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2016.06.22 2016 山东妇幼健康论坛——促进自然分娩专业委员会分论坛


2016.05.04 第二批「万人计划」人选开始推荐


2016.01.27 《中国医学文摘耳鼻咽喉科学》编委会暨新技术新进展学术研讨会


2014.10.24 北京大学航天中心医院

://www.asch.net.cn/ 招聘岗位:1.儿科学科带头人2.妇产科学科带头人3.核医学科学科带头人4.皮肤科学科带头人 5.医务科相关负责人

2014.09.19 单纤维传导技术对腕管综合征患者尺神经功能早期评价

目的 通过常规传导技术、单纤维传导 (SF-CV)技术对腕管综合征(CTS)患者进行尺神经功能检测,两种方法比较以期获得早期运动神经功能评价更优方式。方法 选取 60 例 CTS 患者,根据 Stevens 分级,将 CTS患者分为轻度、中重度两组,并与同期健康志愿者 20例作对照。应用 Keypoint.net

2014.07.23 国际隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染(OBI)暨血液安全研讨会


2014.03.13 CFDA曝光10家违法发布虚假医疗器械信息网站


2012.10.30 有些基金申请者,虽败犹荣

FDA召回未标明sulfoaildenafil成分的V Maxx Rx药品

2012.06.10 FDA召回未标明sulfoaildenafil成分的V Maxx Rx药品

39110背景:这次召回所涉及的产品可以在www.vmaxxrx.com或 www.themenzclub.net 网站上订购,或在全国分销点

2011.12.08 减少胸腺输出是艾滋病毒感染者长期抗逆转录病毒治疗之后免疫功能重建失败的主要机制

litsh@263.net北京协和医院传染病室,北京中国医学科学院AbstractApproximately 20

2008.11.28 国际脑血管病高峰论坛简介

: gelinxumd@yahoo.com.cn会议网址: www.stroke.net.cn


:2014年3月14日,接收稿件E-mail:eme@emushroom.net八、展览大会附设展览,展览范围包括食用菌菌种,食用菌新产品... 电 话:010-64807455网 址:www.emushroom.netE-mail:eme@emushroom.net



中国菌物学会产业专题技术论坛 ——2014第三届全国天麻会议

:2014年8月29日接收稿件E-mail:tianma@emushroom.net七、参会报名与收费1、会务费:&nbsp...:18971078663;QQ号:1026101589王志豪 手机:15872392505;QQ号:2860106318网址:www.emushroom.net

2019.07.03 第二届社区医疗品质发展研讨会

:登录www.chinagp.net网站,通过网上进行直接报名。(2) 邮件报名:请参会人员于7月25日前将报名回执(附件1)发至邮箱qkyxpxb@chinagp.net.cn。(四) 其他事宜(1) 会议不安排接送站,请自行前往所选择的住宿酒店报名。(2) 联系人及联系方式周 阳 

2019.04.15 2019 第六届 NGS 创新开发者大会将于 4 月 26-27 日召开

】www.ngser.net【大会主题】协作·创新【大会主办方】北京基云惠康科技有限公司注;生物医学工程学会医学检验工程分会【大会承办方】NGS 创新开发者协会...:010-64863376医生参会获取活动行优惠码Email:service@ngser.net【大会亮点】01 亮点一:涵盖从测序、临床级/消费级基因检测

