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CPhI 国际药政答疑会(收费会议,双语)

2016.03.28 CPhI 国际药政答疑会(收费会议,双语)

on FDA on Site Inspection and Data Integrity and Q&A美国

2014.10.14 国际SOS

/ Coordinating Doctor 协调医生2、Wellness Doctor健康咨询医生3、Wellness Nurse 健康服务专员4、Remote Site

2013.12.05 西安杨森制药有限公司

。招聘职位:1、地区经理2、Local Trial Manager II3、Site Manager4、Data Management

2012.11.07 2012年美国OARAC成人和青少年HIV抗逆转录病毒治疗治疗更新指南

site at http://www.aidsinfo.nih.gov). However, the guidelines cannot always keep

2012.02.27 CT引导下经皮穿刺微波热消融术治疗肾上腺恶性肿瘤的初步结果

recurrent tumor at the treated site, and this lack of recurrence indicated effective
ESMO Spotlights 2011 Head & Neck Cancer

2011.12.05 ESMO Spotlights 2011 Head & Neck Cancer

) of second primary malignancy (SPM) by site of index of HNC Changes during the HPV
D. Lorne Tyrrell教授:拉米夫定治疗乙肝相关进展

2008.09.13 D. Lorne Tyrrell教授:拉米夫定治疗乙肝相关进展

for the treatment of HBV in humans (7). Using site-specific mutagenesis, we later

2007.10.31 Tsui-Lieh Hsu:从便携式超声到iEcho

the bedside information to the remote site for consultation, education or resources center


we will have a site visit to Shanghai Proton and Heavy IonCenter, which

2019.09.05 最新!中国手术部位感染预防指南概要

中国版手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI)于近期发布,与 2010 年我国卫健委发布的《外科手术部位感染预防与控制技术指南... and Prevention Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, JAMA Surgery

2018.05.25 单孔腹腔镜预备篇—手把手教你做入路平台

, Bhandarkar DS. Laparoendoscopic single-site adnexal surgery: Preliminary Indian... laparoendoscopic single site adrenalectomy: A comparison of 3 different port platforms with 3
美国学术型急诊医生,每周上完 26 小时临床班后,还要做……

2018.05.03 美国学术型急诊医生,每周上完 26 小时临床班后,还要做……

respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). I was a site... clinical trials and studies. Currently, Brigham is a site
急性 ST 段抬高型心梗:手把手教你判断罪犯血管

2017.05.25 急性 ST 段抬高型心梗:手把手教你判断罪犯血管

in localizing the occlusion site in the left anteriol descending coronary artery... in prediacting the occlusion site in acute anterior myocardial infarction with isolated
CPhI 药政答疑会

2017.02.27 CPhI 药政答疑会

在中国开展现场检查的缺陷分析Updates on FDA On Site Inspection DeficienciesFDA14:50~ 
2016 ACS 指南:手术部位感染(更新版)

2017.01.19 2016 ACS 指南:手术部位感染(更新版)

SSI(Surgical site infections,手术部位感染)是手术常见并发症,也是医院获得性感染中最常见的一种,约占 20%。SSI 可延长住院时间,使死亡率增加 2~11 倍。尽管大部分患者治愈后并没有远期不良后果,但是 SSI 患者中,死亡率的 77% 归因于感染。在美国,住院患者的 SSI 发生率

2016.11.02 2016年亚太消化病周(APDW)

sightseeing spots such as Himeji Castle, the world heritage site, and such big cities

2015.10.28 吸烟与下肢全关节置换术后切口感染密切相关

手术切口部位感染(Surgical site infection,SSI)是全髋或全膝关节置换术中面临的一大难题。美国梅奥医院的 Sandra 教授等人就一项病例对照试验,比较全麻与硬脊膜外麻醉对于初次进行全髋或全膝置换患者及关节置换后翻修患者,术后一年手术切口部位感染的风险大小。同时该研究也对患者类型、选用的
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