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2012.04.07 2012CSTAR巡回培训班 南京-杭州-南宁站安排
; 南京市玄武区长江路88号(估衣廊内)
2012.04.07 2012CSTAR巡回培训班 南京-杭州-南宁站安排
; 南京市玄武区长江路88号(估衣廊内)
2012.04.07 2012CSTAR巡回培训班 南京-杭州-南宁站安排
; 南京市玄武区长江路88号(估衣廊内)
2015.12.15 5 种肿瘤集 1 身:她到底是怎么了?
和 > 5 毫米结节在内的 DIPNECH,被归类为肺神经内分泌肿瘤(NET,其也被称为类癌),且被视为类癌的癌前病变。而类癌又可分为属低级别肿瘤的典型类癌... 患者伴有支气管扩张,且有 88% 的患者需要外科肺活检,来获得其疾病的组织学确认。本文患者在获得 DIPNECH 伴转移性类癌的组织学诊断后,我们曾认为其乳腺
2013.05.06 依维莫司开启肺神经内分泌肿瘤治疗新时代
2012.09.19 第十七届国际生物物理大会
会议简介Welcome Address
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Biophysical Society of China, it is my great pleasure and privilege to invite you to participate in the 17th International Biophysics Congress (IBC)(IUPAB), which will be held in Beijing from Oct. 30th to Nov. 3rd, 2011.
During the last 20 years, Biophysics has played an ever more important role in the social and economic development of China, both as a scientific discipline and a service-providing profession.? Many excellent scientific results have been achieved in the Biophysics research area during this period, and Chinese scientists in this field have published numerous papers in leading international journals, thus increasing their visibility.? The main goal of the 17th IBC (IUPAB) is to maximize this opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss new advances with fellow scientists from all over the world.? We also aim to encourage co-operation and interaction among the international Biophysical community, as well as build friendships.
Beijing is one of China’s most ancient cities and oldest capitals. The city has a unique history encompassing more than 3,000 years, as well as a rich cultural heritage with many world-renowned historical sites located in and around the city, including the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the grand Tian’anmen Square. Moreover, Beijing has undergone many changes in recent years and is becoming a thoroughly modern and cosmopolitan city. Beijing is being made to look more beautiful and pollution is being reduced, while public transport is considerably improved, especially the subway system. The warm and welcoming people, modern hotel accommodation, delicious food and the tremendous success of the 2008 Olympic Games all help to make Beijing the perfect venue for our 2011 Congress.
Under the auspices of the IUPAB, and with our experience of organizing large international scientific conferences, we will make every effort to organize a memorable and successful 17th IBC (IUPAB).? We believe that the conference will not only benefit participants from all over the world in terms of academic exchange and developing international cooperation, but will also provide an opportunity for participants to experience the unique blend of historic and modern culture in Beijing.
I look forward to welcoming you in China later this year.? With your participation and support, I have no doubt that the 17th IBC (IUPAB) will be a great success.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Zihe Rao
Chair, Organizing Committee
President,Biophysical Society of China
2012.09.19 股骨头坏死修复与重建国际研讨会暨辉瑞骨科镇痛高峰论坛
2012.09.19 北京友谊医院-第三届呼吸系统疾病辅助检查讲习班
由首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院主办的2009年国家级继续再教育项目-第三届呼吸系统疾病辅助检查讲习班 2009-03-02-010(国),计划于2009年8月21日-8月23日在北京举办,与会者授予国家级继续教育Ⅰ类学分6分。
1. 胸片和胸部CT的诊断基础
2. 弥漫性肺部疾病影像学诊断
3. 肺部疾病影像和临床特点分析(肺部感染;结节病;特发性间质性肺炎;过敏性肺炎;嗜酸细胞性肺炎;肺泡蛋白沉积症;肺小血管炎;特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症;肺淋巴管平滑肌瘤病;胶原血管疾病的肺部损害;肺部肿瘤;肺血栓栓塞症;原发性纵隔肿瘤等)
4. 肺功能和心肺运动试验
5. 血气分析
6. 睡眠监测与分析
7. 纤维支气管镜和胸腔镜检查
8. 呼吸疾病的体液检查与分析
9. 肺放射性核素扫描诊断分析
请登陆呼吸网:www.huxike.net.cn进行网上注册,或回执寄至meeting_2009@126.com或100050 北京宣武区永安路95号 北京友谊医院 呼吸科收(注明参会)。学费 800元/人, 食宿费180元/人/天(6月30日之前报名者,学费8折)。咨询电话:63014411转8735
2021.05.17 【聚焦 CHINA MED】2021 国际医疗器械行业发展论坛会议通知
2021.05.11 【聚焦CHINA MED】第十一届超声医学论坛•北京会议通知
://wx.chinamed.net.cn/event/listing?eventid=1440860687 3)选择会议4)填写信息5)注册成功特别提醒:因新冠疫情
2018.04.28 2018 中德医疗健康投资与商务拓展峰会
2018.04.26 2018 中德医疗健康投资与商务拓展峰会
2017.03.27 这两张漫画绝妙地诠释了科研,看懂的都哭了
://boingboing.net/原文:A comic about the real scientific process
2016.01.07 解析:低强度超声波缓解滑膜炎的秘密
(1MHz,200 mM/cm2)。根据髓过氧化物酶的表达测定中性粒细胞的清除,并观察滑膜的 TUNEL 染色和 NET 形成。对外周血中的中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞进行分离培养,以明确低强度超声波清除 NET 的作用。实验发现,弗氏完全佐剂诱导的滑膜炎中,过氧化物酶阳性的中性粒细胞在 2-3 天后达到峰值,占据了炎性核。外缘的
2014.05.29 丁香园将于6月2日专访ASCO主席Peter Yu教授,现有奖征集问题
2013.12.04 北京和美妇儿医院
2013.03.11 李灿院士:科技部也要转变职能