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2016.05.31 精彩幻灯:肉毒素注射治疗简介

结核菌素试验诱发 Bazin 硬红斑

2015.11.14 结核菌素试验诱发 Bazin 硬红斑

Bazin硬红斑与结核分枝杆菌之间的关系一直存在争议。Posada García C博士的病例为两者之间的相关性提供了新的例证。

2013.04.22 江苏临床化学技术副高058考题回忆

1,HIV基因有哪些(多选) 2,使某酶(Km为0.05mmol/L)催化的反应速度达80%Vmax时的底物浓度应是 3,肾小球肾炎补体C3恢复时间

2013.03.27 第四届亚太肝胆胰大会

The congress will be held on 27th – 30th March 2013 in ShanghaiInternational Convention Center Shanghai China. TheAsian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (APHPBA)and the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital (EHBH) arejoining together to make this c ...

2013.03.13 第24届国际拟南芥研究学术会议

The 24th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) the largest annual international scientific conference devoted to Arabidopsis thaliana – a model plant worked with by an estimated 16000 labs around the world,will be held in the recently refurbished Sydney C ...

2013.03.13 2013年细胞接触和粘附戈登研究研讨会

The Cell Contact & Adhesion Gordon Research Seminar will be held in conjunction with the Cell Contact & Adhesion Gordon Research Conference. Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRC in addition to an application for the GRS. Please refer to the C ...

2012.09.19 第二届妇女生殖道HPV感染相关疾病研讨会

47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver

2012.06.11 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver

47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver-6047th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver-1Clinical Significance of Precore and Core Promoter Mutations in CHB-9Effect of Novel Reverse Transcriptase Mutations on HBsAg-51C ...

12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palatea nd Related Craniofacial Anomalies

The 1st International Congress was held in the United States in 1969. Convening every four years at locations around the world the Congress is devoted to promoting and facilitating the care of individuals with cleft lip and palate and related craniofacial anomalies.The 12th International C ...


With the rapid development of all disciplines in radiation research field Chinese scientists have made and are making great achievements in this field thus increasing their visibility and impact in the world. Therefore the theme of this congress is“The opportunities and c ...

2014.07.25 基于CT的枢椎分类:枢椎置钉方法选择

一个新的基于CT评估的分级系统,在上述三项测量参数的基础上来评估置入经关节螺钉和C2椎弓根螺钉的难易程度。作者对47具成人干燥枢椎标本进行了CT扫描,所用医学术语...):矢状面重建后,峡部高度的测量在旁矢状面上完成,该位置在冠状面上穿过椎动脉孔的顶端。图1. 术语应用。a. C2上面观:A—椎弓根,B—关节间部/峡部;b.C

2011.08.17 儿童急性早幼粒细胞白血病临床路径


2021.08.04 【病例分享】罕见病——平山病一例

。MRI 图像1A-1C 图、常规仰卧位 T1WI 及 T2WI 矢状位图示颈椎生理曲度变直,椎体形态及信号均正常,椎间隙正常,椎管未见狭窄;1D 图、常规仰卧位 T2WI 横轴位示 C5-6 水平硬膜外间隙未见增宽,相应水平颈髓未见受压

2016.02.29 警惕:慎用万向锁定钢板治疗股骨远端粉碎性骨折

实验和临床研究也证实了万向锁定钢板的有效性,但是临床上仍然可见固定失败的病例。因此,来自休斯顿德州健康中心骨科的Jason C. Tank等进行一项回顾性研究...所有股骨远端骨折(OTA/AO 33-A、B 、C)患者,年龄在18到84岁间。纳入条件为使用预弯的股骨远端锁定钢板固定,而不包括髓内钉、关节置换、未预弯钢板

2014.09.19 GLP-1与胰岛素联用疗效更佳


2011.12.06 临床执业医师资格考试医学心理学模拟试题及答案


2013.12.11 T2DM患者使用非诺贝特应谨慎


2019.04.16 用药问答:心脏骤停早期诊断最佳指标是?

今日问答:心脏骤停早期诊断最佳指标是( C )A. 瞳孔突然散大B. 测不到血压C. 颈动脉和股动脉脉搏消失D. 呼吸停止E. 面色苍白解析:心跳骤停:三大消失:大动脉波动消失(颈,股动脉,确诊标准);心音消失;意识丧失。颈动脉和股动脉波动消失为诊断心脏骤停的金标准,听诊心音消失为诊断心脏骤停的银标准故答案选 C
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