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年度最精华:看完这几篇 变身高血压达人!

2015.12.28 年度最精华:看完这几篇 变身高血压达人!

高血压是心血管医生临床工作中的常见疾病,那么 2015 年度心血管时间上高血压文章琅琊榜的 TOP 8 是哪些呢,让我们逐一盘点。1. 《2015 年度高血压研究领域要闻盘点》近日,河北省人民医院郭艺芳教授对今年高血压研究领域的诸多新进展进行了回顾。在 AHA 2015 年会上, SPRINT 研究结果正式公布

2013.06.24 胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂类药物(GLP-1 RA)在启动注射治疗患者中的应用

is poor. We used Diabetes FORWARD (DF) a large PC practice-based research network


We are pleased to announce the Fourth International Ion Channel Conference: Structure, Function & Therapeutics. The conference will be held at the World

The American Association of Endocrine Surgeons 35th Annual Meeting

springtime in New England. We have an exciting format planned for the meeting

The 4th International Ion Channel Conference

We are pleased to announce the Fourth International Ion Channel Conference: Structure, Function & Therapeutics. The conference willbe held at the World

2014.12.02 International Conference on Nanomedicine and NanoBiotechnology

of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the&nbsp... Translation of Nanomedicine.We wish to extend our sincere welcome to all

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

we want to do drug R&D innovation with external collaboration? What we are looking for? What we can provide to external partners?讲座将介绍诺和诺德开放创新项目---INNOVO
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