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2014.11.03 克利夫兰诊所列出2014年医学创新Top10


2014.08.28 2014国家自然科学基金获批单位TOP100

Fortune:2014年增长最快的Top100公司 Questcor制药公司居榜首

2014.08.20 Fortune:2014年增长最快的Top100公司 Questcor制药公司居榜首


2014.08.19 GEN:2014年NIH资助的Top50大学

美国国立卫生研究院(The National Institutes of Health,NIH)每年在医学研究的投入近301亿美元。

2014.07.23 GEN:全美生物医学研究所薪酬TOP20领导人

美国外交官和政治学家亨利 基辛格(Henry Kissinger)曾指出,“因为风险小,学术政治是如此邪恶。”

2011.12.22 论文潮:2011年科研论文数量top40国家

For science — as for politics and economics — 2011 was a year of upheaval, the effects of which will reverberate for decades. The United States lost three venerable symbols of its scientific might: the space-shuttle programme, the Tevatron particle collider and blockbuster profits from the world's best-selling drug all came to an end. But the year also saw stirrings of science's future: hopes that research might blossom following the Arab Spring; cheap vaccines rolling out in Africa; and the first fruits of genome sequencing being used in the clinic. All this was overshadowed by the triple trauma of Japan's devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, and a continual chipping away at science funding as nations struggled with the financial crisis.
Visistar VEGFR2

2014.10.09 Visistar VEGFR2

使用说明:Visistar VEGFR2是一种表面偶联VEGFR2(血管内皮生长因子受体-2)抗体的靶向超声造影剂,可特异性结合血管内皮细胞表面的VEGFR2受体。本产品在超声波频率为1-20MHz范围内可以达到最佳的回声增强,也可应用于频率为20-40MHz的超高频成像。在超声显影时,应将超声模式设置为CPS
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

2011.12.09 Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention-1Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)-2DPP Participants-3DPP
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