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2013.08.22 A Trial of Intracranial-Pressure Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury


2013.08.19 Braveheart, a long noncoding RNA required for cardiovascular lineage commitment.

长链非编码RNA 在心血管疾病中的研究就目前来讲是比较少的。。。

2013.08.12 Curettage of benign bone tumors and tumor like lesions: A retrospective analysis


2013.08.12 A controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee.

目前在基层医院中仍有大量的医生对膝关节的骨性关节炎进行关节镜手术清理治疗,而其实这已经被证实是无效的了。这篇2002年《新英格兰医学杂志》的文章是一篇具有重要意义的文献,推翻了过去的治疗理念。国内的医生需要认识到这个问题, 避免医疗资源的浪费,寻找更有意义的治疗方法。

2012.09.19 2011年英国国家临床指南中心成人髋部骨折诊疗指南

, with a cost (including medical and social care) amounting to about £2 billion a...Hip fracture is the plain English term for a proximal femoral fracture

2013.07.10 靶向血管生成素-1的上调可改善早期糖尿病性肾病

sequel of a deranged balance between autoreactive pathogenic T effector cells (Teff) and tolerogenic regulatory T cells (Tregs)A thorough understanding

2011.12.22 论文潮:2011年科研论文数量top40国家

For science — as for politics and economics — 2011 was a year of upheaval, the effects of which will reverberate for decades. The United States lost three venerable symbols of its scientific might: the space-shuttle programme, the Tevatron particle collider and blockbuster profits from the world's best-selling drug all came to an end. But the year also saw stirrings of science's future: hopes that research might blossom following the Arab Spring; cheap vaccines rolling out in Africa; and the first fruits of genome sequencing being used in the clinic. All this was overshadowed by the triple trauma of Japan's devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, and a continual chipping away at science funding as nations struggled with the financial crisis.

2012.09.19 老年内科疾病诊治新进展

; 授课人1 重症感染时抗生素的应用 李昂教授2 ST段...得国家级I类继续教育学分6分,现将有关事项通知如下:1.学习班举办时间:2010年10月22日~10月24日,理论授课总学时20学时。2.地点

2011.12.05 NCCN肾癌临床实践指南2011年第一版

修改为:"小的单侧肿瘤(T1a和选择性T1b患者)"和"孤立肾、肾功能不全、双侧肾肿瘤、家族性肾细胞癌"。2 新增...(KID-1)IV期肾癌的初始治疗(KID-2)复发和由于内科或外科原因无法手术切除的IV期肾癌透明细胞为主型肾癌的一线治疗及后续治疗
诺和诺德公司成功完成糖尿病新药 semaglutide 的 3A 期试验

2015.09.28 诺和诺德公司成功完成糖尿病新药 semaglutide 的 3A 期试验

丹麦制药公司诺和诺德在 25 日表示,其糖尿病药物 semaglutide 已成功地完成了第二阶段 3A 期临床试验。首席科学官 Thomsen 在一份声明中称,「这次试验结果显示,每周注射一次 1.0 mg 的 semaglutide 相比每周一次 2.0 mg 的 exenatideonce 可以更好得控制血糖

2015.12.23 Vascular Proteomics Reveal Novel Proteins Involved in SMC Phenotypic Change: OLR1 as a SMC Receptor Regulating Proliferation and Inflammatory Response

文章内容请点击:Vascular Proteomics Reveal Novel ProteinsInvolved in SMC Phenotypic Change: OLR1 asa SMC Receptor Regulating Proliferation a...

2012.03.19 Atherosclerosis:患者入院时血浆护骨素水平与急性STEMI血管再通后无复流现象和左室重构有关

Probiotics during the first 7 years of life: A cumulative risk reduction of eczema in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial

2018.01.09 Probiotics during the first 7 years of life: A cumulative risk reduction of eczema in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial

关键期:湿疹,0~7 岁

2013.10.21 Predictors of transfer to rehabilitation for trauma patients admitted to a level 1 trauma centre—A model derivation and internal validation study


2013.08.23 Is E-cadherin immunoexpression a prognostic factor for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)? A systematic review and meta-analysis

这篇文章是较好的Meta分析,用多种统计学方法来分析,包括Meta 回归,亚组分析等。而且提出了头颈部鳞癌的重要预后指标,可指导治疗。

2013.04.19 Hsa-mir-27a genetic variant contributes to gastric cancer susceptibility through affecting miR-27a and target gene expression


2019.10.24 2020年第5届圣加伦国际胃肠道肿瘤大会(GICC 2020)

Messen主办单位:St.Gallen Oncology Conferences (SONK)注册费:12月15日前CHF 675,12月16-2月1日CHF 975,22日起-现场CHF 1075汉鼎国际为您提供以下服务:1、会议注册,申请邀请函,预订酒店、预订机票、代办签证、接送机安排;2、随团预订:本机构组团
秦叔逵:Patient-reported Outcomes in a Registrational Study of Axitinib or Sorafenib as Second-line Therapy in Asian Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

2013.09.26 秦叔逵:Patient-reported Outcomes in a Registrational Study of Axitinib or Sorafenib as Second-line Therapy in Asian Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

秦叔逵:Patent-reported Outcomes in a Registrational Study of Axitinib... Carcinoma-01秦叔逵:Patent-reported Outcomes in a Registrational Study

2013.01.28 Epidemiology:上海交通大学医学院宁光研究发现尿双酚A或增加中国成年人甲亢的患病风险

不论男性或女性,高水平的尿双酚A均与甲状腺功能亢进相关动物实验发现双酚A可与甲状腺激素受体结合从而影响甲状腺功能,但这种关联性研究尚未在人群中展开。为了探讨中国人群中尿双酚A与甲状腺功能的关系,我国上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院宁光教授开展了一项横断面研究(Urinary bisphenol

2015.07.30 RWTH Aachen 亚琛工业大学

简介RWTH Aachen University is a research university of technology (comparable...) top group of universities in Germany in the aforementioned fields of engineering
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