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2011.12.22 论文潮:2011年科研论文数量top40国家

For science — as for politics and economics — 2011 was a year of upheaval, the effects of which will reverberate for decades. The United States lost three venerable symbols of its scientific might: the space-shuttle programme, the Tevatron particle collider and blockbuster profits from the world's best-selling drug all came to an end. But the year also saw stirrings of science's future: hopes that research might blossom following the Arab Spring; cheap vaccines rolling out in Africa; and the first fruits of genome sequencing being used in the clinic. All this was overshadowed by the triple trauma of Japan's devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, and a continual chipping away at science funding as nations struggled with the financial crisis.

2012.07.06 韩健:成功的海归可以分成三类


2013.10.21 AMP as a Low-Energy Charge Signal Autonomously Initiates Assembly of AXIN-AMPK-LKB1 Complex for AMPK Activation

厦大生命科学学院林圣彩教授课题组的一项研究发现了细胞“饥饿”信号传导通路中的关键一环,从而揭示了细胞“饥饿”信号传导机制的过程,这一发现被认为对研究包括肥胖、糖尿病、脂肪肝等在内的代谢疾病的发生发展机制及治疗新方法有着重大意义。\r\n \r\n林圣彩介绍,控制细胞新陈代谢平衡的是一种名为AMPK的蛋白激酶,它决定身体中的脂肪是储存还是燃烧。其作用机理是:当细胞能量水平较高时,细胞中存在充足的能量分子ATP,并使用ATP进行“合成代谢”,将多余能量作为脂肪储存下来;当细胞“饥饿”时,细胞中存在的ATP会转变为低能量分子AMP,AMPK将关闭合成代谢,反而激发分解代谢,让脂肪燃烧为能量。为此,AMPK又被誉为“细胞能量感受器”。多年来,它一直是生命科学领域研究的“热门”。\r\n \r\n此前的研究表明,当细胞“饥饿”信号 AMP上升时,AMPK活性能被激活,促进增加ATP的生成,维持细胞能量平衡。但该细胞“饥饿”信号如何传递到激活AMPK的复合体上仍是一片空白。\r\n \r\n林圣彩课题组研究发现,一种自己多年来的研究对象——名为AXIN的蛋白是调控AMPK的重要因子。简言之,AXIN是一个桥梁,是它将低能量分子AMP结合的AMPK和其上游激酶LKB1连接在一起,三者形成一个复合体,促进LKB1对AMPK的磷酸化激活,使得AMPK的活性升高,从而完成信号传递过程。\r\n \r\n

2013.08.22 DNA缺陷或引发Ⅱ型糖尿病人具癌症风险


2013.08.07 Steroids and osteoporosis: the quest for mechanisms

骨和内分泌的经典之作! \r\n\r\nAdvances made during the last 35 years have improved our understanding of the mechanisms of steroid hormone action on bone and how physiologic, pathologic, or iatrogenic changes in hormone levels can lead to increased fracture risk. Estrogens, androgens, and glucocorticoids alter the cellular composition of bone by regulating the supply and lifespan of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Additionally, they influence the survival of osteocytes, long-lived cells that are entombed within the mineralized matrix and mediate the homeostatic adaptation of bone to mechanical forces. Altered redox balance is a proximal underlying mechanism of some of these effects, and sex steroid deficiency or glucocorticoid excess contributes to the aging of the skeleton.

2013.04.19 Recommendations from Gynaecological (GYN) GEC-ESTRO Working Group (I): concepts and terms in 3D image based 3D treatment planning in cervix cancer brachytherapy with emphasis on MRI assessment of GTV

Brachytherapy (BT) plays a crucial role in the management of invasive cervix cancer from stage I to IV.\r\nIntracavitary techniques are based on afterloading devices, with different types of applicators. CT and/or MRI compatible applicators allow a\r\nsectional image based approach with a better assessment of gross tumour volume (GTV) and definition and delineation of target volume (CTV) compared to traditional approaches. Accurate and reproducible delineation of GTV, CTV and PTV, as well as of critical organs has a direct impact on BT treatment planning, especially if it is possible to adapt the pear-shape isodose by optimisation using DVH analysis. When introducing a 3D image based approach for GTV and CTV assessment, there is a need for a common language to describe the concepts and to define the terms which are to be used.

