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2012.02.14 髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白为风疹病毒的细胞受体

However, the cellular receptor for RV has not yet been identified. In this study, we... infection. Most importantly, we also showed that ectopic expression of MOG

2012.02.14 先天性心脏病患者IRX4基因的两个新的突变

of sequence variations in IRX4 on congenital heart disease (CHD) in humans, we... heart disease and 250 healthy individuals as the controls. We found two potential

2011.12.12 被动吸烟和主动脉弓钙化在中国非吸烟老年人群中的联系:广州生物库队列研究

calcification (AAC) among never smokers. We have previously reported that active... reported. We used baseline data of the Phase 1 Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study (GBCS

2011.12.09 Lgl1激活rab10促进轴突膜传输和底层的神经元极化

However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we report a role... larvae, in controlling membrane trafficking underlying axonal growth. We find

2011.12.09 在肝癌中的全基因组拷贝数分析发现了新的癌基因

regions that undergo frequent alterations in cancers. Here we identified 1,241... with gene expression signatures derived from the same HCC patients, we identified 362

2011.12.08 紫草素及其类似物通过靶向肿瘤丙酮酸激酶- M2抑制肿瘤细胞糖酵解

, China.杭州浙江癌症研究所,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院AbstractWe recently reported... are not known. Here, we showed that shikonin and its analogs are inhibitors

2011.09.06 肝癌治疗新思路:去除体内铁离子

在美国《新英格兰医学杂志》上。英文论文摘要:We have previously reported that the iron... of preneoplastic lesions in rats, and we have proposed the use of deferoxamine

2006.12.20 儿童时期减少摄入含糖饮料可降低今后患病风险

of obesity in children, we are seeing these problems at much younger ages.&quot... when the girls were five-years-old. "We first looked for different profiles

2nd Anticancer Agents Congress:Targeting Cancer Stem Cell

and the recurrence of cancer. We hope that this meeting... Thanks to the support by EACR, we will be making an EACR award for the best


you an unforgettable opportunity to experience it by yourself. We will organize a... We will also arrange pre-/post-conference tours for you and your family

International Horticultural Congress 2014

response there has already been to the Congress.We have developed an extensive... February 2014for early bird savings.On behalf of the Organising Committee, we

2014.01.10 博士院士的体会:英文SCI论文写作时的语言表达技巧

, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim...“根据假设提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要证实这种结果”等等。We aim to test the feasibility
说好的 PLUS 会员来啦!说明书上传 3 月排行榜出炉

2022.04.06 说好的 PLUS 会员来啦!说明书上传 3 月排行榜出炉

到了 825 份说明书,经过后台小助手日以继夜的审核,最终角逐出「3 月说明书上传榜」前三名:Top 1: 楠楠一沐 有效说明书 43 份Top 2: Eric_xzt 有效说明书 20 份Top 3: dxy_00wxf3se

2016.04.25 中国的科研用户都在搜什么文献?

这点是无疑的,肿瘤研究是并且也将一直是科研用户最关注的点,那么紧接着就让我们看看中国的科研用户更关注哪些疾病的研究?最关注的疾病类型 TOP10从以上排名来看... (分别为:糖尿病和 HIV),从某一个角度上说明了这两种疾病所受的关注度与肿瘤疾病不相上下。接着从用户检索的关键词中统计出了中国科研用户最关注的基因 TOP

2014.07.08 2014年FDA批准新药的销售额预测

重磅炸弹。按照Bloomberg的预测,2013年上市的新药经过5年的市场推广和培育,销售额top10的新药都将迈过10亿美元的门槛,2018年这10个新药的销售额...药物Xtandi同样备受关注,但 5年之后(即2017年)top10的销售总额预计仅为大约150亿美元,可以说完败于2013年。进入2014年, FDA在1~6

2012.05.02 风向变了,Good Bye, SCI

, SCI”还不是一个很容易的事情。无论如何,这仅仅是时间的问题,早晚的事情。数年前(2008年初),大呆曾经写过一个系列的博文《Top Journals 是标准吗》,对SCI这个问题有过比较系统的阐述,现在看来,当时的一些观点并没有过时。特别是,在Top Journals 是标准吗-7和Top

2011.08.15 三维CT重建的计算机模拟技术在伯尔尼髋臼周围截骨术中的应用

龄为14-42岁,平均24岁。术前行髋关节螺旋CT扫描并进行三维重建,使用“Top View”技术及Azuma分级对股骨头覆盖程度进行评估...^o(-10^o-18^o),Top View的股骨头覆盖率平均为63.5%(50%-77%)。术后平均外侧CE角为30.1^o(13^o-47^o),臼顶倾斜角

2015.02.10 视频病例:蹊跷眼震是为何?

)及Wernicke脑病(WE)。患者头颅MRI示:双侧丘脑内侧弥散受限,T2高信号(如图)。MRV和脑脊液检查正常。图. 患者头颅MRI成像显示双侧丘脑内侧高信号.思考:1. 根据影像学检查结果,考虑最可能的诊断是?2. 还需进行哪些其他检查?考虑诊断WE,给予患者静脉硫胺素500mg Q8h治疗;2天后继续口服硫胺素持续5天

2012.02.14 cIAP2通过加快泛素蛋白酶体介导的聚合酶降解抑制乙肝病毒复制

suppressor of apoptotic cell death. We have shown previously that cIAP2... unclear. In the present study, we demonstrate that cIAP2 can significantly reduce
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