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2021.03.31 【血气分析宝典】史上最好记漫画图解!

大小姐 [H2CO3] 和碱家大少爷 [HCO3-] 至死不渝的爱情故事。首先 [HCO3-] 和 [H2CO3] 是血液缓冲体系中最重要的酸碱缓冲对,HCO3 - 浓度与 H2CO3 浓度比值约为 20:1,所以缓冲酸的能力远远大于缓冲碱的能力。俩根的浓度易于通过肾和肺调节。基于

2012.11.25 第九届国际糖尿病联盟西太平洋地区学术大会暨第四届亚洲糖尿病学会学术年会


2012.10.15 北京大学-多伦多大学系统生物学联合学术研讨会

is co-organized byPKU Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB), PKU Institute of Systems

2012.09.19 2011国际分子神经退行性疾病大会

Neurodegeneration” is co-hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Medical

2020.08.31 第十四届中国科学仪器发展年会「大会+分论坛」日程公布

第十四届中国科学仪器发展年会(简称 ACCSI2020)将于 2020 年 9 月 16 日-9 月 17 日在天津东丽湖恒大酒店召开,大会正在如火如荼地筹备中,目前大会日程及分论坛日程已确定,诚邀「政、产、学、研、用、资、媒」各方代表莅临参会。ACCSI 定位为科学仪器行业高级别产业峰会,至今已成功举办 13 届,单届参会人数突破 1000 人,被业界誉为科学仪器行业的「达沃斯论坛」。ACCSI2020 由中国仪器仪表行业协会、中国仪器仪表学会、仪器信息网 (instrument.co ...

2013.11.04 Tumor-derived hydrogen sulfide, produced by cystathionine-β-synthase, stimulates bioenergetics, cell proliferation, and angiogenesis in colon cancer.

硫化氢 H2S,作为和NO、CO一样的气体信号分子,目前越来越受到人们的关注。作为这个新型的气体分子,它最初的功能是对心脑血管疾病的作用,而越来越多的研究在转向它对肿瘤的作用。硫化氢可以说也是一把双刃剑,对肿瘤有促进也有抑制,目前报道不一致。本文从生物能量代谢的角度,剖析了结肠癌细胞衍生的硫化氢如何发挥功效,发挥一个促进肿瘤的作用,并且是通过调控了肿瘤细胞的生物能量代谢。

2012.09.10 何权瀛:COPD2011GODE指南解读

COPD和合并症-422011指南更新章节-8COPD急性加重期-26COPD急性加重期鉴别-27COPD急性加重期评估-28COPD急性加重期药物治疗-30COPD急性加重期药物治疗-32COPD急性加重期药物治疗-31COPD急性加重期药物治疗-34COPD急性加重期药物治疗-33COPD急性加重期药物治疗-35COPD急性加重期药物治疗-36COPD急性加重期治疗-29COPD急性加重期药物治疗-41CO ...

2012.09.19 第11届欧洲核医学协会年会

the Highlights Lecture in co-ordination with previous YIM participants.

2012.09.19 第十七届国际生物物理大会

also aim to encourage co-operation and interaction among the international

2012.09.19 新版GMP无菌制剂质量保证技术培训班

!祝:工作顺利!联系人:林明 刘树强Beijing BMH instruments Co., Ltd.北京博劢行仪器有限公司
TAF 联合 Peg-INFα治疗慢性乙型肝炎优势患者 1 例

2020.02.03 TAF 联合 Peg-INFα治疗慢性乙型肝炎优势患者 1 例

4 月查 HBV DNA Not detected;HBsAg 49.5IU/ml, HBsAb 3.44 S/CO,HBeAg0.38 S/CO, HBeAb0.01 S/CO,HBcAb 8.7 S/CO, 表面抗原持续低水平,给予 ETV 联合使用 Peg-INF-α180 μg 治疗。2019 年 7 月复查

2012.09.19 General Surgery 普外科(腹腔镜技术)培训班

hands co- ordination for dissection, safe use of energy in laparoscopy4

2012.04.13 依折麦布和辛伐他汀联合用药VS阿托伐他汀:安全性和疗效上更具优越性

Co-Administered With Simvastatin Compared With Atorvastatin in Adults... of co-administered ezetimibe+simvastatin with atorvastatin monotherapy in adults

2007.02.12 丙氧氨酚复方片逐步退出英国市场


2012.09.19 2011西安国际心血管病论坛暨第十六届西京-Mayo Clinic心血管病学新进展研讨会通知


2012.09.19 美国医疗保健信息和管理系统协会2011年亚太区会议及领袖峰会

enquiries, please contact:Ms. Agnes HowCo-ordinator, Administrative

2012.09.19 第16届世界心脏病、超声心动图和联合成像技术大会

: echoacadindia@yahoo.co.inOfficial Congress & Travel Managers

2012.09.19 2011美国亚特兰大国际医疗居家护理复健保健展Medtrade

Exit & Entry Co.,Ltd负责人:连先生电话:0591-87670726 13313786352QQ

2012.09.19 第五届Cochrane系统综述培训班

精神医学系教授,Cochrane精神分裂症专业组协调编辑(Co-ordinating Editor of the Cochrane Schizophrenia

2013.09.12 人冠状病毒229E和OC43在成年人群的发病率和临床特点相似

Background. The incidence and clinical impact of Coronavirus (CoV) infection in elderly persons and those with underlying cardiopulmonary disease over a long duration is not well described. We determined the incidence and clinical impact of 229E and OC43 CoV in this population during four consecutive winters, and compared illnesses to influenza A, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV).Methods. CoV229E and OC43 were detected by RT-PCR and serology in four adult populations under surveillance for acute respiratory illness during the winters of 1999-2003. Cohorts included young healthy adults, healthy elderly, high-risk adults with underlying cardiopulmonary disease, and a hospitalized group.Results. 398 CoV infections were identified, with annual infection rates ranging from 2.8-26% in prospective cohorts, and prevalence ranging from 3.3-11.1% in the hospitalized cohort. The incidence of infections with each strain was similar, although asymptomatic infection and viral co-infection was significantly more common with 229E than OC43 infection. Although the incidence and clinical manifestations were similar for each strain, OC43 infected subjects tended to seek more medical care as OC43 was twice as common as 229E among the hospitalized cohort.Conclusions. CoV infections in the elderly are frequent, likely causing substantial medical disease burden.
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