2012.11.23 Rethinking HIV: After Five Years of Debate, a New Push for Prevention Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ix

After decades of focusing almost exclusively on treating HIV, public health experts are now considering a new approach, moving to establish more effective prevention strategies to curb spread of the disease. Recent tests show that anti-HIV drugs that can hamper the growth of the virus responsible for AIDS may also prevent progression of the disease if given to infected individuals soon after their exposure to HIV. The same drugs can also prevent infections from taking hold among healthy people who are exposed to the virus; both approaches would be critical ways of controlling spread of the virus and keeping new cases of HIV to a minimum.\r\n\r\nRead more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/11/21/recommendations-for-routine-hiv-testing-represent-advances-in-preventing-hiv/#ixzz2CripWt9p

2012.11.28 ValukineTM ELISA Kit 超值 价优 质高

该试剂盒采用夹心法ELISA原理,定量检测小鼠和人中的重要指标,并经过细胞培养上清液严格优化,保证了ELISA检测的灵敏度,重复性,特异性。ValukineTM与R&D Systems®其他ELISA试剂盒的区别 
Proteome Profiler™ 大鼠脂肪因子抗体芯片

2012.11.28 Proteome Profiler™ 大鼠脂肪因子抗体芯片

R&D Systems 现提供Proteome Profiler 大鼠脂肪因子抗体芯片(货号 ARY016)。此试剂盒提供了一种快速灵敏的方法,可同时检测单个细胞培养上清、细胞裂解液、血清或组织裂解液样品中30 个肥胖相关蛋白的相对表达。Proteome Profiler 芯片不需要特殊的设备,可同时

第六届中国眼科学基础研究大会暨研究生导师论坛会议(CCRVO 2014)

AydinO’Dwyer教授、David R. Hinton教授、Chiea Chuen Khor教授、Stephen Tsang教授

2018.05.30 小张聊科研-实用数据挖掘及科研绘图培训班

;梳理发文套路,教你用「别人的」数据,发「自己的」文章;学会 R 语言,Illustrator,Photoshop 绘图方法,将科研绘图技巧统统收入囊中。课程特点...;掌握数据挖掘必备利器「R 语言」;---数据分析实例---掌握 GEO 数据挖掘;掌握 TCGA 数据挖掘;---文章绘图写作---掌握 R 语言统计绘图

2011.12.08 伽玛刀手术可降低肿瘤患者的癫痫发作次数

Timone大学医院的Jean Régis博士及其同事进行。错构瘤类型主要为I-IV型,患者的最小年龄为3岁。边缘放射剂量的中位值为17 Gy,中位体积...更长期的随访。Régis博士为国际立体定向放射外科学会会长,并且是该学会2011年会的主席。他声明从以下放射外科器械生产商筹集到大量会议

2012.06.10 1期临床试验显示血管破裂剂和抗血管生成抗体联用具有临床活性


2013.10.09 严重前循环脑梗死患者进行静脉tPA治疗显著改善临床预后

尚不清楚。为此,美国麻省总医院影像科的R. Gilberto González博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2013年9月3日的

2012.02.04 中美科学家合作发现新型基因检测法有助判断肺癌患者死亡风险

美国加州大学旧金山分校的Johannes R Kratz博士与广州医学院附属第一医院院长何建行教授合作在新一期《柳叶刀》刊登报告说,他们开发的一套新型基因检测方法,能够大致判断肺癌患者的死亡风险高低,在甄别出死亡风险较高的患者后,可以采取额外的化疗等手段来帮助治疗。研究人员报告说,他们对
复星医药荣登「2020 中国药品研发综合实力排行榜 TOP100」第 2 名

2020.09.11 复星医药荣登「2020 中国药品研发综合实力排行榜 TOP100」第 2 名

9 月 10 日,2020 大健康产业高质量发展大会暨第五届中国医药研发·创新峰会(PDI)在重庆启幕,大会隆重发布了《2020 中国药品研发实力排行榜》系列 6 大榜单,在最受瞩目的《2020 中国药品研发综合实力排行榜 TOP100》(以下简称《总榜》)中,复星医药名次较去年攀升 2 位
重庆北部宽仁医院荣登 2020 年中国公益风云榜 TOP100 强

2020.11.12 重庆北部宽仁医院荣登 2020 年中国公益风云榜 TOP100 强

余家参评医疗机构中脱颖而出,荣登 2020 年度中国医院公益品牌 TOP100 强!国家卫生健康委员会、中国生命关怀协会相关领导、全国各地专家学者、文化界...,经过两个多月的多方考评,专家评委团依照综合考核指标最终选出「医院公益风云榜 TOP100」。重庆北部宽仁医院从 500 多家参评医疗机构中脱颖而出,跻身

2012.10.24 张伟京:ASCT治疗淋巴瘤挑战与思考

4MegaCHOEP(ASCS)+6R治疗年轻高危侵袭性B细胞淋巴瘤结果-20307医院ASCT不同预处理方案治疗...CHOEP_14+R 或HDT (MegaCHOEP)+R治疗年轻高危侵袭性B细胞淋巴瘤 德国高度淋巴瘤研究组MegaCHOEP方案研究-24CR1对

2018.06.03 2018 年美国神经外科年会(CNS)

2018 年美国神经外科年会(CNS)会议日期:2018 年 10 月 6 日-10 日 会议城市:美国-休斯顿 会展场馆:George R. Brown Convention Center注册:暂无 论文提交截止:2018 年 3 月 26 日 邀请函:提供大会注册及申请意请函等服务,成功注册后即可获得组委会提供的

2015.12.16 2014年物理治疗及康复科学国际会议

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