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BNA 神经介入沙龙「心脑对话」7月22日相约北京

2016.07.18 BNA 神经介入沙龙「心脑对话」7月22日相约北京

2016 年 7 月 22 日下午在海淀医院开启 BNA 神经介入沙龙之心脑对话篇,会议将邀请著名神经介入专家,首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院急诊介入科主任缪中荣

2012.09.19 22届长城国际心脏病学会议暨亚太心盟科学大会

The 22nd Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology (GW-ICC)asia...:北京会议介绍:The 22nd Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology

2016.05.09 2016 年度中国苏州 ChinaBio® 合作论坛

,其他研讨嘉宾还有 Darren Ji, MD, PhD, MBA – VP, Global Head, Asia and Emerging Markets..., Sorrento Therapeutics; Mike Liu, PhD, MBA – Head, Global Business Development, Hengrui

2014.08.03 2014 iCare CRM中国市场医药营销暨信息化论坛

;主讲人:姚相鹏,Ice Water Global资深顾问,多年医药行业CRM运作实践。2:45 - 3:15 主题演讲:美国...;主讲人:江栋,Ice Water Global售前总监。4:10 - 4:30 经验分享:赫思

2012.09.19 22届日本日本医疗药学会年会


2017.10.20 2017 香港生物科技视界 世界生物技术大会

为庆祝香港回归祖国 20 周年,香港生物科技学会诚邀世界各地的专家学者以及生物行业的朋友来港参加于 2017 年 11 月 22 日-25 日(周三-周六... for treating neuropathic and cancer pain5、Innovation for Global Health:Problem Solving

2013.11.13 人乳具抗HCV活性

Background. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread through direct contact with blood, although alternative routes of transmission may contribute to the global burden. Perinatal infection occurs in up to 5% of HCV-infected mothers, and presence of HCV RNA in breast milk has been reported. We investigated the influence of breast milk on HCV infectiousness.Methods/Results. Human breast milk reduced HCV infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was species-specific because milk from various animals did not inhibit HCV infection. Treatment of HCV with human breast milk did not compromise integrity of viral RNA or capsids but destroyed the lipid envelope. Fractionation of breast milk revealed that the antiviral activity is present in the cream fraction containing the fat. Proteolytic digestion of milk proteins had no influence on its antiviral activity, whereas prolonged storage at 4°C increased antiviral activity. Notably, pretreatment with a lipase inhibitor ablated the antiviral activity and specific free fatty acids of breast milk were antiviral.Conclusions. The antiviral activity of breast milk is linked to endogenous lipase-dependent generation of free fatty acids, which destroy the viral lipid envelope. Therefore, nursing by HCV-positive mothers is unlikely to play a major role in vertical transmission.
JID :白藜芦醇可增强替诺福韦的抗HIV-1活性

2013.09.21 JID :白藜芦醇可增强替诺福韦的抗HIV-1活性

Background. Targeting host-cell pathways to increase the potency of nucleoside/nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) is an important strategy for clinical investigation. Resveratrol is a natural product that inhibits cellular ribonucleotide reductase, prolonging the S phase of the cell cycle and preferentially lowering dATP levels.Methods. We performed in vitro evaluation of resveratrol on the antiviral activity of adenosine analog tenofovir (TFV) against sensitive and drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), from subtypes B and C, in primary cells.Results. Resveratrol enhanced the antiviral activity of TFV by up to 10-fold and restored susceptibility of TFV-resistant viruses. Resveratrol prevented wild-type HIV-1 from developing phenotypic resistance to TFV. Notably, resveratrol enhanced TFV activity against sensitive and resistant HIV-1 from both subtypes B and C.Conclusions. Prolonged wide-scale use of thymidine analogs in the setting of viral failure has limited the efficacy of second-line NRTI-based regimens in Africa. Moreover, the extensive use of ddI and d4T has led to high frequencies of the K65R mutation, further compromising TFV efficacy. In light of increasing resistance to commonly used NRTIs in global HIV treatment programs, targeting nucleoside biosynthesis with resveratrol, or derivatives with improved bioavailabilities, is a potential strategy to maintain, enhance, and restore susceptibility of commonly used NRTIs.

