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2014.02.25 血胆固醇水平和脑淀粉样蛋白含量相关

中枢神经系统的Aβ沉积是阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)最重要的病理变化之一。而血胆固醇代谢和Aβ的形成、沉积以及清除密切相关,因而血胆固醇水平可能是AD的重要预测因素之一。然而,既往关于血胆固醇水平和AD患病风险的流行病学研究结果并不一致。有研究

2013.01.28 2012年ESC急慢性心衰诊治指南

of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given

2012.10.29 2011年欧洲心脏病协会(ESC)、动脉硬化症协会(EAS)血脂异常指南

of the writing process on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given

2012.09.28 2012年ESC心脏瓣膜病治疗指南

of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given

2012.09.26 2012年ESC急慢性心衰诊治指南

of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given

2013.06.24 PI3Kγ抑制剂在1型糖尿病中的新型治疗效果

sequel of a deranged balance between autoreactive pathogenic T effector cells (Teff) and tolerogenic regulatory T cells (Tregs). A thorough understanding

2012.12.24 2013年人类基因组学与个性化医疗Symposia会议

by Drs. Kelly A Frazer and Geoffrey Ginsburg who respectively are leaders in the field of human genomics and personalized medicine. We have selected a diverse set

Clinical Pediatrics Conference

A conference for health care providers looking after children !Designed... speakers.Vancouver visit turned into a life-long learning experience.

2014 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium

in Orlando, Florida, December 09 - 12, 2014. It will be a part of the IEEE Symposium... The theme of the SIS 2014 is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians

2013.03.13 第三届国际激光超声和遥感研讨会

The symposium was started in 2008 in order to offer a forum for those..., bringing a remarkable impact to this field. In the last conference in Bordeaux, we

2013.02.10 2013年艾滋病毒疫苗研讨会

Recent data in both humans and non-human primates suggest that a clinically... can be an efficacious prevention strategy. The path forward will require a

2014.02.11 丁香园生物医药中高级人才招聘会2013年上海站盛况

丁香园生物医药中高级人才招聘会2013年上海站盛况详情见: http://www.jobmd.cn/specials/sh2013
强生创新:鼓励更多科学家创业 提高创业成功比例

2017.12.19 强生创新:鼓励更多科学家创业 提高创业成功比例

高级管理人员的调查发布的 TOP50 最具创新性的公司排名榜,强生是该榜单的常客。这离不开其旗下的强生创新所开展的创新实践。早在 2012 年,为加速早期研发... and technologies in a new way.— Paul Stoffels, MD, Chief Scientific
精彩幻灯:MRI 诊断篇 Top 7

2016.12.25 精彩幻灯:MRI 诊断篇 Top 7

2016 年备受大家欢迎的八个幻灯。
2015 呼吸频道必看指南 Top 10

2015.12.24 2015 呼吸频道必看指南 Top 10

转眼间,2015 即将进入尾声,这「医」年,呼吸时间感恩你的陪伴!忙绿的你是不是错过了权威的指南更新,是不是遗漏了重要的医疗资讯,是不是忘记了实用的临床技巧?
免疫学 Top 100 文章

2015.08.25 免疫学 Top 100 文章

Vesicle Trafficking Presynaptic Signaling

2019.03.28 Vesicle Trafficking Presynaptic Signaling

点击下载 PDF>>Pathway Description:Neuronal communication is a very connective... into neurochemical signals. The synapse comprises a presynaptic active zone (a clustering

2012.09.19 首届北京市公立医院改革实践高峰研讨会

中国人民大学医院管理研究中心成立仪式 主持人:王 丹08:35-08:55
IgG4 相关性疾病的管理及治疗国际共识指南

2015.10.07 IgG4 相关性疾病的管理及治疗国际共识指南

均需要进行治疗,部分需要紧急治疗,一部分无症状的 IgG4-RD 患者也需要进行治疗874/C39,47,48,51,55,67,69-744. 糖皮质激素...联用糖皮质激素和类固醇样效应免疫抑制剂464/C38,55,56,66,786. 在诱导缓解治疗起效后,部分患者可以从维持治疗中获益942b/B38,47,48,50,51,54,55
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