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2013.01.27 科技写作:时态的使用要妥当

, the vibrational levels__________(diverge) into the so-called Fermi dyad.

2012.08.07 以急性胰腺炎为首发表现的甲状旁腺功能亢进

正常血气分析:PH7.334, PCO239.9mmHg, PO2 86.3 mmHg, SO296.8%术前免疫八项:HbcAb 阳性

2012.05.23 博士如此多娇 引无数英雄竞折腰之毕业篇

的几句话,I really can do my Ph.D in three months,why it is taking so long? 我想很多人都会

2012.04.08 分享我一年半时间评审的近50篇SCI稿件的经验

is not the native language of the authors, so I can appreciate the difficulty

2012.01.31 牛登科:eLife审稿过程革新,值得关注的新期刊

though that having to comply with so many referees with different views puts

2011.12.09 2011年QCA、IVUS和OCT技术在介入心脏病学中的应用

QCA has been developed and registered with the IVUS or OCT images, so

2011.12.06 我写Cover letter经验并奉上模板

, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.Thank you so

2011.10.03 2011年诺贝尔医学奖获奖者拉尔夫-斯坦曼逝世

are with Ralph’s wife, children and family.”“We are all so

2010.05.28 第4届中国肺癌微创治疗论坛——亚太区胸腔镜肺叶切除大汇演基本情况简介

are conducted electronically so that rapid review is assured.“呼吸疾病国家重点实验室”

2007.08.07 复方药物开发前景虽广但仍需谨慎

is a tough blow for both companies. Glaxo is eager to get the drug approved, so

2007.07.09 每周一问(NO.88):系统性红斑狼疮(五)

cases requiring more potent therapy, so it occurs commonly during pregnancy (2

2007.01.04 肥胖悖论同样适于急性失代偿性心力衰竭

decompensated heart failure29 December 2006Study findings suggest that the so-called obesity

2006.12.20 FDA顾问小组强烈要求限制抗生素Ketek的临床应用

for community-acquired pneumonia.U.S. sales of Ketek are about $71 million so far this year

2006.12.20 儿童时期减少摄入含糖饮料可降低今后患病风险

the study. "We do not have future data on these girls and so we can only

2006.12.18 不要贪恋“低脂”食品

to researchers at Cornell University, in the U.S., eating so-called 'low fat

2006.12.07 婴儿感染沙门氏菌的6个危险因素

from kids might help; so might better packaging, the researchers note.4. Babies

2006.11.05 慢性疲劳综合征

clinical symptoms. So what are the hallmarks of CFS?Basically, folks just don't

2006.11.03 降脂药可保护吸烟者的肺

medicine at the University of Glasgow, UK. So statins might be prescribed during

2006.10.08 体重指数增加的男性易发生不育

intercourse, so it is possible that overweight men have less sexual intercourse

2006.08.17 减肥可能对关节炎产生治疗作用

"start losing the weight first, and then exercise." In so doing, "
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