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2013.03.06 杨志勇 美国国立卫生研究院,NIAID疫苗研究中心研究员,教授

primates against infection.10. Nature 445, 732-737 15 February 2007. 封面文章
Gastrointest Endosc:严重的食管静脉曲张套扎治疗后溃疡出血患者应尽早考虑TIPS

2013.01.20 Gastrointest Endosc:严重的食管静脉曲张套扎治疗后溃疡出血患者应尽早考虑TIPS


2007.10.06 研究发现替诺福韦酯联合治疗引起肾损害

美国研究者认为,对于正在使用替诺福韦酯(tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)治疗HIV感染的患者,联合使用安泼那韦(Amprenavir)和去羟肌苷(didanosine)与肾功能损害风险增加有明显相关性[1]。使用Cockcroft-Gault (CG)方程式对445例使用
文章被Molecular Psychiatry杂志接受经验分享

2013.04.26 文章被Molecular Psychiatry杂志接受经验分享

博后老板提了一些很有帮助的意见。这样,在11月中旬我们将这篇文章定稿,并且投到了精神疾病领域的top journal:Molecular Psychiatry..., we cannot consider your article as it stands for publication in Molecular
Ilizaliturri  MD讲座:关节镜下髂腰肌松解治疗内侧弹响髋综合症

2011.10.19 Ilizaliturri MD讲座:关节镜下髂腰肌松解治疗内侧弹响髋综合症

arthrography (MRA) is the diagnostic study we prefer. It may demonstrate... and the femoral neck (FN) is at the top. The arrow points to the place where

2013.03.13 第37届国际生理科学大会

; www.iups2013.org会议背景介绍: We would like... about yours. To make their participation possible, we ask for your financial

2012.12.14 一篇SCI论文有趣的投稿过程

careful review of our manuscript and rapid response. We are very interested in publication of our manuscript in the journal. We are glad to revise our manuscript.

2012.02.27 敲除mir-21抑制人乳腺癌细胞的增殖,体外迁移和体内肿瘤生长

have been identified. In this study, we explored the role of miR-21 in human breast cancer cells and tissues, and searched for miR-21 targets. We used in vitro

2012.02.16 食管鳞癌细胞株中HOXA13靶基因的研究

and have been found to be deregulated in many tumors. Previously, we found... ESCC and we also demonstrated that knockdown of HOXA13 blocked cell proliferation

2011.12.08 microRNA-29b通过调节基质金属蛋白酶2的表达抑制肿瘤血管生成,侵袭和转移

for rapid recurrence and poor survival of HCC. We previously found... cells and to invade extracellular matrix gel in vitro. Using mouse models, we

2011.12.05 Verticillin通过DNA甲基化上调BNIP3能够克服人结肠癌凋亡的耐药性

improve the efficacy of cancer therapy. We screened extracts of Verticillium..., we observed that Verticillin A induces cell-cycle arrest in the G(2) phase

2011.11.28 MicroRNA-29b通过调节基质金属蛋白酶2的表达抑制肿瘤血管生成侵袭和转移

for rapid recurrence and poor survival of HCC. We previously found... cells and to invade extracellular matrix gel in vitro. Using mouse models, we
不流血的战争:2015 十大药物研发转让新闻

2015.12.24 不流血的战争:2015 十大药物研发转让新闻

。另一方面,积极进行技术合作和产品转让,以此减少药物研发带来的开支。接下来,带大家回顾一年来的十大药物研发转让新闻:TOP10 融资...产业对此类疗法的关注。而越来越多的生物医药公司步入这一领域,希望在肿瘤免疫疗法的第二波浪潮中占据优先位置。TOP9 掷入 1 亿美元
2015 年盘点:10 大药企兼收并购案

2015.12.02 2015 年盘点:10 大药企兼收并购案

「潜力股」有利于促进公司药物产品价格的上涨和销售额的增加。接下来,带大家回顾一下 2015 年以来十大重磅的兼并收购事件:TOP10 &nbsp... Pharmaceutical)、FivePrime 等关于其旗下的明星肺癌药 Opdivo 达成了广泛的临床合作协议。TOP9 执着仿制专利品牌药

2012.09.19 The 16th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology

with well-known investigators across diverse areas of chromaffin cell study.?We

2019.06.11 医学影像科

resonance machine produced by GE, we integrate clinical imaging, medical diagnosis

2019.06.11 医学检验科

analyzer, automated coagulation analyzer, portable blood gas analyzer and more. We

2014.09.16 Nature conference--Nuclear Reprogramming and the Cancer Genome 2014

and the functional analysis of cancer cells to see just how much we can learn from one

2014.08.19 BioAssist S色谱柱分离IgM的应用

binding capacity. In this note we examine an alternative purification method of IgM

2013.06.23 周智广:中国自身免疫性糖尿病流行形势严峻

advantage of this study we aimed to investigate the prevalence of autoimmune... was determined on the basis of self-report. We further randomly selected 1002 OGTT
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