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2014.07.28 聚焦GPhI——新技术、新契机、新视野


2012.01.28 戴世强:谁来分享“优青”新蛋糕


2009.10.10 东西方胃癌治疗的差异

, SPIRITS, and TOP002等临床研究针对1300名日本患者中尝试了此新治疗方案,证实S-1合并顺铂凭借其显著的生存获益可以作为胃癌的标准治疗方案。日本... in 1,300 patients in Japan, such as JCOG 9912, SPIRITS, and TOP002 studies, have

2006.11.22 发达国家的年轻人不快乐

and South Africa came joint top in the list of how happy they were at 75 percent.The overall Wellbeing Index was more mixed between rich and poor. India came top

2012.12.05 我为什么逃离科研

not a top student. If he is not even a top student, he will definitely not be a top... things. Unfortunately, many Chinese professors' definition of top students
终极揭秘 内外科「最帅男医生」之争

2016.08.10 终极揭秘 内外科「最帅男医生」之争

平均颜值最高的科室 TOP5平均颜值最高的科室由骨科夺得桂冠。NO.1 外科 骨科NO.2 外科 普外科NO.3 外科 神经外科NO.4 外科 肝胆外科NO.5 外科 泌尿外科 最帅的医生所在科室 TOP5在「最帅男医生所在科室 TOP 5

2015.07.30 海德堡大学 Uni Heidelberg

Nobel Prize laureates. It is consistently ranked among Europe's top overall... in the top five among the 34 medical faculties in Germany. We also secured a top

2012.09.19 China Oncology Congress 2011

development, from the perspective of top companies including Roche, Novartis

2023.09.12 生物反馈疗法(EMG)如何运用到偏瘫患者的手功能康复?

movement therapy after stroke[J]. Lancet Neu-rol,2015,14(2): 224--234.[3]张通.中国脑卒中
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