搜索到 1000 条关于 백억짜리 닉스고 Va222.top 경마소식 일본지방경마 온라인 경마 시행 Ab 的文章


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1 种以上的抗体,其中 3 例(2.7%)同时具有 TPO-Ab 及电压门控钾通道复合物抗体(VGKCc-Ab),2 例(1.8%)同时具有 GAD65-Ab 与 VGKCc-Ab,1 例具有 TPO-Ab 与 GAD65-Ab,1 例具有抗 Hu 抗体及 GAD65-Ab。32 例(28.6%)患者具有单一抗体标志物
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2012.09.19 首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知

首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知


上海·2012521-23尊敬的老师,您好!生理药代动力学模型(PBPK)在药物研发与监管中得到广泛应用意味着新时代的来临!它改变了动物试验和人体实验传统研究模式流程,指导制药企业项目决策及效率提高;FDA和EMA的使用及推荐,促使国外制药企业及学术单位相关研究者都在学习及掌握PBPK的应用。为促进我国在该领域的发展,力争与全球同步,凡默谷特邀美国Simulations Plus顶尖专家来华授课,让您了解及掌握PBPK知识、获悉国外最新应用、亲授多年使用经验,授课过程将以理论与实践相结合的形式进行。GastroPlus是由美国Simulations Plus公司研发的基于机制性生理模型的药代动力学、药效动力学(PBPK/PD)模拟软件,目前在FDA和几乎所有的全球顶尖制药公司中得到广泛应用,被誉为同类软件中的“黄金标准”。为确保培训效果,限额50人/班,第一轮通知发出后,已得到广大中国用户的积极响应和踊跃报名。报名从速!为何本次GastroPlus Workshop值得您参加?1)药物研发及监管中争相应用PBPK模型的时代已经来临!2)PBPK辅助药物研究可方便指导项目决策、节约成本、缩短时间;3)FDA已广泛采用PBPK模拟来制定法规和对新药及仿制药进行审批;4)FDA及各大制药企业对全球最权威的PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus倍加青睐;5)零距离接触Simulations Plus首席科学家,并参与学习的最新应用案例;6)您可免费获得一个月的GastroPlus软件试用。本次GastroPlus Workshop将让您受益良多:1)制药企业或CRO:有利于您理解您的客户或其他Sites实验方案设计思路、下一阶段决策及实验开展、合理设计实验方案;2)学术研究:启示您开辟新的药代、药剂等研究方向,剖析药物作用机制等;3)临床药理研究:合理设计临床试验方案,不同人群PK/PD研究等;4)法规部门:协助制定新药及仿制药政策和标准。报名方法:请您填写报名回执,并通过Email的方式反馈给我们。Email: training@pharmogo.com报名截止:2012年4月20日(北京培训班)/2012年4月30日(上海培训班)联系人:周伟,电话:021-61638583-8001报名确认:1)报名确认以凡默谷收到款项或报名者提供汇款凭证为准,凡默谷可先提供发票以供报销;2)会务组在接到报名后,将email或电话通知学员培训班相关事项。温馨提醒:学员必须自带已安装好Gastroplus程序的电脑参加培训,现场不提供电脑。

GastroPlus Workshop Course Instructors List

Michael B. Bolger

Chief Scientist

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Bolger is Chief Scientist at Simulations Plus, he oversees a team of scientist / programmers at Simulations Plus, Inc. (Lancaster, CA) in the development of software programs (ADMET Predictor/Modeler, MedChem Studio/Designer, GastroPlus, DDDPlus, and MembranePlus) for estimation of biopharmaceutical properties, simulations of absorption and bioavailability, automated generation QSP/AR model building, in vitro dissolution, and cell culture permeability simulation.

As a faculty member at USC School of Pharmacy, his research was supported by several NIH basic science research grants and he published over 50 peer-reviewed publications. From 1989-1991 he served as a FDA National Science Advisor. He has served as a reviewer for numerous scientific publications. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USC.

Haiying Zhou, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist II

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Zhou is Senior Scientist II at Simulations Plus, she focused on the development of modeling and simulation software for quantitative understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug candidates (GastroPlus), in vitro dissolution of active pharmaceutical ingredients and formulation excipients under various experimental conditions (DDDPlus).

She received her M.S. degree in automation from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in 2002 and her Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2009. Her research interests in CWRU include multi-scale mathematical modeling of gas transport and cellular metabolism with emphasis on the metabolic regulation during different conditions, e.g. hypoxia and exercise.

John DiBella

Vice President of Marketing Simulations Plus Inc.

