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这 2 种情况 提示乳腺癌抗 HER2 治疗发生耐药

2016.10.21 2 种情况 提示乳腺癌抗 HER2 治疗发生耐药

转移性乳腺癌缺乏有效的治疗方法,目前仍是乳腺癌治疗领域的一个难题。HER2(人类表皮生长因子受体-2)阳性乳腺癌患者约占所有乳腺癌患者群体的 20-30%,其预后情况较 HER2 阴性乳腺癌患者更差。外周血循环肿瘤 DNA(ctDNA)检测,是液体活检的方法之一,作为一项无创肿瘤检测技术已经在临床应用很多

2014.07.02 2014上半年通过FDA批准的新药集锦

,反映出FDA在满足罕见病患者用药需求方面的努力成果。特别值得一提的是,FDA在2014上半年批准了7个新生物制品(new BLA)。如果以2013年全年FDA批准的2个BLA(罗氏的Kadcyla和Gazyva)做一对比,2014年的BLA可以说是呈井喷态势。2013年全球销售额top10的药品当中有7个属于生物制品

2013.01.30 2012胃肠病学十大进展:优特克诺治疗难治性克罗恩病效果良好

(上)2012胃肠病学十大进展(下)TOP 4:优特克诺治疗难治性克罗恩病效果良好Ustekinumab...圣地亚哥分校的研究人员发现它也能降低克罗恩氏病(Crohn's Disease)的破坏性影响。相关研究结果于2012年10月18日刊登在New

2012.11.28 新期刊PeerJ,近期开始接受投稿了

在审稿上也有一些创新(2)。PeerJ对论文的要求与PLoS ONE基本一致,也是不评审论文新颖重要与否,只评估研究结果是否可靠、结论讨论有没有过度夸张。另外... Member of PeerJ – we greatly appreciate your early support for our new

2013.09.16 乳腺癌HER2标准化检测

2004年发现淋巴结阴性患者预后与HER2状态密切相关-72007 NCCN治疗指南-16aneusomy,not amplified-48C-erbB2 IHC的评分-26ASCO CAP

2015.08.04 心血管创新技术示教演示日程安排

I心血管创新技术示教演示(一)2:00 PM-6:00PM, Friday, August 7, 20152015年8月7日星期五2...新民2:00 PM - Recorded Case: Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure
NanoBiT® 活细胞实时蛋白相互作用检测技术讲座

2020.05.22 NanoBiT® 活细胞实时蛋白相互作用检测技术讲座

-NanoLuc®Luciferase 人工重组的两个亚基组成,即大 BiT (LgBiT;18kDa) 和小 BiT (SmBiT;11 氨基酸肽),可与 2...萤光素酶,进而可与底物反应产生发光。NanoBiT® 技术被 The Scientist 杂志评为 2015 年度 Top10 创新技术。在生命科学领域,每一种
2016 年欧洲第 26 届高血压与心血管保护会议(ESH)

2016.05.28 2016 年欧洲第 26 届高血压与心血管保护会议(ESH)

session in new techniquesSatellite Symposia organised by industryThe meeting... deem to pay a particular attention to new technologies, such as innovative

2013.12.18 2013年欧洲绝经后妇女骨质疏松症诊断治疗指南

in the field of osteoporosis. These include the development of new techniques for measuring bone mineral, improved methods of assessing fracture risk and new

2013.04.14 the 16th International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop

in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients, and new biomarkers are now being studied... focusing on the optimization of conventional therapies and the evaluation of new drugs

2013.03.13 2013年病毒与细胞戈登会议

, from May 5-10, 2013.Invited speakers will present new findings... for the poster sessions. Selections will be made to highlight exciting new developments

2013.03.13 2013年计算方面——生物分子核磁共振戈登会议

at the expense of dealing with new types of data, large amounts of data, and integration... students, postdocs, and those new to this research area, to discuss

2013.03.13 2013年分子药理学戈登会议

over the last 20 years, bringing or reinforcing new concepts that now apply... development and therapeutics and (iv) orphan and atypical GPCRs, revealing new

2012.12.24 2013年基因组不稳定和DNA修复研讨会

replication and the control of telomere structure, the meeting will forge new...Thus, the program will nurture cutting-edge research and exciting new

2012.08.11 2012年APASL亚太共识声明:慢性乙型肝炎的治疗

hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection have been published. Large amounts of new data... hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and newer drugs or new strategies towards more


approaches to the management of urological disease;Gain new knowledge... activities, including hands-on-training and courses;Gain exposure to new


The emphasis will be to stimulate new ways of thinking about old problems and new... issues in lung biology, including new cellular therapies, the effect


their latest findings and learn about new technologies that provide novel approaches... for the in-depth presentation of new results.Sessions to be included

2012.05.28 中国2型糖尿病防治指南节选(三)

糖尿病防治中的三级预防:2型糖尿病防治中三级预防概念 2型糖尿病的一级预防,是预防尚未发生糖尿病的高危个体或糖尿病前期患者发展为2 型糖尿病。2 型糖尿病的二级预防,是在已诊断的2 型糖尿病患者中预防2 型糖尿病并发症的发生和发展。2 型糖尿病的三级预防就是减少2 型糖尿病并发症的加重和降低致残率
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