2012.09.19 第13届Genomic Standards Consortium研讨会

The 13th Workshop of the Genomic Standards Consortium
From Genomes to Interactions to Communities to Models
March 4th-7th 2012, Shenzhen, China
On behalf of GSC13 steering committee, it is our great honor to invite you to attend the “The 13th Workshop of the Genomic Standards Consortium” organized by the BGI, to be held from March 4th-7th 2012, in Shenzhen China.
The 13th Workshop of the GSC is an open meeting aimed at widening the circle of researchers, industrial and policy representatives who employ and get involved with the GSC. The meeting will be focused on megasequencing projects, those that leverage the extended capability of advanced next-generation sequencing technology to generate trillions of base pairs of sequence data. Specifically the meeting will be looking at how the reporting standards designed by the GSC can be used to help improve capture of contextual metadata associated with the sequence data. In addition we will have policy discussions focused on the power of these datasets, new efforts to provide discussions forums for globally distributed ecosystem analysis sites, current developments in the Earth Microbiome Project, and advances in indoor microbiome research.
As the main conference organizer, BGI (http://www.genomics.cn/en) has established its own technical platforms based on large-scale genome sequencing, efficient bioinformatics analyses, and has abundant experience in metagenomics research as well as in plant and animal genomics research, among others. BGI has been one of the leading genomics institutes in the world.
We are confident that, with your active participation, the workshop will be a scientifically rewarding and enjoyable experience, providing opportunities to promote genome research by active communication and collaborative networking between disciplines and continents.
The BGI conference team (meeting@service.genomics.cn) will do their best to assist your stay during the meeting and inform you the detailed schedule. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to meeting you in Shenzhen!
GSC13 local organizer: BGI, China
The Genomic Standards Consortium (http://gensc.org)
The Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) formed in September 2005 to work as an international community towards solutions for improving the descriptions of our complete collection of genomes and metagenomes and mechanisms of data exchange and integration. It is an open-member international community consisting of biologists, bioinformaticians, and computer scientists, with representatives from NCBI, EMBL, DDBJ, JCVI, JGI, EBI, Sanger, and a number of other institutions involved in cross-cutting research. As a first step, the GSC published the “Minimum Information about a (Meta) Genome Sequence” (MIGS/MIMS) specification, which describes the core information that should be reported with each new genome or metagenome publication. Meanwhile, MIGS/MIMS has been extended to cover marker genes as well through the “Minimum Information about a Marker Sequence” (MIMARKS) specification. The GSC is now building several core implementation projects on top of this family of MIGS/MIMS/MIMARKS standards. The GSC has hosted 11 workshops to date and is currently running GSC 12 in Germany and planning GSC 13 in China as the momentum behind this initiative continues to build.
The GSC has also launched on Open Access, online journal, Standards in Genomics Sciences (SIGS) that received seed funding from the Michigan State University Foundation in July 2008. A principal objective of SIGS is to further the GSC data standardization efforts. Publication of SIGS began in July 2009 on a bimonthly schedule and has already achieved an international following of readers in more than eighty countries. SIGS is a member of CrossRef and participates in the forward linking program. Articles appearing in SIGS are archived in PubMed Central and all content is available through the PubMed Central site, as well as the SIGS site.
Conference Time and Venue
March 4th-7th 2011 (Registration on March 4th)
Kingkey Palace Hotel, Shenzhen, China.
Speakers (Updating)
Rita Colwell (University of Maryland, USA)
Jun Wang (BGI, China)
Dawn Field (CEH, UK)
Jack Gilbert (Argonne National Labortaory, USA)
Neil Davies (University of California-Berkley, USA)
Mitch Sogin (Woods Hole MBL, USA)
Jeffrey Siegel (University of Texas, USA)
Scott Kelley (San Diego State University, USA)
Jason Stajich (University of California-Riverside, USA)
Junjie Qin (BGI, China)
Linda Amaral Zettler (MBL, USA)
Jeroen Raes (VIB, Belgium)
Mitchel Sogin (MBL, USA)
Janet Jansson (LBNL, USA)
Frank Oliver Glockner (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Abstract Submission
The deadline for abstract submission is 0:00(Beijing Time), Feb. 10th, 2012. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Committee, and authors will be notified if they are selected to give an oral presentation. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Workshop Proceedings.
Registration fee
Standard Rate: $400/¥2400
Student Rate: $300/¥1800
The registration fee covers conference material, food and beverage during the conference sessions.
Meeting Organization Group
Tel: +86-755-25273340/25273092
Fax: +86-755-25273092
Email: meeting@service.genomics.cn

2012.09.19 2011临床诊断听力学培训班

二、 举办时间:2011年11月14日-11月18日。
1)请将“畅听未来”项目2011年耳聋防治培训班学员回执.doc1316741819.doc填好后并加盖单位公章于2011年11月1日前寄至湖北省武汉市解放大道1277号协和医院耳鼻喉科王智超收 (电话:13971256623,邮编:430022),Email:sevenray@163.com;
2)11月1日前联系畅听未来项目直接报名,联系人:范燕妮(电话:021-2211 3226,传真:021-2211 3336 )。Email:maggie.fan@hearingthefuture.com;





2012.09.19 第四届福瑞肝纤维化论坛圆满落幕

会议开幕式上,由北京友谊医院贾继东教授致开幕词。我国香港中文大学陈力元教授、南京军区上海肝病中心陈成伟教授、南方医院肝病研究所侯金林教授、北京友谊医院肝病研究中心贾继东教授、第二军医大学附属长征医院缪晓辉教授、上海第二医学院附属仁济医院消化内科曾民德教授等众多肝病知名专家学者应邀出席论坛。法国波尔多大学V.de Ledinghen教授和德国约翰尼斯-古腾堡大学Detlef Schuppan教授等国际著名专家学者出席并发表精彩演讲。
会中基础研究异彩纷呈,临床研究发人深省。来自德国的Detlef Schuppan教授从肝星状细胞的激活和凋亡出发,阐述了抗肝纤维化的新靶点和治疗研究进展。此外,各与会专家又从各种慢性肝病与肝纤维化的关系、无创肝纤维化监测的临床应用以及肝纤维化相关基础研究等多方面进行了深入探讨。会议现场还采用了形式新颖的短信问答方式,使与会代表与演讲专家有效地沟通交流。


德国约翰尼斯-古腾堡大学Detlef Schuppan教授 做专题报告

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