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2012.09.19 第11届欧洲核医学协会年会

; the NIA BirminghamBroad StreetBirmingham, B1 2EA, United Kingdom&nbsp... 2010 Congress in Vienna, the main focus of this year’s Scientific Program

2020.07.28 行医笔记:前额部淡红色斑居然会是这个病

额面部红斑是皮肤科门诊的常见疾病表现,近日来自爱尔兰维多利亚大学附属南方医院皮肤科的 S. McCarthy 在 CED 上分享了一例前额部红斑的病例,在此与大家一起学习。 病例汇报患者,11 岁,女性,因额部右侧旁正中区淡红色斑片 2 月就诊(见图 1)。查体未见明显皮肤萎缩或增厚,未见头皮及眉部毛发脱落。患儿一般

2014.12.09 手术技巧:一种锁骨远端Ⅱ型骨折固定方法

30 天后,武汉又将迎来一场世界级盛会

2019.03.27 30 天后,武汉又将迎来一场世界级盛会

武汉,即将被世界瞩目!30 天后,在这片热土上即将举办一场高规格、高品质、国际化的大型博览会,它就是世界大健康博览会。世界级博览会不仅让全世界的名人、名企...合作项目发布会及中俄医疗器械合作联盟签约启动会九州通医疗器械集团4 月 9 日 14:00-17:30注论坛最终相关信息以现场公示为准。▶100 余个大

2012.09.12 2010年欧洲帕金森综合征诊断和药物指南

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder with a... incidence of PD means that the number of cases will increase by 25–30% over

2017.06.19 腰穿最新指南:教你如何将腰穿风险降到最低

、帕金森病等神经系统变性疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断。近期,Alzheimer’s & Dementia 杂志发表了一篇神经系统疾病患者腰穿的共识指南,由比利时安特卫普...更好的沟通。2. 腰穿操作注意事项:(1)使用直径 25 G 的无创伤性腰穿针(G 为 gauge,计量单位的一种);(2)尝试腰穿的次数不要超过 4 次;(3

2012.12.24 糖尿病技术与治疗新进展(ATTD)国际会议

官方网站:www2.kenes.com/attd/Pages/home.aspx会议时间:2013/2/27-2013/3/2&nbsp... the world’s leading researchers and clinicians for a lively exchange of ideas

2012.09.19 第七届全国疼痛微创介入治疗学习班


2011.12.08 紫草素及其类似物通过靶向肿瘤丙酮酸激酶- M2抑制肿瘤细胞糖酵解

Oncogene 2011 Oct;30(42):4297-306. [IF:7.414]Shikonin and its analogs inhibit cancer cell glycolysis by targeting tumor pyruvate kinase-M2.Chen

2012.09.19 国际泌尿外科学会(SIU)第三十届大会

Congress Venue
Shanghai International Convention Center
No. 2727 Riverside Avenue, Pudong
Shanghai, China
200120 The 30th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center (SICC) from Sunday, November 1 to Thursday, November 5, 2009. The SICC is located in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Center Zone, has hosted many major international conferences, and is renowned for the abundance of options and high-tech resources it offers guests. Visa Letter of InvitationOfficial Visa Letter of invitation can be sent to you by the Chinese Medical Association, upon request. Pre-registration for the 30th SIU Congress is required in order to receive such a letter. If you are planning to visit China with your family, the letter can be issued for up to five family members. These letters do not commit the Congress to any financial obligations, nor do they obligate the Congress to intercede in any way on the participant抯 behalf. The SIU is not able to contact embassies or consulates on behalf of any individual wishing to enter China to attend the SIU 30th Congress in Shanghai. VisaVisas are required for almost all visitors to mainland China. Foreign delegates should apply for visas from their nearest Chinese embassy or consulate as soon as possible to ensure that they receive their visa in due time. Certain conditions apply to visitors whose country of residence is not the same as their country of citizenship. TransportationFor transfers to your hotel, please contact SIUIndividualBooking@pacificworldcn.com The rates are as follows:
From Pudong International Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $118
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $152
From Hong Qiao Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $88
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $106 Delegates from ItalyPlease contact the agency listed below to assist you in making travel arrangements for the 30th Congress of the SIU.

2014.07.01 肥胖患者关节置换术前减肥危险更大

、膝关节置换患者,主要了解术后伤口感染及术后90天再次入院情况。最终确认在初次关节置换术前体重指数大于等于30kg/m2的肥胖患者15 099例。排除通过...以及减肥后维持体重是否会减少术后并发症发生率却无相关文献报道。因此美国加利福尼亚州的M. C. S. Inacio医生进行了一项回顾性研究,试图了解肥胖患者减肥

2016.02.18 短暂性意识丧失:多种病因如何辨?

3 位 VVS 患者作为对照。校正多种因素之后,比较两组患者间临床特征的差异。在 1164 例进行了倾斜试验的患者中,23 例患者(2 %)证实...和比较。VVS 和 PPS 同时发生率比预计出现的机率要高(2% :0.6%)。在所有 VVS/PPS 患者以及单纯的 VVS 患者中均会出现典型的 VVS 前驱期

2012.07.05 乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性5个月且尿蛋白阳性一例

1699. 98S /CO,Anti-HBc 11. 81S /CO。HBV DNA 2. 27 × 107copies /ml。肾功能: 尿素7....大三阳( HBsAg > 250IU/ml,HBeAg1366. 37S /CO,Anti-HBc 10. 68S /CO) ,肝功能正常,HBV DNA
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