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2022.12.21 杨琳教授:2023ADA糖尿病诊疗标准颁布,这些更新要点具有重要借鉴意义!

筛查,以尽早发现糖尿病患者。众多 2 型糖尿病患者多年未确诊,在发现时严重者已出现糖尿病慢性并发症。2023 版 ADA 指南提出,对于青少年儿童超重或肥胖的个体... Tirzepatide,中文译名为替尔泊肽。替尔泊肽于五月在美国 FDA 获批用于治疗成人 2 型糖尿病,九月已在中国递交了上市申请,且已获得了受理,预计于 2023 年在

2013.04.19 Beyond Mammography: New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening remains a subject of intense and, at times, passionate debate. Mammography has long been the mainstay of breast cancer detection and is the only screening test proven to reduce mortality. Although it remains the gold standard of breast cancer screening, there is increasing awareness of subpopulations of women for whom mammography has reduced sensitivity. Mammography also has undergone increased scrutiny for false positives and excessive biopsies, which increase radiation dose, cost, and patient anxiety. In response to these challenges, new technologies for breast cancer screening have been developed, including low-dose mammography, contrast-enhanced mammography, tomosynthesis, automated whole breast ultrasound, molecular imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging. Here we examine some of the current controversies and promising new technologies that may improve detection of breast cancer both in the general population and in high-risk groups, such as women with dense breasts. We propose that optimal breast cancer screening will ultimately require a personalized approach based on metrics of cancer risk with selective application of specific screening technologies best suited to the individual\\\'s age, risk, and breast density

2013.05.08 第48届全国新特药品交易会 48th New Drugs China


2013.08.16 New Direction in Surgery for Rectal Cancer

A new treatment paradigm for mCRC

2008.09.19 A new treatment paradigm for mCRC

Prof. Heinz-Josef Lenz Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center USA ...
礼来计划在 2023 年前推出 20 款新药

2016.05.31 礼来计划在 2023 年前推出 20 款新药

据礼来首席执行官 Lechleiter 称,该公司在 140 年的历史长河中正进入一个新产品上市最丰收的时期。这家美国制药公司从 2014 年到 2023...控制、代谢控制及终末器官保护」方面给药装置的开发。该公司对其处于 2 期研发阶段的 PCSK9 抑制剂寄予了厚望,这表明这款药物与其它两款已获批的同类药物赛诺菲

2016.05.16 科学监管和医药创新—如何在中国药监新政中找到投资机遇

New International Expo Center,Hall E2 Meeting Room M17时间 Time主题 &nbsp...Navigating the new regulatory environmentfor pharmaceutical innovation---

2020.06.01 2023年第25届国际临床化学和检验医学大会(IFCC)

国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC)是一个全球性的非临床化学和实验室医学非政治组织。 (1)与其他国际组织合作,制定全球标准;(2)通过科学和教育活动支持...:全球医学会议网会议时间:2023年5月21日-2023年5月25日会议地点:意大利-罗马访客信息:药剂师、药理学家、教授、副教授、助理教授、博士学者、毕业生、董事

2012.02.14 后外侧入路治疗旋后外旋型踝关节骨折疗效良好并发症少

题目:后外侧入路治疗旋后外旋型踝关节骨折的结果和并发症作者:Milton T. Little, MD, New York, New York,United StatesMarschall B. Berkes, MD, New York, New York, United States
New perspectives in the search for reliable biomarkers in Alzheimer disease

2019.05.28 New perspectives in the search for reliable biomarkers in Alzheimer disease

期刊:European Journal of Psychiatry发布日期:2015-07内容简介:The search for accurate biomarkers in Alzheimer Disease (AD), on of the mo...

2013.11.12 Controversies and evolving new mechanisms in subarachnoid hemorrhage

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