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2013.05.20 2012年瑞典结肠癌择期结肠手术围术期护理指南
improved by the introduction of a series of evidencebased treatments covering the entire perioperative period and formulated into a standardised protocol.
2013.03.13 2013年EMBL蛋白质的合成和转化控制研讨会
"Translational Control" has become a major focus of attention... The discovery of miRNAs opened a new frontier that is now being extended with the finding
2015.07.26 近二十年妇科医学和妇女保健进展——Top 20
在过去 20 年里,妇科学技术和妇女保健不断变更。美国佛罗里达大学医学院妇产科学的教授总结了近二十年妇科医学和妇女保健的发展——TOP 20。一、生育调节● 宫内节育器(IUD)2001 年,宫内节育器(IUD)在美国投入使用, 避孕原理主要是通过引起子宫内无菌性炎症等作用达到避孕的目的。这种方法的优点是长效安全
2013.10.29 儿童接种全病毒H5N1疫苗安全有效
2014.09.04 The Efficacy of Continuous Versus Intermittent Celecoxib Treatment in Osteoarthritis Patients
Weight is an important factor in osteoarthritis(OA)as obese subjects are at a higher risk of developing knee and hip OA. Obese patients have a higher risk
2015.05.30 宫颈癌
宫颈癌(cervical cancer)是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤。原位癌高发年龄为 30~35 岁,浸润癌为 50~55 岁。近 40 年由于官颈细胞学筛查的...)ⅠA 期镜下浸润癌,所有肉眼可见的病灶,包括表浅浸润,均为ⅠBⅠA1间质浸润深度<3 mm,水平扩散 ≤ 7 mmⅠA2间质浸润深度 3~5 mm,水平扩散
2013.03.13 第42届国际血液学和干细胞学会年度科学会议
The Society for Hematology and Stem Cells (ISEH) was established in 1950 by a group of scientists who sought to create a forum for the presentation
2013.03.13 第二届国际生物和生命科学会议
The aim of the ICBLS conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Biological and Life Sciences.
2012.08.19 2012年美国AACE最新血脂指南
Each year, an estimated 785 000 Americans will have a new coronary artery disease (CAD) event, and approximately 470 000 will have a recurrent attack. CAD
2012.09.19 全国医院感染预防与控制新进展培训班
2012.09.19 中华医学会生殖医学分会生殖临床学组第一次全国生殖临床学术研讨会会议通知
2012.09.19 2011年浙江省临床麻醉质控年会
2012.04.23 武书连2012中国大学医学排行榜
2012.09.19 第十三届吴阶平-保罗杨森医学药学奖报名启动
2014.12.08 FDA 更新妊娠及哺乳期用药等级标签规则
妊娠期间处方药使用风险的字母分类 -A、B、C、D 及 X,该三个部分描述了可能需要药物治疗的妊娠妇女在真实医护环境下的风险。
2015.03.18 Thomas P. Vail
of Orthopedic Surgery at UCSF, is a specialist in total joint replacement... by UCSF Profiles, a service of the Clinical & Translational Science
2013.02.11 2010年美国感染性疾病学会IDSA抗隐球菌治疗指南
Cryptococcosis is a global invasive mycosis associated with significant... new sections. There is a discussion of the management of cryptococcal
This will be a meeting in which the vast majority of academic drug discovery centers and academic labs working in drug discovery will have a chance
The Annual EAU Congress is a platform for the international urological... offers a comprehensive coverage of urology and all its subspecialities, providing