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2017.02.10 儿童狼疮伴有慢性关节炎的最新描述

患者发生 CA 的情况进行详细描述。这项大规模研究经过严格筛选后招募了 852 名 cSLE 患者,其中 32 名(3.7%)发生 CA。受累部位主要集中在手

2012.11.23 ://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ix

After decades of focusing almost exclusively on treating HIV, public health experts are now considering a new approach, moving to establish more effective prevention strategies to curb spread of the disease. Recent tests show that anti-HIV drugs that can hamper the growth of the virus responsible for AIDS may also prevent progression of the disease if given to infected individuals soon after their exposure to HIV. The same drugs can also prevent infections from taking hold among healthy people who are exposed to the virus; both approaches would be critical ways of controlling spread of the virus and keeping new cases of HIV to a minimum.\r\n\r\nRead more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ixzz2CripWt9p

2015.08.26 AACE/ACE:血糖监测技术专家共识

联合发布了血糖检测技术专家共识,近期发表于 Endocrine Practice 杂志上。专家共识主要结论1. GM 能够提高糖尿病护理的质量和安全性,这一点也是接受强化胰岛素治疗的患者最肯定的地方。2. 对 GM 的需求,部分取决于患者的降糖治疗方案。如仅使用基础胰岛素治疗的患者较饮食和或基础胰岛素联合治疗的患者所需

2018.10.30 2018医疗健康产业投融资峰会

Philip G. Vanek|GE 医疗细胞治疗发展战略总经理

2017.10.10 Philip G. Vanek|GE 医疗细胞治疗发展战略总经理

Philip G. Vanek, PhDGE 医疗生命科学事业部细胞治疗发展战略总经理 GM Cell Therapy Growth Strategy, GE Healthcare在 GE,Phil 领导的团队专注于细胞治疗业务发展战略项目,包括投资合作 BridGE@CCRM 和 Vitruvian 系统
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