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可溶性因子对 EMT 相互作用信号转导通路的作用

2019.03.29 可溶性因子对 EMT 相互作用信号转导通路的作用

ánchez-tilló E, Liu Y, De barrios O, et al.EMT-activating transcription factors...):876-88.Gotzmann J, Mikula M, Eger A, et al.Molecular aspects of epithelial

2018.03.28 使用曲妥珠单抗时,体重变化多少需要调整剂量?

DJ, Clark GM, Wong SG, et al. Human breast cancer: Correlation of relapse...-182.2. Slamon DJ, Leyland-Jones B, Shak S, et al. Use of chemotherapy plus a
检出 1 枚前哨淋巴结且确诊为转移,是否要行腋淋巴结清扫?

2017.11.28 检出 1 枚前哨淋巴结且确诊为转移,是否要行腋淋巴结清扫?

Lyman GH, Giuliano AE, Somerfield MR, et al. American Society of Clinical...):7703-20.2. Mansel RE, Fallowfield L, Kissin M, et al. Randomized multicenter trial

2017.03.14 一图总结:心律失常性心肌病的处理流程

1. Nerheim P, Birger-Botkin S, Piracha L, et al.Heart failure and sudden death...;6:257–64.3. Fenelon G, Wijns W, Andries E, et al. Tachycardiomyopathy

2017.02.09 避免「假性高血钾」:分析前应注意的问题

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2020.05.27 血栓弹力图在肝移植病人凝血功能和输血治疗管理过程中的应用价值

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口服 TPO 受体激动剂艾曲泊帕——ITP 治疗新选择

2019.11.01 口服 TPO 受体激动剂艾曲泊帕——ITP 治疗新选择

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李建勇教授:点评 Venetoclax 治疗伴 17p 缺失的复发性或难治性慢性淋巴细胞白血病

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2019.06.20 儿童自闭症难以根治,拿什么拯救你,星星的孩子?

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2018.05.19 医生,我怀孕吃了两颗布洛芬,孩子还能要吗?

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2018.01.05 陆菊明教授和你聊聊:磺脲类改善β细胞功能大揭秘

, Solomon Epstein,Barbara E. Corkey,et al.The Time Is Right for a NewClassifcation...;Takehiro M,et al.Impaired metabolism-secretion coupling in pancreatic beta-cells
2017 EASD 重温经典 探寻最佳风险获益比——重新审视 TZDs 类药物:吡格列酮

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2017.08.05 卒中后吞咽障碍,你还在用洼田饮水试验吗?

N, Bhogal S, et al. Dysphagia after stroke:incidence, diagnosis, and pulmonary..., Teasell R,et al.The Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test (TOR-BSST
诊断指导治疗 精准医疗改善肺癌疾病全程管理

2017.06.27 诊断指导治疗 精准医疗改善肺癌疾病全程管理

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