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2014.08.23 2


2014.08.18 2


2014.07.08 外景2

2012.09.06 2012 EASD ADA高血糖管理指南

Glycemic management in type 2 diabetes mellitus has become increasingly... and new uncertainties regarding the benefits of intensive glycemic control

2012.09.19 中英公共卫生的科学决策研讨会

议题/演讲人主持人4th of Mar. 2

2013.09.24 专题讨论2现场


2006.02.09 science快讯2006年2月3日

2006年2月3日 美国《科学》周刊311卷 第5761期 提要 根据美国《科学》周刊的新闻发布翻译编辑。 如有误,请以《科学》周刊上刊登的原文为准... Receptor Qing Huai,1 Andrew P. Mazar,2 Alice Kuo,3 Graham C. Parry,2 David E.
The ATP-binding Cassette Transporter ABCG2 (BCRP) Is Expressed in Human Gastric Carcinoma

2008.04.28 The ATP-binding Cassette Transporter ABCG2 (BCRP) Is Expressed in Human Gastric Carcinoma

The ATP-binding Cassette Transporter ABCG2 (BCRP) Is Expressed in Human Gastric...: 010-68217460AbstractAim: To investigate the expression of ABCG2 in human gastric
8 月 27 日:开幕式及大会报告1、2

2015.08.18 8 月 27 日:开幕式及大会报告1、2

; 大会报告2 主持人:陈家伟,李光伟PL-03&nbsp...-14:20 [专题发言] 2型糖尿病血脂谱与胰岛素抵抗和胰岛β细胞

2013.04.19 Beyond Mammography: New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening remains a subject of intense and, at times, passionate debate. Mammography has long been the mainstay of breast cancer detection and is the only screening test proven to reduce mortality. Although it remains the gold standard of breast cancer screening, there is increasing awareness of subpopulations of women for whom mammography has reduced sensitivity. Mammography also has undergone increased scrutiny for false positives and excessive biopsies, which increase radiation dose, cost, and patient anxiety. In response to these challenges, new technologies for breast cancer screening have been developed, including low-dose mammography, contrast-enhanced mammography, tomosynthesis, automated whole breast ultrasound, molecular imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging. Here we examine some of the current controversies and promising new technologies that may improve detection of breast cancer both in the general population and in high-risk groups, such as women with dense breasts. We propose that optimal breast cancer screening will ultimately require a personalized approach based on metrics of cancer risk with selective application of specific screening technologies best suited to the individual\\\'s age, risk, and breast density

2013.08.16 New Direction in Surgery for Rectal Cancer

A new treatment paradigm for mCRC

2008.09.19 A new treatment paradigm for mCRC

Prof. Heinz-Josef Lenz Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center USA ...
5 分钟搞定颈项透明层的测量

2016.02.26 5 分钟搞定颈项透明层的测量

NT 是什么?本文谈及 NT 不是要讨论新技术(New Technoly),也不是要探讨新台币(New Taiwan Dollar),更不是研究让人敏感的...让你给妊娠 20 周的胎儿测量 NT,你大可以义正言辞的拒绝加鄙视。2. 应取得胎儿的正中矢切面图,并在胎儿自然姿势时量度 NT。如果胎儿过于紧张,你大可以用「胎

2015.01.26 2015冷泉港亚洲-脂肪代谢和人类代谢疾病Lipid Metabolism and Human Metabolic Disorders

,University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIAMajor Topics1. Regulation of lipidstorage2. Lipid trafficking3. Lipogenesis &TAG synthesis4.

2014.07.07 老年2型糖尿病管理全球指南2


2013.08.26 9例颈动脉体瘤的诊治


资料和方法 全组男5例,女4例;年龄2684岁,平均43岁;病程3个月~6年,平均2.24年。单侧病变6例,双侧病变(包括单侧先后发病)3例。均无慢性缺氧史及副节瘤家族史。2例有患侧手术史,其中1例行颈动脉体瘤切除术因手术困难未予以切除,1例误诊为颈部脂肪瘤切除失败。9例均因颈前三角区肿物就诊,临床表现为颈部疼痛3例,肿物呈搏动性2例,头痛2例,视物不清、复视2例,耳鸣2例,眩晕2例,伸舌偏斜2例,呛咳1例,声嘶1例,Homer;其中呛咳、伸舌偏斜、Horner征均为外院术后出现。查看更多

病例 2 脊柱

2019.09.05 病例 2 脊柱

男,29 岁,右小腿酸痛半年余 ,患者 2 年余前,无明显诱因下出现下腰部疼痛,疼痛较轻微,日常生活无明显影响。血常规及血沉正常。本病例共包含2张影像图片图 1 (点击图片可放大查看)图 2 (点击图片可放大查看)请根据以上描述和影像,做出你的判断

2019.04.29 矫形器压力衣制作区2


2014.11.06 自动拼接之组织切片-2

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