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2006.12.14 从调整血糖到愈合伤口

is important because when we know which cells respond to insulin and which molecules are involved, we may be able to develop ways in which we can make insulin

2006.02.06 诊断性检测和治疗在美国心血管疾病中应用的短期趋势

and Results— We performed an annual cross-sectional population-based study of Medicare patients from 1993 to 2001. We identified stress testing, cardiac

2012.09.19 分析方法规范实验室认证短训班

, that we offer the seats according to the first-come first-serve principle: Only 60

2020.07.27 疫苗越来越多-HPV、带状疱疹、肺炎、流感,到底如何接种?

推荐成人接种哪些疫苗?TOP 1 乙肝疫苗我国已成为第一「乙肝」大国,约 9300 万人携乙肝病毒。目前,我国儿童乙肝防控已经取得了很好的成效,但成人...。2.如果之前已全程接种过乙肝疫苗,乙肝表面抗体的血清滴度小于 10IU/ML,是需要进行加强接种的。TOP 2 麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎

2013.06.24 风险模型可早期预测1型糖尿病

Association meeting here."If we can capture [patients] earlier, they'll have more insulin available, and we can treat them at an earlier stage

2012.08.08 《自然》撰文呼吁理性对待科研中的假阳性结果

surprising a result seems to be, the less likely it is to be true. We cannot... more often than we would intuitively expect. The limited grasp of statistics

2012.09.19 第四届国际金陵麻醉与镇痛论坛(南京市第一医院—伦敦帝国理工)

not pass on the opportunity to meet and interact with both the top experts

2020.07.16 重磅,龙医互联网医院开通全球抗疫门诊

coronavirus and scientific epidemic prevention, we gather medical experts from... friends. We will fight Covid-19 and breakthroughthecurrent 

2020.03.21 上海永慈康复医院

rehabilitation technology with clinical medicine and traditional medicine. We... therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and mental counselling. We provide

2019.06.11 医院简介

with clinical medicine and traditional medicine. We specialize in traditional Chinese..., speech therapy, and mental counselling. We provide comprehensive medical services
向第 12 届国际胃癌大会专家团提问

2017.04.11 向第 12 届国际胃癌大会专家团提问

in Gastric Cancer7: How Do We Work Out the 8th AJCC Classification for Gastric Cancer?8... Do We Go?14: Treatment strategy for Advanced-age gastric Cancer Patients15

2013.07.18 拒稿后重投意外接收经验分享

inCancer Investigation. We are pleased to accept your paper in its current... contribution to Cancer Investigation and we look forward toreceiving further submissions

2013.06.26 胰岛素暴露水平可以增加心血管疾病死亡率

hypoglycemia rapid reduction of glucose or specific drugs. We hypothesized that exposure... mortality.We looked at insulin exposure data of 10 163 subjects with a mean

2013.06.05 ASCO2013:流行病学之性别对肝癌患者生存的关系

inhibition of NF-κB activity. We investigated the impact of age and gender on survival in patients with HCC using the SEER data.Methods: We identified

2013.05.05 2013年非侵入性心血管成像国际会议

to the awards and grants we already offer such as the ESC Working Group Travel Grants..., this year we will be offering the ICNC Young Scientist Award. This prestigious

2012.11.11 糖尿病治疗的未尽之旅

IAg7NOD鼠MHC糖尿病相关基因-32T细胞受体Vα片段识别胰岛素B9 23-33What We Do Not Know-28病原肽胰岛素B9 23-31Where Are We Today-27

2012.09.17 2010年美国中风协会脑出血治疗指南

://www.strokecenter.org/trials/. We will not discuss ongoing studies because we

2012.02.27 关于中国人群遗传性乳腺癌和大肠癌基因的新LOVD数据库

diseases. As the first effort, we have created a novel variant database of BRCA1... population using the Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD) format. We searched
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