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蛋白质非标记定量技术(Label-Free shotgun)

2015.03.17 蛋白质非标记定量技术(Label-Free shotgun)

提供了技术保障。Label-free shotgun:无标签标记的定量蛋白质组学研究,依赖于繁杂的信息分析完成定量过程,主要有两种:信号强度和谱图计数法[1

2012.02.14 MicroRNA调节巨核细胞的生成

of about 22-nucleotide noncoding RNAs that have been highly conserved during evolution and play a significant role in haematopoiesis, including differentiation

2012.02.07 蒽环类药物心脏毒性防治共识

联合化疗效果更好 -5EBCTCG Meta-Analysis (2005-06)-6Evolution...心脏毒性的机理-20蒽环类药物心脏毒性的诊疗概要-21药物心脏毒性的诊断-22

2013.11.13 人乳具抗HCV活性

Background. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread through direct contact with blood, although alternative routes of transmission may contribute to the global burden. Perinatal infection occurs in up to 5% of HCV-infected mothers, and presence of HCV RNA in breast milk has been reported. We investigated the influence of breast milk on HCV infectiousness.Methods/Results. Human breast milk reduced HCV infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was species-specific because milk from various animals did not inhibit HCV infection. Treatment of HCV with human breast milk did not compromise integrity of viral RNA or capsids but destroyed the lipid envelope. Fractionation of breast milk revealed that the antiviral activity is present in the cream fraction containing the fat. Proteolytic digestion of milk proteins had no influence on its antiviral activity, whereas prolonged storage at 4°C increased antiviral activity. Notably, pretreatment with a lipase inhibitor ablated the antiviral activity and specific free fatty acids of breast milk were antiviral.Conclusions. The antiviral activity of breast milk is linked to endogenous lipase-dependent generation of free fatty acids, which destroy the viral lipid envelope. Therefore, nursing by HCV-positive mothers is unlikely to play a major role in vertical transmission.

2013.11.28 Generation of integration-free neural progenitor cells from cells in human urine


2013.10.08 Genome Aberrations in Canine Mammary Carcinomas and Their Detection in Cell-Free Plasma DNA


2012.11.28 唐熠达:急性冠脉综合征的诊断和治疗

Evolution of Guidelines for ACS-36GRACE risk score-30...释放曲线-22胸痛的价值和局限性-15胸痛对ACS的诊断价值-11胸痛鉴别的主要目标-10

2013.11.13 Everolimus Plus Exemestane in Postmenopausal Patients with HR+ Breast Cancer: BOLERO-2 Final Progression-Free Survival Analysis.


2013.05.27 microRNA-34a expression correlates with MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism and treatment-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

microRNA-34a tp53在白血病发病的作用

2015.07.29 莱比锡大学 Uni Leipzig

简介The Leipzig University (German: Universit?t Leipzig), located in Leipzig in the Free State of Saxony, Germany, is one of the oldest

2015.09.02 「全科医生强化培训班」日程表

丁香诊所是一家基于互联网实践的线下医疗诊所,为了增强诊所医生护士对全科医学知识和技能的掌握,为病人建立一个 worry-free(完全信赖)的就医环境,丁香... respiratory diseases9-22星期二 (Tue)   上午08:00-12:00滑囊积液(炎

2013.03.13 2013年EMBL非编码基因研讨会

are known to play central roles across numerous biological processes required for cell

2012.09.19 第31届以色列骨科协会年会

& Trauma and hand surgery. Free papers sessions in every subspecialty...: aregev@paragon-conventions.com

2011.11.16 第七届世界小儿传染病学会国际会议

symposia, free papers, poster sessions, and networking opportunities.官网:www.kenes.com/wspid

2018.06.14 2018 年欧洲烧伤协会年会(EBA)

2018 年欧洲烧伤协会年会(EBA)会议时间:2018 年 12 月 4-6 日 会议城市:英国-曼彻斯特 会展场馆:Royal Free Hospital...:British Medical Ultrasound Society开幕式时间:暂无 组织单位:汉鼎国际医学推广机构公司官网:www.hdimcs.com

2013.01.10 2011年美国痴呆患者认知与行为问题指南

Family physicians play a crucial role in the management and ongoing care of patients with Alzheimerdisease (AD). This article reviews the effects

2012.05.14 美国医生开发出有助于治疗强迫症的app

Live OCD Free是一个新开发的app,它旨在帮助治疗强迫症的衰弱症状。根据MassHighTech.com网站的相关介绍,此新的...醒他们不要屈服于自己的强迫症以及监视器报告的焦虑水平。根据ABCNews.com的报道,用户可以趋向于他们的焦虑水平,而且一旦此焦虑水平下降,他们将会承受更具

2013.03.13 2013年树突分子结构与功能戈登会议

Dendrites play a central role in neuronal information processing by integrating thousands of synaptic inputs to generate a meaningful action potential
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