIR示累及胼胝体压部的不明确高信号,且其出现

2019.09.20 世界阿尔茨海默病日|越早诊断,越能从容面对

), 535.5.5-2.Youn, Y. C. , Kang, S. , Suh, J. , Park, Y. H. , Kang, M. J. , &amp...9 月 21 日是世界阿尔茨海默病日,今年的主题是「从容面对,不再回避(Let’s talk about dementia: end

2015.10.29 GCBI基因数据大会:数据的力量与速度——30分钟,发现关键基因


2015.10.21 2015 北京手术技艺高峰论坛暨手术技艺高级培训班

车程;或乘国际快轨换乘地铁 2 号线转乘北京地铁 4 号大兴线西四站 D 出口即到。火车站:距离北京西站 7 公里,约 17 分钟左右车程;可在北京西站...08:00-08:30签到
常德市第四人民医院的 6S

2020.02.13 常德市第四人民医院的 6S

不是所有的 PCT 都是 B∙R∙A∙H∙M∙S PCT

2019.07.29 不是所有的 PCT 都是 B∙R∙A∙H∙M∙S PCT

2018.05.16 BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2018

eurotalk 2018 is a science and education event which brings together neuroscientists neurologists and neurosurgeons from around the globe gather to exchange ideas and debut cutting-edge research and therapy-oriented technologies in the key areas of clinical neurology provides ...

2018.05.16 BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2018

eurotalk 2018 is a science and education event which brings together neuroscientists neurologists and neurosurgeons from around the globe gather to exchange ideas and debut cutting-edge research and therapy-oriented technologies in the key areas of clinical neurology provides ...
Effect of Lactobacillus GG on tolerance acquisition in infants with cow’s milk allergy: A randomized trial

2018.01.09 Effect of Lactobacillus GG on tolerance acquisition in infants with cow’s milk allergy: A randomized trial


2014.10.18 90s-CTA检测斑点征:有助于发现血肿扩大

来自哈佛医学院的Javier M教授科研团队展开了相关研究,探索90秒-CTA的使用能否提高检测颅内出血患者斑点征的灵敏度。该研究成果于近日发表在Stroke杂志上。
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