John DiBella is the Director – Marketing & Sales at Simulations Plus, He joined Simulations Plus in 2003 and has spent time working on the development of GastroPlus? and DDDPlus? software and consulting projects. Now, he leads the marketing & sales activities for the company while continuing to travel the world hosting training seminars.John obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees (with honors) in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2003. His graduate research was focused on computational modeling of physiological systems.

培训班详情:请下载附件参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus北京培训班第二轮通知/BeiJing GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus上海培训班第二轮通知/ShangHai GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice

2012.09.19 首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知

首届中国PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus Workshop第二轮通知


上海·2012521-23尊敬的老师,您好!生理药代动力学模型(PBPK)在药物研发与监管中得到广泛应用意味着新时代的来临!它改变了动物试验和人体实验传统研究模式流程,指导制药企业项目决策及效率提高;FDA和EMA的使用及推荐,促使国外制药企业及学术单位相关研究者都在学习及掌握PBPK的应用。为促进我国在该领域的发展,力争与全球同步,凡默谷特邀美国Simulations Plus顶尖专家来华授课,让您了解及掌握PBPK知识、获悉国外最新应用、亲授多年使用经验,授课过程将以理论与实践相结合的形式进行。GastroPlus是由美国Simulations Plus公司研发的基于机制性生理模型的药代动力学、药效动力学(PBPK/PD)模拟软件,目前在FDA和几乎所有的全球顶尖制药公司中得到广泛应用,被誉为同类软件中的“黄金标准”。为确保培训效果,限额50人/班,第一轮通知发出后,已得到广大中国用户的积极响应和踊跃报名。报名从速!为何本次GastroPlus Workshop值得您参加?1)药物研发及监管中争相应用PBPK模型的时代已经来临!2)PBPK辅助药物研究可方便指导项目决策、节约成本、缩短时间;3)FDA已广泛采用PBPK模拟来制定法规和对新药及仿制药进行审批;4)FDA及各大制药企业对全球最权威的PBPK模拟软件GastroPlus倍加青睐;5)零距离接触Simulations Plus首席科学家,并参与学习的最新应用案例;6)您可免费获得一个月的GastroPlus软件试用。本次GastroPlus Workshop将让您受益良多:1)制药企业或CRO:有利于您理解您的客户或其他Sites实验方案设计思路、下一阶段决策及实验开展、合理设计实验方案;2)学术研究:启示您开辟新的药代、药剂等研究方向,剖析药物作用机制等;3)临床药理研究:合理设计临床试验方案,不同人群PK/PD研究等;4)法规部门:协助制定新药及仿制药政策和标准。报名方法:请您填写报名回执,并通过Email的方式反馈给我们。Email: training@pharmogo.com报名截止:2012年4月20日(北京培训班)/2012年4月30日(上海培训班)联系人:周伟,电话:021-61638583-8001报名确认:1)报名确认以凡默谷收到款项或报名者提供汇款凭证为准,凡默谷可先提供发票以供报销;2)会务组在接到报名后,将email或电话通知学员培训班相关事项。温馨提醒:学员必须自带已安装好Gastroplus程序的电脑参加培训,现场不提供电脑。

GastroPlus Workshop Course Instructors List

Michael B. Bolger

Chief Scientist

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Bolger is Chief Scientist at Simulations Plus, he oversees a team of scientist / programmers at Simulations Plus, Inc. (Lancaster, CA) in the development of software programs (ADMET Predictor/Modeler, MedChem Studio/Designer, GastroPlus, DDDPlus, and MembranePlus) for estimation of biopharmaceutical properties, simulations of absorption and bioavailability, automated generation QSP/AR model building, in vitro dissolution, and cell culture permeability simulation.

As a faculty member at USC School of Pharmacy, his research was supported by several NIH basic science research grants and he published over 50 peer-reviewed publications. From 1989-1991 he served as a FDA National Science Advisor. He has served as a reviewer for numerous scientific publications. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USC.

Haiying Zhou, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist II

Simulations Plus Inc.

Dr. Zhou is Senior Scientist II at Simulations Plus, she focused on the development of modeling and simulation software for quantitative understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug candidates (GastroPlus), in vitro dissolution of active pharmaceutical ingredients and formulation excipients under various experimental conditions (DDDPlus).

She received her M.S. degree in automation from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in 2002 and her Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2009. Her research interests in CWRU include multi-scale mathematical modeling of gas transport and cellular metabolism with emphasis on the metabolic regulation during different conditions, e.g. hypoxia and exercise.

