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2017 年美国 ASCCP 阴道镜检查在宫颈癌预防中的共识建议

2017.10.25 2017 年美国 ASCCP 阴道镜检查在宫颈癌预防中的共识建议

LEEP 术对应于 IFCPC 中 1 型或 2 型切除(1 型 = 完全可见的 SCJ; 2 型 = 不完全可见的 SCJ),而 top-hat LEEP...:How Do We Perform Colposcopy? Implications for Establishing Standards. J Low

2012.09.19 2011年心理学与脑科学国际学术会议

Call for Papers from ICAPBS 2011Considering your research in related areas, we cordially invite you to submit a paper to ICAPBS 2011.2011

2014.11.22 预见2020:全球处方药销售解析

2015 神经领域 SCI 影响因子发布 有啥重大改变

2016.06.14 2015 神经领域 SCI 影响因子发布 有啥重大改变

。临床神经病学临床神经病学相关杂志 TOP 20 中,IF 呈上升趋势的占了一多半,分数下滑的杂志只有 6 本(具体见表格 1 中红色箭头所示)。排名前 5 的杂志...,而 NEURO-ONCOLOGY 也从去年的 15 名进步到第 9。另外,今年有 4 本期刊新登 TOP 20:CEPHALALGIA(排名 13

2012.09.19 2010年BIO-X国际转化医学研讨会

on the molecular genetics of psychosis: can we predict individual risk or target treatment

2014.09.24 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society-Asia Pacific Meeting

the participants and lead to a fruitful interdisciplinary discussion. We will feature... topics. We welcome proposals of special topics that reflect recent and regional

2013.03.13 The 2nd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries

platform for exchanging ideas, and to pave the way for future research challenges.As we... sources and technologies, we would like to invite researchers, scientists
日本东京大学荣誉教授Masao Omata专访

2012.06.05 日本东京大学荣誉教授Masao Omata专访

pathologist as we take biopsies and other liver samples. I was trained initially... stiffness. Therefore we did the first stiffness studies on hepatitis C patients

2012.03.28 缺氧与干细胞和骨肿瘤间的关系

In this review, we focused on the role of HIFs on bone tumor formation. Further, we also emphasized how hypoxia, stem cells, and its niches regulate the bone
The Use of Jig-Mounted Tracking System of Computerized Fluoroscopic-Based Navigation in Screws Insertion of Fracture Fixation

2008.11.18 The Use of Jig-Mounted Tracking System of Computerized Fluoroscopic-Based Navigation in Screws Insertion of Fracture Fixation

of patient trackers to bones, causing additional surgical trauma. We would like... fixation.Method We demonstrated the technique of using Jig-mounted tracking

2013 International Conference of Genomics(2013国际基因组学大会)

International Conference of Genomics in 2013. We would like to invite the field’s..., I am honored to invite you to join us at this conference. We look forward

the 3rd IGCS Regional Meeting on Gynecologic Cancers

boards, debates, and live surgical training.We hope that you will consider joining..., and we look forward to welcoming you in May 2014.

2012.09.19 2012第三届最新生物技术与仪器研讨会


2012.09.21 预测诺贝尔奖的娱乐

, Thomson Reuters citation analyst. “We recognize fundamental discoveries... Laureates have made such important contributions to science that we believe them

2019.06.11 内外科

Medicine, Endocrinology and Neurology, Digestive Care, Nephrology and others. We... medical techniques. We offer Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Urology, and more. Among

2013.03.13 ADEC第35届年度大会

That’s what this conference is all about — finding the ways we as death

2012.11.27 2012年欧洲神经内分泌肿瘤协会(ENETs)结直肠癌患者管理共识

these new changes as well as update management and in addition we propose an algorithm

2011.11.04 粪便样本中引起腹泻的多重病原体的检测

of detecting co-infections and can revealunexpected pathogens. Here we describe a
D. Lorne Tyrrell教授:拉米夫定治疗乙肝相关进展

2008.09.13 D. Lorne Tyrrell教授:拉米夫定治疗乙肝相关进展

University. We initially demonstrated that purine 2', 3' dideoxynucleosides were... expressing HBV (5). We demonstrated its activity against HBV in 


and foreign scientists from all over the world. We also aim to encourage
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