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2013.04.20 美国神经化学学会(ASNC)年会

is one of the most safeness cities in Mexico.We look forward to see you

2013.04.13 英文写作常搞混的词汇

“amount”用于不可数名词,如钱、信息、时间等。例句:We... its validity.以下几个范例可以帮助你辨识这2个字的不同:避免使用:As we had

2013.03.27 第四届亚太肝胆胰大会

Differences". We’ll bring togetherphysicians, academics, healthcare

2013.03.13 2013 International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences

in the domain of interest from around the world. We look forward to seeing you in Seoul

2013.03.13 2013年世界肾脏病学术会议

of Nephrology (APSN) we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2013 World

2013.03.13 2013年EMBL蛋白质的合成和转化控制研讨会

these processes will feature prominently within the conference. We thus believe

2012.12.24 2013年造血系统研讨会

, we anticipate that this conference will yield novel insights into the biology

2012.12.22 2012年美国神经学会亨廷顿舞蹈病治疗指南

stress.、For this evidence-based guideline, we asked the following

2012.12.05 2011年英国肠胃病学会炎性肠病管理指南

definitions, diagnosis and current management we believe there are still compelling

2012.12.03 2012年胃肠胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤指南

specialists, many of whom attended a guidelines conference in May 2009. We have attempted

2012.09.26 2011年美国急诊科游离氯胺酮镇静临床实践指南

and perspectives about optimal dissociative sedation practice, we reviewed the newer

2012.03.31 PiR-823作为一种新型的非编码小分子RNA被证明能够在体内体外抑制人胃癌细胞的活性

By using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technology, we

2012.02.14 中国完成猪恶性流行性腹泻病毒株的全基因组测序

infection in China. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of strain CH/S, which

2012.02.14 间质干细胞分泌的可溶性信号分子可促进肿瘤生长

实验室AbstractIn previous studies, we and others have shown that bone..., the exact mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated whether

2012.02.14 干扰xCT能够通过活性氧/自噬途径抑制肝癌细胞生长

, we demonstrated that xCT expression is often elevated in HCC and is associated

2011.12.09 用于癌症化疗的小分子药物

, they need to be further delivered to the nucleus for actions. Herein, we
Hypothyroidism:Fetal Brain Development

2011.12.05 Hypothyroidism:Fetal Brain Development

do we care-26Activation of HES-27 

2011.11.28 肺癌的个性化医疗:我们需要知道什么

Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011 ;8(11):661-8. [IF:10.787]Personalized medicine in lung cancer: what we need to know.Mok TS .Department of Clinical

2009.01.22 从源头上切断流感的流行

proportions. We used a stochastic influenza simulation model for rural Southeast

2007.07.29 图文:第二届MedCongress内分泌•糖尿病学术论坛

this conference? And what do they think of this conference?  A1:We have over 1,600 doctors... with the last one?  A2: It is different from last one. Last year we were just
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