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2006.06.24 格列卫可能导致心衰

A cancer drug hailed for its ability to rescue those dying from leukaemia could end up giving them heart failure, a study suggests. Doctors say that the side

2014.05.15 2013-2014全美畅销药品Top100排名

IMS Health近日经市场调查整理,推出全美Top100药品处方量和销售额榜单。 &nbsp...Top10的畅销药还包括瑞舒伐他汀(Crestor,55亿),Advair Diskus(51亿),哮喘药物依那西普(Enbrel,美国安进;约49亿)以及英夫

2019.08.09 肠道微生物和帕金森

Gut Microbiota Regulate Motor Deficits and Neuroinflammation in a Model... to neurological disorders. However, a functional link between gut bacteria

2013.02.16 2012年美国ACCP缺血性卒中抗栓和溶栓治疗指南

in the article by Guyatt et al 5 in this supplement. A systematic review of the literature was conducted in November 2009. A systematic approach developed
美国小型上市公司TOP100榜单 医疗保健类公司抢眼

2014.10.30 美国小型上市公司TOP100榜单 医疗保健类公司抢眼


2014.12.31 ASH2014:复发多发性骨髓瘤前所未有的突破

。最新数据显示患者增加卡非佐米组无病进展生存期(26.3个月)长于仅接受来那度胺联合地塞米松(17.6个月)。来自斯科茨代尔亚利桑那州梅奥诊所的A. Keith...得到两组中位总生存期,但加用卡非佐米组趋向更长的总生存期(加用卡非佐米组为73.3%,对照组为65%),此试验结果并未超过统计学家在实验开始时设定的统计学范围

2012.09.24 乳癌内分泌治疗 新思路和临床实践

A Randomized Trial of Zoladex TAM-55AIs is Superior... 试验设计-65Zoladex 36mg 用于绝经前进展期乳腺癌II期临床试验-50ZIPP结果乳癌术后在标准治疗中加

2012.02.27 CT结肠成像在65岁以上成人人群中用于诊断大肠癌依然有效

据《放射学》杂志网站上最新发表的一篇文章所述:CT结肠成像可以作为65岁以上人群结肠癌的初筛手段;之前的一些研究已经证明了虚拟结肠镜--CT在诊断的准确率上与传统肠镜相比没有显著差异;而本实验重点关注这两种检查手段在65岁人群中是否能像在50-65岁人群中那样有价值;本实验是由C. Daniel
Tristan Yan

2013.12.12 Tristan Yan

Dr. Tristan YanAssociate ProfessorTristan D. Yan is a... Yan has a special clinical interest in aortic surgery, valvular surgery
Diego Gonzalez-Rivas

2013.12.12 Diego Gonzalez-Rivas

Diego Gonzalez-RivasDr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas is a...; Surgeons of Coruña University (MD). He received training in General

2012.09.19 美国医疗保健信息和管理系统协会2011年亚太区会议及领袖峰会

programme featuring thought leader and education sessions, with a specialized track...: syeo@himss.orgTel: +65 9848 5259Mr. Gabriel Sim
Tristan D. Yan教授

2015.05.06 Tristan D. Yan教授

Tristan D. Yan教授Tristan Yan is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Professor...). By reducing surgical trauma, he strives to achieve a more rapid and comfortable
Hongbin Ji

2014.07.11 Hongbin Ji

Hongbin JiHongbin Ji is a Professor of cancer biology in Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He

2013.03.13 2013年EMBL非编码基因研讨会

In the 50 years since RNA was identified as a central component in the flow of genetic information, it has become increasingly clear that RNA is more than a

2013.03.13 2013年在生命科学中数据挖掘技术研讨会

Data mining in biology and medicine is a core component of biomedical... to this field, whether at the clinic, the laboratory, or the research center. Following a

2013.03.13 第二届国际营养与食品科学会议

The aim of the ICNFS conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Nutrition and Food Sciences.

2013.01.27 2012年美国胸科学会临床实践指南:支气管肺泡灌洗液细胞分析在间质性肺病中的临床应用

Bronchial irrigation with saline solution via a catheter passed through a... lavage” was coined by Stitt in 1932. Although initially used as a therapy

2014.01.02 2013年美国骨质疏松基金会骨质疏松预防与治疗指南

Osteoporosis is a silent disease until it is complicated by fractures&mdash... and a major economic toll on the nation.Osteoporosis can be prevented

2020.08.27 小鼠破骨细胞培养和鉴定

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