2012.09.19 第1届免疫疾病世界研讨会

Organized by the professional organization- China Liaoning Society for Immunology and Institute of Immunology, China Medicinal University, the 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Diseases is designed to provide a small and cross disciplinary carefully selected current topics in immunology, from the basic science to clinical treatment. Over 300 global specialists are anticipated to get together to present and share their cutting-edge developments and up-to-date researches in pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and clinical presentation of important immune diseases. We are convinced ISID-2010 will definitely offer an idea platform for promotion and collaboration for relevant companies and institutes of their technologies, products and services.The 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Disease 2010 (ISID-2010) will include either oral or poster presentations in both academic and industrial settings. All the faculty, academic, clinical and industrial researchers will have their own presentation means to join this event.The conference venue, Beijing is the bilingual and multicultural capital city of China. On August 8, 2008, Beijing brought the world a great surprise for the Olympics opening ceremony. We are sure Beijing will provide an ideal location for what promises to be an exciting and memorable meeting.We look forward to seeing you in Beijing for a stimulating and enjoyable Conference!会议主席:中国医科大学院士 陈洪铎教授会议副主席:中国医科大学 吕昌龙教授会议执行主席:中国医科大学 单凤平教授
中国造富大学排行榜揭晓 北大亿万富豪校友最多

2014.01.17 中国造富大学排行榜揭晓 北大亿万富豪校友最多


2013.03.21 制药行业领袖齐聚北京-2013年ISPE中国年会4月22日北京举行

日期:2013年4月22-23日城市:北京酒店:北京富力万丽酒店举办方:ISPE (国际制药工程协会)年会官方网站:http://www.ispe-event.org.cn/2013ISPEChinaConference/4 月22-23日,汇聚全球制药行业的

2016.04.08 最新研究:仅少数慢阻肺患者可获益于吸入糖皮质激素

Respir J 2005; 26 (2); 234-2414. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD.

2012.09.19 Dialog-奥凯咨询(2010)中国医药用户年会(第六届)

President 副总裁Global Sales and Account ManagementMorten Nicholaisen 领导全球

2011.11.28 白介素-22在B型肝炎病毒的免疫反应上的促炎作用

proinflammatory role for interleukin-22 in the immune response to hepatitis B virus....AbstractT-helper (Th)17 cells that secrete interleukin (IL)-22 have

2020.03.30 2020年第22届俄罗斯国际制药工业制药原料展览会

2020年第22届俄罗斯国际制药展Pharmingredients & Pharm tech展出日期:2020年11月10-13日展览周期:一年一届...邮箱(E-mai):nick@biologfair.com网址(WEB):www.biologfair.com地 址:上海市浦东新区金湘路201弄15
东莞首度确诊H7N9患者 22名接触者留院观察

2014.12.01 东莞首度确诊H7N9患者 22名接触者留院观察

据新华社电 自确诊一例人感染H7N9禽流感病例后,东莞市启动了《东莞市人感染H7N9禽流感防治应急预案》的Ⅲ级应急响应,对患者在东莞的密切接触者22人实施医学观察。东莞市卫生和计划生育局29日对外通报称,11月28日,该市确诊一例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。患者邓某,女,31岁,现住东莞市常平镇,目前患者病情危重
干燥综合征治疗市场规模到 2024 年将增长到 22 亿美元

2016.01.15 干燥综合征治疗市场规模到 2024 年将增长到 22 亿美元

据研究与咨询公司 GlobalData 称,干燥综合征治疗市场未来十年将经历令人印象深刻的增长,将从 2014 年的 11 亿美元增长一倍,达到 2024 年的 22 亿美元,这一增长将主要由百时美施贵宝阿巴西普 2021 年的市场投放所驱动。该公司最新报告《OpportunityAnalyzer:干燥综合征

2014.12.22 COPD急性发作期激素怎么用?

从过去的10~14天,每天30!40毫克,变成5天,每天40毫克。ReferenceThe Global Strategy for theDiagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for ChronicObstructive Lung
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