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2018.06.02 剖宫产围手术期预防用抗菌药物
Surgical site infections after cesarean delivery: epidemiology, prevention... Advisory Committee Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (2017
2013.07.29 Alain G. Cribier教授:经导管主动脉瓣植入——从概念到临床现实的漫长探索过程
want to have as less as possible leaking on the site. We do Echogram and Angiogram... mainly occur in the entry site since the size of needle selected.The very large
2007.01.10 癌症化疗新途径——显微脂质泡
to the site than they could before, according to Dewhirst.The new study... to the treatment?'" he explained.By adjusting the heat at the tumor site -- which
2023.05.29 围手术期该不该预防性应用抗菌药物?什么情况下需要用?
guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection, second edition(2018... and Prevention Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 2017[J
2017.08.08 点阵激光治疗白癜风 你试过么?
al. Prospective comparison of recipient site preparation with fractionalcarbon dioxide laservs. dermabrasion and recipient site dressing composition
2014.09.17 普瑞巴林应用于日本中枢神经性疼痛患者的安全性和耐受性研究
be classified ascentral or peripheral, depending on the site..., and neuropathic pain developed at the site of the post-stroke sensory disturbance. Patients
2021.06.25 【病例分享】发现颈部转移瘤,如何诊断和定位原肿瘤?
carcinoma of unknown primary site,CCUP)。颈部淋巴结转移瘤在颈部恶性肿瘤中较常见,颈淋巴结转移瘤原发灶约 75% 来源于头颈部
2020.07.06 诺氟沙星所致固定性药疹 1 例
Specific site involvement in fixed drug eruption. J Am AcadDermatol, 2003, 49