John DiBella

Vice President of Marketing Simulations Plus Inc.

John DiBella is the Director – Marketing & Sales at Simulations Plus, He joined Simulations Plus in 2003 and has spent time working on the development of GastroPlus? and DDDPlus? software and consulting projects. Now, he leads the marketing & sales activities for the company while continuing to travel the world hosting training seminars.John obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees (with honors) in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2003. His graduate research was focused on computational modeling of physiological systems.

培训班详情:请下载附件参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus北京培训班第二轮通知/BeiJing GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice参加北京培训班请点击下载:GastroPlus上海培训班第二轮通知/ShangHai GastroPlus-Intro-Workshop 2nd Notice

2016.02.27 甲状腺毒症临床诊治思路

激素合成、分泌增加。目前 TSAb 不能单独检测,能检测的是包括 TSAb 和 TSBAb(TSH 受体刺激阻断性抗体) 的 TR-Ab(TSH 受体抗体),临床上以 TR-Ab 升高做为诊断 Graves 的重要依据。突眼、胫前粘液性水肿是 Graves 病比较特异性的体征,多数患者甲状腺弥漫性肿大,吸碘率升高,高峰

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妊娠期甲状腺功能评价的 6 个核心问题

2018.06.25 妊娠期甲状腺功能评价的 6 个核心问题

问题进行讨论后认为,在没有本地区特异性参考值的情况下,可以选择 4 mIU/L 作为 TSH 的参考值上限。3、妊娠期是否应该监测 TPO-Ab 和 Tg-Ab?TPO-Ab 和 Tg-Ab 是甲状腺功能检查时常规检查项目,也是辅助判断病因的重要指标。研究表明,在妊娠期妇女中,两者的阳性率大概在 2%~17
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2016.07.02 麻醉镇痛药市场高度集中 TOP 10 品种占比高达 97%

无法控制病痛的惟一手段。TOP 10 品种占 97%随着我国医院用药结构的不断调整,镇痛类药物已是一个单独的类别。2009 年《国家基本医疗保险,工伤保险和生育保险...、个体化给药剂量以及用药频率的影响下,推动着这一类药物终端市场的平稳增长。HDM 系统数据显示,2015 年,国内 16 个重点城市公立医院麻醉镇痛药市场 TOP
2014全球畅销药TOP10 总销售额达830亿

2015.03.17 2014全球畅销药TOP10 总销售额达830亿

为自己的明星药物寻找“继承者”。从赛诺菲胰岛素新药Toujeo的上市策略来看,其欲成为当前畅销药物排行榜TOP 10中第3只胰岛素产品的雄心昭然若揭。此外,罗氏

2016.11.10 补硒可显著降低甲状腺自身免疫抗体水平

发表的 16 项对照试验(1494 名 AIT 患者)进行系统性回顾。评价指标包括血清甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPO-Ab)和甲状腺球蛋白抗体(Tg-Ab)水平...受治疗的新诊断患者。分析显示,在接受 LT4 治疗的患者中,补硒 3 个月后 TPO-Ab 水平显著降低,与补硒 6 个月和 12 个月的结果一致。补硒 12
HIV 抗原抗体检测阳性、核酸扩增阴性:哪个为准?

2016.05.15 HIV 抗原抗体检测阳性、核酸扩增阴性:哪个为准?

临床实验室进行 HIV 确证实验。收到病人标本后,实验室首先采用第四代抗原/抗体(Ag/Ab)检测实验,结果为阳性(+),说明出现 HIV 特异性 Ag/Ab 的...(-)。根据上述结果,医生确定她并未感染 HIV。尽管 Ag/Ab 检测实验(+),但是 HIV-1/2 鉴别实验(-)和核酸分子实验(-)排除了 HIV 的诊断。因此
调脂药市场蕴藏新机:Top 3 品种与两大新药格局分析

2016.06.29 调脂药市场蕴藏新机:Top 3 品种与两大新药格局分析

美元汇率变化不大,所以中国市场规模同比数据反映了其医药市场实际消费药品的水平变化,用药金额和数量同比增长率均在 10% 以上。全球 Top 10 品种占六成2015
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2016.06.27 2015 年在华跨国药企药品终端销售额 TOP10(亿元)

华跨国药企终端药品营收 TOP10(亿元)数据来源:中康 CMH,销售额以终端零售价计算多年来,外资药企凭借原研药单独定价优势,在中国主要大城市等级医院销售势头

2018.11.11 年度药品盘点:甲钴胺片

2018 用药助手查询Top 10 之「甲钴胺片」
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