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2012.11.26 怀孕不能降低乳腺癌患者复发风险

在2012年11月19日在线出版的《临床肿瘤学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Oncology)上,比利时布鲁塞尔大学Hatem A...存活期方面不存在差异(HR = 0.91; 95%CI, 0.67至1.24, P = .55) ,同时雌激素受体呈阴性的两个患者队列间也不存在差异(HR

2012.07.27 黄宝生:肺部CT树芽征的诊断价值

bronchiolar aspergillosis in a patient who underwent bone marrow transplantation-26...呼吸道合胞病毒-30结缔组织病-54呼吸道合胞病毒-31结缔组织病-55

2012.09.04 主动脉夹层的诊断和治疗进展

Echocardiography of Aortic Dissection-55病理分型-15发病机制-9发病机制-8导管介入治疗方法-77发病机制

2012.09.28 2012年ESC心血管疾病预防指南

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a chronic disorder... the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) estimate is expected to rise from a

2014.09.24 病例学习:硬膜外脂肪增多症

2014年9月22日,AJNR杂志刊登了如下一则教学病例。患者男性,55岁,因“背痛”就诊。结合上图,考虑诊断为?A. 库欣综合症B. 退行性椎间盘疾病C. 

2024.08.20 影响因子 15.8,Science 旗下双 1 区 Top 期刊,无需版面费,硕博生:这波 Buff 叠满

、无版面费、国人友好、影响因子稳定、中科院 1 区 TOP 期刊出版社:American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS)分区:JCR Q1、中科院医学 1 区 TOP影响因子:15.8审稿周期:审稿速度有快有慢,平均在 7~8 个月左右版面费:可选择绿色

2017.10.23 化学发光试剂盒定制服务

Immunoassay kit is a rapid, accurate and convenient method, which is widely used in the fields of medicine, agriculture, drug development, etc.. Based

2017.10.23 酶联免疫试剂盒定制服务

Immunoassay kit is a rapid, accurate and convenient method, which is widely used in the fields of medicine, agriculture, drug development, etc.. Based

2014.08.14 SuperSW mAb系列色谱柱从杂质中分离单抗单体(AN51)

IntroductionThe analysis of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is growing in importance in the field of biotherapeutics for the treatment of a variety

2014.06.18 2013年销售额增长Top50药品都是药企自己开发的吗?


2013.06.24 靶向血管生成素-1的上调可改善早期糖尿病性肾病

growth factor (VEGF)A and angiopoietin (Angpt)1 are constitutively expressed... mice caused a 70% reduction of albuminuria and reduction in diabetes-induced

2012.12.04 2012年英国哮喘指南

Asthma is a common condition which produces a significant workload... a comprehensive new asthma guideline, both having previously published guidance

2012.10.29 2012年英国哮喘管理指南

Asthma is a common condition which produces a significant workload for general...) and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) agreed to jointly produce a

CIPP XIII International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology第十三届世界小儿呼吸病学大会

.This congress is a continuation of a series of international congresses... worldwide since 1994. Our platform has helped shape the field as a leading force


The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1989 by a... by others from all over the world. They recognized the need for a scientific

2015.12.17 巨细胞动脉炎:下颌活动障碍也是诊断标准之一

TAB 阳性有很高相关性。对综合评分的分析显示,ROC 曲线下面积为 0.8,得分为 1-5 分的患者 TAB 阳性率分别为 0%、55、6%、49%、67

2013.05.17 2013研究前沿:生命科学与医学最新热点方向排名

2013: 100 Top Ranked Specialties in the Sciences and Social Sciences)。报告中列出了当前十大前沿...β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)、滤泡辅助性CD4 T细胞(TFH)的分化和功能。临床医学(Clinical

2019.03.11 西南医疗康健中心即将开诊,多图抢先看!(内含视频)

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