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2013.04.04 2013年1型糖尿病免疫病理研讨会

A great deal has been learned about the effectors and mechanisms of Type 1 diabetes from preclinical models and studies of samples from patients at risk

2007.01.04 2006,制药巨头们难捱的一年


2015.06.16 老年人听力障碍或与认知功能下降相关

听力下降在老年人中十分常见,助听器等辅助设备可明显改善听力。最近的流行病学研究提示听力损害可能是认知功能下降的一项危险因素。为进一步验证其相关性,来自美国巴尔的摩约翰·霍普金斯大学流行病学专业的 Deal 教授开展了一项探索性研究,结果发表在最新一期的 American Journal of Epidemiology

2012.11.08 2012年ATA成人甲状腺功能减退症临床实践指南

for at least several weeks. They do not deal with myxedema coma. The interested

2006.10.08 葛兰素授权中国先声公司生产抗流感药物

of an influenza pandemic triggered by bird flu.The licensing deal gives Simcere of Nanjing... and should slow its spread.Glaxo's licensing deal follows similar steps by its Swiss

2017.06.08 【ASCO2017重磅新闻】利用网络「自我报告症状」延长患者生存时间

」资助。本文引自:Ethan M. Basch, Allison Mary Deal, Amylou C. Dueck,et

2016.04.20 日历贴纸:儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病的治疗(诱导缓解期)

19 天复查骨髓,原淋+幼淋 5%~25% 者进行 CAM,大于 25% 者进行 DEAL。7. 提前 1~2 天看日历,根据患儿病情及时调整。9. 诱导缓解

2007.08.02 生物技术工业组织七月份十大新闻

drug-development licensing deal with Roche, "offers us entry to a new technology... programming of evolution. New York Times, The (07/08)  10) Top 25 medical events

2018.10.30 2019亚洲药物研发创新峰会

deal making between pharmas, biotechs and academics in China and across other Asian... partnership with top China CRO,biotech and academia4.Hear how government

2016.02.29 如何做好医学生实习和参观

are in the hospital.15. 如果不能接触病人,可以问「我对这个病例很有兴趣。我可以看一下病历或者检查一下病人吗?」Deal... they are difficult to deal with. If it is about their personality, change a person
Dopamine Signaling in Parkinson's Disease

2019.03.28 Dopamine Signaling in Parkinson's Disease

plant becomes a big deal in a major movement disorder. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 21

2012.01.31 SCI 论文常用经典句型

and 3.18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx... useful for approaching18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a

2018.07.16 18

控制性超排卵中血清 LH 浓度过低对 IVF-ET 的影响

2016.01.02 控制性超排卵中血清 LH 浓度过低对 IVF-ET 的影响


2011.12.30 SCI论文写作常用经典句子

/ developed by []l Previous work, such as [] and [], deal only withl... on the principle ofl More history of ... can be found in xx et al. [1979
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