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2012.10.29 2011年欧洲心脏病协会(ESC)、动脉硬化症协会(EAS)血脂异常指南

of the writing process on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given

2012.09.28 2012年ESC心脏瓣膜病治疗指南

of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given

2012.09.26 2012年ESC急慢性心衰诊治指南

of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given

2013.05.17 2013研究前沿:生命科学与医学最新热点方向排名

2013: 100 Top Ranked Specialties in the Sciences and Social Sciences)。报告中列出了当前十大前沿...β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)、滤泡辅助性CD4 T细胞(TFH)的分化和功能。临床医学(Clinical
【坚守 65 天】延大附院第一批支援武汉的 4 名队员返回西安

2020.04.07 【坚守 65 天】延大附院第一批支援武汉的 4 名队员返回西安

ccvideo4 月 6 日下午 16:10 左右,延安大学附属医院第一批支援武汉的崔莉、吴宁、张靓、曹莲爱 4 名队员在坚守武汉 65 天后,与陕西省第二批援助湖北医疗队一同从武汉天河国际机场飞抵西安。至此,医院 8 名支援武汉队员全部返回。ccvideo吴宁与队友值的最后一个班ccvideo4 名队员将同

2013.06.24 PI3Kγ抑制剂在1型糖尿病中的新型治疗效果

sequel of a deranged balance between autoreactive pathogenic T effector cells (Teff) and tolerogenic regulatory T cells (Tregs). A thorough understanding

2012.12.24 2013年人类基因组学与个性化医疗Symposia会议

by Drs. Kelly A Frazer and Geoffrey Ginsburg who respectively are leaders in the field of human genomics and personalized medicine. We have selected a diverse set

2014 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium

in Orlando, Florida, December 09 - 12, 2014. It will be a part of the IEEE Symposium... The theme of the SIS 2014 is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians

Clinical Pediatrics Conference

A conference for health care providers looking after children !Designed... speakers.Vancouver visit turned into a life-long learning experience.
近二十年妇科医学和妇女保健进展——Top 20

2015.07.26 近二十年妇科医学和妇女保健进展——Top 20

在过去 20 年里,妇科学技术和妇女保健不断变更。美国佛罗里达大学医学院妇产科学的教授总结了近二十年妇科医学和妇女保健的发展——TOP 20。一、生育调节● 宫内节育器(IUD)2001 年,宫内节育器(IUD)在美国投入使用, 避孕原理主要是通过引起子宫内无菌性炎症等作用达到避孕的目的。这种方法的优点是长效安全

2013.03.13 第三届国际激光超声和遥感研讨会

The symposium was started in 2008 in order to offer a forum for those..., bringing a remarkable impact to this field. In the last conference in Bordeaux, we

2013.02.10 2013年艾滋病毒疫苗研讨会

Recent data in both humans and non-human primates suggest that a clinically... can be an efficacious prevention strategy. The path forward will require a

2015.12.17 巨细胞动脉炎:下颌活动障碍也是诊断标准之一

(RR4.61),ESR、CRP、血小板中两项以上异常(RR3.4),血小板>400000 个/μL(RR3.3),下颌活动障碍(RR3.26),年龄>65 岁...一致的症状及体征(PMR)。第二种为加权评分,即将符合标准的各项 RR 相加,公式为 3.05(年龄大于 65 岁)+4.61(白种人)+3.26(出现下颌活动

2014.04.01 颈动脉内膜剥脱术「宝刀未老」

不同年龄患者早期结局的影响。他们发现,高龄(大于 65 岁)可使 CAS 较 CEA 的卒中风险增加 50% 以上(2.4%vs1.7...报告显示,在 65 岁及以上的患者中,2005-2010 年有 4169 例 CEA(62%)和 2536 例 CAS(38%)。在 66-70 岁
Vesicle Trafficking Presynaptic Signaling

2019.03.28 Vesicle Trafficking Presynaptic Signaling

点击下载 PDF>>Pathway Description:Neuronal communication is a very connective... into neurochemical signals. The synapse comprises a presynaptic active zone (a clustering

2012.09.28 2012年ESC心血管疾病预防指南

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a chronic disorder... the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) estimate is expected to rise from a

2012.05.22 患者,女,65岁。右侧肺癌行肺切除术一例


2012.07.27 黄宝生:肺部CT树芽征的诊断价值

bronchiolar aspergillosis in a patient who underwent bone marrow transplantation-26...影像学表现-62影像学表现-61影像学表现-65影像学表现-66
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